11.5 lb baby Birth Story

@wings777 Congratulations! Currently 39.3 with my third baby and 70% effaced possibly more waiting or labor to start…hopefully soon or I’ll be induced Wednesday due to my GD but baby is average weight
@wings777 Congratulations! Thank you so much for sharing your story, I’ve got a big baby on board and I’m aiming for a vaginal birth 🤞🏼 this is so helpful for me
@wings777 Wow maybe my MIL was telling the truth lol

My husband was an 11lbs baby and she always said he was her easiest (he’s the youngest of 3 and a decade younger than his brother)

We never said anything because it was 30 years ago, but after trying to push out my lil 5 pounder i couldn’t wrap my head around an 11lbs baby
@wings777 I'm currently pregnant with my 3rd after a decade pause, lol. I had one in 2011 (17) and one in 2013 (19), and now my first girl in 08/24(30).

She has a different dad than her elder brothers. He is 4# from his mom. She says he was a 12lb baby, and it's low-key been on my mind. I feel like she's small. Or at least I did. Now, because of how strong she is, I wonder if she's gonna be a chunkster. I'm only 23 weeks, but I swear way more movement than her siblings. I can feel her moving in my dreams she's so strong, lol.

I'm confident I can handle her based on my first being horrible (21hrs). My second was a slightly painful breeze (4 hrs). I feel like she's gonna be unexpectedly fast and earlier than her siblings. I'm not sure why, just a feeling.
@wings777 Congrats! When my little 34 week twins were in the NICU bigger babies came in for brief monitoring occasionally, always gone in a few hours and I was always amazed when I saw them, like dang go mama!