12 year old Clinginess


New member
My daughter is 12 and is the type of person who doesn't like being alone. She always wants to be with a friend/friends. She also tends to cling to certain people for certain periods of time. Example: she'll hang out with Friend A for months, then meets a new Friend B and shifts to always wanting to be with them, until Friend C comes along and then clings to them (all while remaining friends with the previous people). If she wants to do something she will text/call everyone she knows until she finally finds something to do. I don't know how to get her to stop it. How do I get her to understand it's OK to be by herself? How do I teach her that the clinginess is obnoxious and not ok?

Also to note: she doesn't want to do any activity unless a friend is doing it. She wants to change dance classes, sports clubs, etc. just because certain people are in them. She has absolutely no interest in doing something on her own.
@renie Im just a teenager but i was like this for some time, what my parents did was making me go to tje store or activity alone but they would be waiting outside for me like some kind of moral support and work our way up to more bigger/difficult things. maybe its worth a try, But im not 100% sure this will help u in anyway

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