2 months postpartum and i don’t know where to start 😕

@rrruff I know 2 months sounds like a long time but mama you even had twins! You’re a rockstar for one! And for two give yourself a little grace, you brought two babies into this world! PP is so hard mentally and physically. Start making small changes, an afternoon walk or a walk after dinner for crabby babies. My little guy LOVES to just be outside. Focus on protein, limit carbs and sugar and that will make you feel better almost right away! Cutting carbs cuts bloat for me. Get up for the day, get a shower get dressed do your hair and or makeup, I feel those small things make a huge difference!
@lolaeliot I’m trying to get myself into a self care routine. I just forget about myself so often when I’m caring for the babies. I definitely need to get my diet under control because I just grab what’s easiest without really paying attention to what’s in it
@rrruff And these things are totally normal in the first bit of being PP let alone with two babies! Do you have help? Can someone meal prep for you? Watch babies while you meal prep? It takes a village literally.
@rrruff 7 weeks PP with my second c section baby and feeling the same. I try to focus on small wins and do things to feel good, but each day is still a struggle. I didn’t feel this way with my first, it’s just all a wild ride.