“No DoNt Do ThAt YoU’LL HaVe To cLeAn ThE DiApErS!!!!!!!” - half our family/friends reactions when I said we’re doing cloth


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Like shoot, I never thought of that?!?!?!?! Thank you for enlightening me Susan my goodness what would I do without you 😵‍💫
@damon50 When my mom saw me change our cloth diapers, which have velcro and pocket liners, she admitted that if it were this easy when she had us she would've done cloth diapers too! The changing process is exactly the same as changing a disposable diaper except I also use cloth wipes with a spray of distilled water and baby bath soap so yes technically that's one extra step.

I also wash all the bibs and meal face cloths with our diapers so it's a full load every 2 or 3 days. If I wasn't washing diapers those food covered bibs would, what, just sit there for a week? Gross.

I HATE putting laundry away but I actually really love stuffing all the diapers and keeping her diaper basket full. It honestly probably takes the same amount of time as it would if I were taking out the garbage full of disposables to our buildings garbage room every 2 or 3 days so why not do the cheaper and more sustainable option!
@damon50 My reply was always, what do you do with baby clothes that have poop on them? You'll be washing poop off things whatever. (Although I have heard some people just bin poop clothes which is awful)
@damon50 My favorite is when people ask what we do with the poop and my husband responds saying that it’s the same as with disposables; we flush it down the toilet. It’s always followed by blank stares. People don’t realize they’re not supposed to be filling our landfills with poop.
@damon50 My MIL was initially a HUGE skeptic, she said it would be too much work. We've done cloth for a year now. Today, she said she loves stuffing pockets with baby boy-- he will "help" her by playing with the pile of clean diapers and occasionally handing them to her, so it's part of their bonding time.

So keep it up, as it becomes more popular, more people will be aware and see how easy it can be to use cloth diapers!
@flennery Same with the helping!! My son is only 14 months, but he "helps" by pulling stuff out of the dryer (and then throwing them back in or on the floor) and also handing me diaper liners while I fold (and then picking up the folded stack and running away). It's the cutest thing.
@damon50 I’d prefer to do laundry than fill the earth with turds wrapped in plastic in little plastic scented bags.

Plus cloth nappies means you never have to rush down to the shops to buy more nappies!
@katrina2017 Even worse, they have "specialty" diaper ones that are 5-10x as expensive as dog poo bags. I've seen them as high as $6.99 for a single roll of "scented diaper disposal bags".
@jugghead Yes thank you! There was a poll once about why do you do EC, and for me I said it was to give my child dignity. Of course a lot of non-EC people took that to mean I was implying they didn’t care about their kids’ dignity, and that I wasn’t possibly giving them dignity by helping them eliminate in the proper place and not in their clothes. And “forcing” a baby to use the toilet isn’t dignity either ::le sigh::

Also, do you mean baby jail like you currently have a baby so have too much going on, or something else?
@living4hisglory You can’t win as a parent. It’s like the breastfeeding/formula debate, which luckily seems to be coming to an end.

I’m using “baby jail” as they do in Fresh Off The Boat: your free time is restricted because of having a kid < 2. I talked my husband into a third when the middle was 2, so we were barely out of baby jail when we went back in. 😂
@jugghead Oh man, I feel this so much! We had our second just as our first turned 2, and I am SO grateful we get to have her. But I look at the parents of my eldest’s friends, who are only children, and I’m like wow that seems nice, to have only one kiddo, and one who’s old enough to be out of the baby stage.