11.5 lb baby Birth Story

@wings777 Glad you had a great experience considering the circumstances. My sister was a 13.7 lb baby & she caused issues for my mom well after birth. She had to undergo surgeries years later to help with that. She also lost the ability to get pregnant again. Idk how she did it but I agree, the female body is incredible.

Edit: just to clarify, my sister herself didn’t cause issues, the birth experience did however.
@changer101 Yeahhh! And that was a surprise pregnancy as she was in her late 30’s & my little brother was 7 at the time so she thought she was done. So crazy!
@katrina2017 Tbh I couldn’t tell you if she knew at the time how big she was, I’ll have to ask her for details & if she went full-term or no as I don’t recall. This was almost 2 decades ago but I can tell you she never got a c-section with any of us. That’s why I said my sister’s birth caused so much damage that she couldn’t even get pregnant again (not that she would want to but at that point it wasn’t a choice for her). I can tell you that my mom did suffer a lot afterwards as her issues were embarrassing for her & this caused her mental anguish.
@wings777 Amazing!!! Congratulations!!!

I was a 10 pound baby. I’m currently pregnant with my first and have fears of having a big baby. This post reminded me we are badass and meant to do this 🫶🏽
@kevadun My husband was 11.5, I was 7.13 and our baby came early, 36 weeks, and was 7.06!! At his 1 month check up (ON my due date) he was almost 10 lbs!
@wings777 Thank you for sharing! I’m 33 weeks and constantly monitored because I’m 40, IVF, and have a big baby. He’s measuring 98th percentile, 6.1 lbs (they’re supposed to be ~4.25 lbs at 33w). I feel like my doctors are going to start nudging me towards a planned c section which I don’t want. My sister had a 10lb.2oz. baby and pushed him out just fine. Do you recall your measurements leading up to birth??
@serenity19 At my 20 week scan (21+2 gestation) baby weighed 475g and measured approximately 1 week ahead on all measurements.

At the 40 week scan, the head and abdomen both measured as “out of range” and the legs measured at 39. At birth, baby’s head was round, but nothing record breaking. Body length was normal at 21.5.
@serenity19 I didn’t have a big baby but I will say the midwife estimated my little one 2lbs heavier than what she actually came out as

I was told less than a week before they thought she was over 7lbs but she came out 5lbs on the dot
@serenity19 I had a baby who was measuring huge too (98th and 99th percentile) and I really recommend moving to midwives (maybe at a birth center) if you get the slightest whiff of a push towards more anxiety from your doctors. I’ve had two birth center births with midwives in different cities and my experiences with them have been so much better than the two OB practices I tried at first. Maybe a generalization but they are so science based but also soooo caring and present and just told me story after story like the OP’s.
@serenity19 Just had IVF VBAC baby. At 34 weeks was measuring 8 lbs they said. Water broke on own at 38+2 baby was only 6 lbs 8 oz. They were pushing for scheduled induction and c section. We refused knowing what we wanted and risks. Don’t trust ultrasounds as they are not accurate later in pregnancy because they cannot see all parts clearly to estimate weight.
@serenity19 I had a 12lb 3oz baby (via C-section) almost 2 years ago.
My measurements were:
20 weeks -6 days ahead,
24 weeks - 10 days ahead,
27 weeks - 11 days ahead est weight 2lbs 11oz,
35 weeks - est weight 10.15