16w, pelvic bones hurt like I’ve been riding a bike?


New member
This is my second pregnancy- first was normal and I exercised up until the day I delivered. That was 2 years ago. Now pregnant with my second, and my crotch bones(? Like the bottom of my pelvis, between my legs, but the bone part) ache like I’ve been spending too much time on a bike (I haven’t been biking more than usual). It’s worse when I run but also hurts when I just walk. What is this and how do I fix it?! It didn’t happen with my first. Going to ask at my next appointment but that’s a week away and I’m just really uncomfortable and struggling with my normal activities. I walk, run, do Pilates, and lift weights (and also have a 2y/o).
@linenthesand SPD- symphysis pubis dysfunction. I also didn’t get it until my second pregnancy. Some people find help with physical therapy or chiropractic care (Webster certified!) but mine stayed the whole pregnancy, particularly when I exercised. I delivered my baby 2 weeks ago and within days it was gone, so there is relief in your future!
@jesuslover07 This!

I experienced it in the third trimester. Felt like I had gone horse back riding. I went to pelvic floor physical therapy and was given a regimen with lots of banded glute movements that helped take the edge off, but it went away as soon as I gave birth.
@oam Any type of exercise actually made mine worse! Not sure if I had bad form or what, but it was so hard to continue exercising throughout my pregnancy knowing I would pay for it all day! So glad it’s behind me now.
@linenthesand Girl solidarity because my first pregnancy was a breeze and I barely modified a workout, this second pregnancy is absolutely kicking my ass at only 21 weeks. Pelvic floor therapy and acupuncture has helped a lot with my pelvic pain
@nol Just want to say this second pregnancy is also kicking my ass lol. If I stand up too quickly or without bracing, my pelvis feels like it will shatter 🥴
@linenthesand Same as everyone else here it is SPD and I have it too (started midway through the 2nd trimester for me) single leg work (like lunges) and running/walking make it worse. Spin doesn’t aggravate it that much but it just gets worse as the day goes on. My midwife suggested a belt that has supports that go through the legs (Amazon search for pelvic support band pregnancy) I just got it….seems to help some but doesn’t fully relieve the pain and is awkward to wear. I am happy to hear other moms say it goes away because it sucks right now!
@linenthesand First time mom. It hit me at 30 weeks and let up a couple weeks before delivery but then came back pp and went away again after a few weeks. I think when it initially went away it was because I stopped working so instead of sitting at a desk all day, I was moving at more regular intervals. Funny enough, cycling didn’t aggravate it at all.
@cathya Also a FTM, I ran a marathon at 18+4 but developed SPD pretty suddenly at 23 weeks and had to stop running entirely. I've also been able to continue (indoor) cycling without any issues though! 35 weeks tomorrow.
@linenthesand Ooh I have this. It’s not fun. It’s symphysis pubic disfunction. I’m 29 almost 30 weeks and I have such a hard time getting up from sitting or laying down because it hurts so bad. Thankfully the pool has been a lifesaver and helps with the discomfort.
@linenthesand I have this too and have found that lots of squatting ticks it off pretty good too. Laying in the guest room on a firmer mattress has decreased the high discomfort levels at night
@linenthesand Stop running asap!! I developed severe spd with my first from running. Once it gets worse (and it can get so bad it hurts to walk) you can’t fix it. The best thing you can do is halt or slow its progression by minimizing high impact pelvic work like running