24W - Feeling SO Defeated with Decline in Running. Tips?

@jsykes I feel your frustration! I’m only sixteen weeks but I’ve really been struggling through runs lately. I ran a marathon at nine weeks and had envisioned that I’d be back to my baseline 25-30 mile weeks by now but it’s just not happening. I used to be able to run a 15-miler and then go about my day, now I’m totally wiped out after four or five.

I think I still have a few weeks left of running but I can see the end in sight and it’s bumming me out. ☹️
@jsykes Keep in mind that you are now carrying a bowling ball with you everywhere you go. So if you find you have to start walking/hiking instead of running, you're actually "rucking" with a weight that keeps gradually getting heavier the further you go in pregnancy.
@jsykes I’m 25 weeks and have been able to maintain about 25-28 mpw spread over 4 runs. I started taking magnesium to help with the calf pain/tightness, and it has really made a positive impact! I’ve also found that running in the morning relatively fasted has been the best for me in terms of reducing round ligament pain and other discomfort. Compression shorts and the belly band or kinesiology tape have helped a lot too, though I still get the occasional cramping, at which point I will stop and walk a bit. Also staying hydrated is key, and I make sure to run on a route with plenty of bathrooms.

I have tried to run without a watch as much as possible and just listen to my body in terms of pace, which has really helped! I also gave up on any kind of speed work at about 23 weeks. I am sure that I will start incorporating walk intervals soon too. I also do a strength training class a few times a week that I really think has helped me maintain the stability to be able to run distance comfortably for this long.

Overall, it’s been a matter of slowing down and listening to my body, but I totally get the frustration as everything gets so much harder!
@annemk thank you for this! I have the tape but have never used it. Any resources with a how to on taping up? Someone suggested the Gabrialla band + FitSplint together so that is today's attempt!

I'm a fitness instructor so my mornings usually go to that.

Omg watchless...I would feel SOOOO naked, but that does sound good for mindset :)
@jsykes I’ve just googled KT taping for pregnancy / round ligament pain and there are some good diagrams! Essentially it’s kind of like a sling under your bump.

It definitely takes some getting used to to go without the watch, but luckily I know my distance markers pretty well at this point so I’m able to make do on most runs. There is something quite freeing about not focusing on pace and just running to a landmark!
@jsykes Hey!

I'm 40w today and stopped running at 35ish weeks because it felt like my vag was falling out. My paces were SO slow towards the end--pre-pregnancy I was a boston marathon qualifier, ran 1:25 half marathoner... and here I was dying at 10:00 pace! So I totally get your pain.

The best approach I have to cope with this is to reframe why you're running. Why do you still want to run?? For me, it was to keep my body moving and because I felt GREAT after the runs. An added perk is being in great shape for labor (still feeling great at 40w) and the benefits conferred to baby in terms of their cardiovascular health. The pace is irrelevant so can you stop tracking it e.g. turn your watch on time only?
@jsykes Hi there! I am late to post but just wanted to share. I am a distance runner (in Baltimore, so close to you!) and have been fortunate to be able to keep up running during my entire pregnancy so far (I'm at 28 weeks.) Granted, my paces are much slower and my distances are cut in half, but I'm still moving! I find that walk breaks/deep breathing/staying super hydrated really help with the round ligament cramps....I walk up most hills. There was a point for me around 25 weeks when I almost gave up and had to start wearing my Fitsplint due to constant pressure in my pelvic region and round ligament pain, but I kept at it, and now my body seems to have adjusted, despite my growing bump! I ran 5 miles yesterday with only a few walk breaks and managed to run a sub 9 mile, which may be the fastest so far since second trimester....our bodies are amazing!

It also helps me to take breaks in between run days. I had a week where I ran 5 days in a row and couldn't walk for a few days afterwards due to pelvic soreness. Embrace the cross training days in between and welcome the running days when you feel up to it! As everyone else keeps saying, listen to your body and dial back when necessary. But also - let yourself be surprised, and embrace a tiny bit of discomfort (as I'm sure you're used to doing as runner!) You could have some fantastic runs in your future....I believe in you! I wish I lived in DC so I could have a pregnant running buddy :)
@redwoodman Thank you so much for this thoughtful reply! It inspired me to try some run/walks instead of just resigning myself to power walking. I am also going to try to add some KT tape to my Gabrialla / FitSplint combo…trust me…plus compression socks I look SO COOL running.

Wish you were closer too…would love a pregnant run, race walk, walk buddy :)