11.5 lb baby Birth Story

@wings777 I'm currently 35 + 5 days and my boy is weighing 6lbs.12oz already he is my first and has been little talk about induction as he's 92 centile yet my last scan nothing was spoken about or anything and I'm still up in the air with my possibilities. But knowing you birthed a big baby naturally has made me feel more content 😌
@weboh I had a “partial” one (low dose) for the last 40 minutes - pushing only. Took the edge off the contractions but allowed me to feel them still and feel the pushing
@wings777 Congrats! So comforting to read, I know it isn’t related to the birth of our son, but my hubby was 5,4kg when he was born. And of course I am worried.

Did you lay on your side during the whole birth or only until the head came?
@wings777 You go mama! My girl was 8lbs 1 oz, and I didn’t tear with her. I got her out in five pushes (2nd baby). I got hemorrhoids while I was pregnant with my first, and they’ve been AWFUL since I had my daughter 6 months ago. I’ve been getting them removed, so hopefully they will be better soon.
@wings777 /r/bigbabiesandkids One of us! One of us!

My baby was only 9 lbs 5 oz (98th%tile) but I also had no tearing! Homebirth in the water. She was crowning for almost an hour! But I knew going slow would prevent tearing. And my body was flooded w so much oxytocin I didn’t feel any pain! (Check out @painfreebirth for more on how to activate natural pain relief)
@wings777 Wow! Amazing. My son was estimated at 11lbs, and my belly was huge. So we decided to do a c-section. Ended up being 11.1lbs and definitely would have had issues if I had him vaginally.
@wings777 I love this. I’m so glad you had a midwife to support you when the OB started in on the usual fear based rhetoric. It’s amazing what we can do with the right support.
@wings777 You are so brave! I am proud of you and I admire you, your baby is so lucky to have you. For the hemorrhoids I strongly recommend this remedy: Buy the whole aloe vera leaf, peel it completely and cut the gel part into pieces (like half a crayon, small enough to use as suppositories). You freeze them (intro plastic wraps or something) to get a good consistency to be able to apply it easily and put it on at least 2 times a day (better if one of them is overnight). This remedy has been part of my family for years and it has make wonders for everyone that has tried it, I hope it does the same for you too. ❤️

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