So my daughter is 17 and a senior in high school. She's had a few boyfriends but it never lasted long. She's a couple months into her first serious relationship. Her and I have had discussions about sex. She's been on birth control for a couple years due to her periods and recently just switched from pills to the shot because she was horrible at remembering to take the pills. She knows she should also be using condoms. I am all about her having bodily autonomy & having sex when she's ready. That's not where the issue lies. What I'm struggling with right now is when they spend time together at my house I feel very uncomfortable with thinking about sexual activity going on while I'm there. I've obviously been a teenager and I know all about how hormones are raging at her age. I'm not against them being intimate but I guess I'm having a hard time reconciling that my baby girl is turning into a woman with desires. I had the same feeling last week when I did her laundry and she had a new collection of g-strings. I know it doesn't make sense - I want her to be able to have the experiences she wants. I'm truly happy that she has found someone that treats her well. It's just when he comes over and are either up in her room or I come downstairs and they are lying on the couch under a blanket - I just feel so awkward about it.
She will be graduating next year, which was bringing mixed emotions. I was going to be sad to let go but I was also looking forward to having more independence. Now she announced that she does not want to go to a 4 year school and will likely be living at home a while longer to go to community college. I want her to be able to explore the path she wants to take but one of the thoughts I had was how am I going to deal with her basically being an adult with a boyfriend that is going to be coming over a lot. I know I sound like I'm weirdly focused on her sexual life, and really I'm not. It's not something I'm constantly thinking about. I just don't know how to handle it when they're together in my house. Is anyone else going through this or would like to share any boundaries they have set? I know that if they want sex to happen, they'll figure out a way to do it. Right now they are not allowed to be alone in the house, which is more his parent's rule than mine. I almost wish that I could do away with that so they can have privacy.
I'm going to sit my daughter down and talk to her about it but I want to make sure I approach it the right way.
She will be graduating next year, which was bringing mixed emotions. I was going to be sad to let go but I was also looking forward to having more independence. Now she announced that she does not want to go to a 4 year school and will likely be living at home a while longer to go to community college. I want her to be able to explore the path she wants to take but one of the thoughts I had was how am I going to deal with her basically being an adult with a boyfriend that is going to be coming over a lot. I know I sound like I'm weirdly focused on her sexual life, and really I'm not. It's not something I'm constantly thinking about. I just don't know how to handle it when they're together in my house. Is anyone else going through this or would like to share any boundaries they have set? I know that if they want sex to happen, they'll figure out a way to do it. Right now they are not allowed to be alone in the house, which is more his parent's rule than mine. I almost wish that I could do away with that so they can have privacy.
I'm going to sit my daughter down and talk to her about it but I want to make sure I approach it the right way.