@yuliia The biggest challenges during that newborn phase were adjusting to having almost no time to ourselves (esp true for the first baby), for me the raging hormones (but that got better after about two weeks post partum, if it doesn’t your wife should be screened for ppd), again for me adjusting to breastfeeding (the pain and the not having my body to myself), with our second every night around dinner time she would just cry and cry and cry and nothing you could do could console her, it makes you feel like a terrible parent even though you are doing everything right and some babies are just like that (make sure you switch out and realize baby can lay there and cry for a few minutes on their own while you take a breather), constantly watching them sleep and worrying about SIDS, and the biggest one: navigating all this new territory on little to no sleep, and the sleep you do get is crappy and disjointed little chunks. Also they give nothing back, it’s a very unrewarding time.
The challenges we are dealing with now are minor things like our 1.5 year old will just pull all the books off the shelf for fun, or she will go through phases of not wanting anything to do with eating meat and we worry if she’s getting enough iron (she’s never shown any signs of deficiency, it’s just tough sometimes to realize they are going to do what they want on their own time and we as parents can’t control everything), she’s learning new words constantly but sometimes we don’t know what she wants and she gets sooo frustrated and whiney. But honestly my colicky baby has so far been an easier toddler than my non colicky baby. The toddler phase, I think, is so much more fun too, they change so fast and every new skill is so cute and they start to communicate with you and the way they pronounce words is the most adorable thing you’ll ever hear! Sure they throw tantrums for no reason and some days they’re exhausting but they also laugh, and want to “help” with things, and give you hugs randomly.
I would say I didn’t feel like I “enjoyed” my first baby until about 18 months (although it got better around 5-6 months, and again around 9-10 months when she started sleeping better) and my second I started to enjoy a little earlier (around probably 3-4months) because I was already used to some of the adjustments and it was cute watching the two interact.