working moms

  1. G

    Sometimes I feel like I am just bankrolling my husband’s identity crisis

    Venting more than anything. My husband and I have been married 6 years, and had 3 kids in 18 months (because twins…) It hasn’t been easy. Our marriage has basically been a rollercoaster of blessings (kids) and disappointments (everything else). I’m an attorney. We got married right after I...
  2. P

    It’s 1:39am and I’m awake because I have pink eye brewing

    Is it a remnant of the bacterial infection my son had two weeks ago? Is it viral due to the tail end of the cold I’m kicking that my son brought home last week that laid him up for approximately 24 hours that has had me on my death bed for 4 days? Should I just go for the leftover antibiotic...
  3. C

    The Mostly Good-Enough Husband

    (New throwaway for this post, but long-time member on my main account.) We see a lot of posts about husbands who really suck at being partners and parents, and we see a few about awesome, Bandit-style husbands (we don’t watch Bluey in this house yet, but iunderstoodthatreference.gif). I find...
  4. M

    Didn’t get the promotion

    I’m with a non profit start up. Everything in my department has been built from the ground up by me. E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. The money would have been life changing for me and my children. It it would have been double the pay I’m making now. The other candidates have no work in this field but do...
  5. H

    What are your "do it all" life hacks?

    When I was just starting to get the swing of being a mom I went back to work. And then I was on top of everything for a few weeks until I caught c***d and now I'm just so tired. So what are your working mom life hacks?
  6. M

    Is anyone else's pets driving you C R A Z Y during WFH?

    My cat. My effing cat. I love him. But he's driving me N U T S. I have a home office and am WFH due to the pandemic. I have someone who watches my baby during the day at my house, so I stay in my office for the most part with my door closed so I can focus. Unfortunately before this became...
  7. E

    When Mama has work from home deadlines, kiddo crying, what should Daddy do?

    A) yell at whining 4 year old back “well I don’t like you either” B) make pregnant wife lift kid in and out of bath C make a dinner kid doesn’t want and yell at her D) focus on his work E) let kid cry outside office door in garage while mama on her rare deadline Or all the above?! Winner...
  8. Y

    Fair division of labor?

    We have three kids together. They do: All baby feedings (1.5 year old) Homework supervision (7 year old) Clothes Acquisition/decisions Interface with school Clean floors Clean litterboxes Their own laundry Summer 9-5 Watch kids (they are a college professor, I work year round)...
  9. T

    Switching daycares?

    Hey everyone - could really use some unbiased advice here. I have B/G twins, age 3.5yrs. They’ve been at the same chain daycare since they were 4mos old. My girl twin is a social butterfly, adaptable, well-liked, seems to have always thrived there. My boy twin started biting around 18mos...
  10. A

    Schedule Help!!

    Post Intent: Getting help figuring out a daily schedule that fits in EVERYTHING I have to do in a day. Context & What Needs to be accomplished in day: •27 yr old mom with severe ADHD •3 kids (8 months & 3 yr girls, 5 yr boy) •5 yr old school 8:00-3:30 •Kids bedtime at 7:00-8:00 •Demanding AF...
  11. M

    Promotion/Raise Template

    Hi ladies, A couple of months ago, in a comment somewhere, I shared a template I developed that I use and coach my colleagues with when it's time to ask for a promotion/raise. I saw a post today asking for tips and figured I'd make a stand alone thread. I'm copy/pasting below: Sorry if the...
  12. N

    Resume advice needed

    So I'm applying for a new position for the first time in 10 years! Technically it is for a company that I used to work for but also still sort of work for via a contract (but my W2 is through the employer I've been contracted out to). So any way, although I've been at the same place for 10 years...
  13. M

    My bonus was pro-rated to deduct my maternity leave

    Update: they’re saying I don’t get a bonus because I was out over 90 days. I was out 98. This policy was never communicated to me during all the conversations I had with HR about leave. I do understand the logic of not receiving bonus pay during unpaid time off. It negatively affects me so of...
  14. D

    WFH mom in need of advice on: childcare, sleep, BF weaning

    I have an one year old daughter, E. She has been home with me since day 1. She's been extremely attached to me since day 1. E didn't really tolerate her dad (my DH) until around 7 months. I've BF her all along and still do. We cosleep, no one else in the bed but us. She contact naps. All of this...
  15. L

    My colleague likes to comment on my pumping. He doesn’t know I’m going to be his boss starting in October

    I started working back in the office 2 days x week after Labor Day when my parental leave ended. It’s my first time working consistently in office since March 2020. My daughter is 4 months old so I’m pumping 3x per work day. I hate pumping so much, but I bring my laptop with me and sit there...
  16. I

    “Why didn’t you remind me?” -My Husband

    My husband is taking our son to his 18 month appt tomorrow. I made the appointment 4 months ago. It’s been in our shared calendar since. He had to take a half day off, then my mom is out of town and he decided he would like to take the whole day off instead of have someone else come. Then we...
  17. A

    Join brand new UPK?

    Would you join a brand new Universal PreK being offered by your town (through YMCA)? We love our daycare, but the preK would be with kids from our school district and offer a chance for something new. The UPK is obviously free but before/after care is not. Just wondering what else you’d consider...
  18. P

    Today, during a phone interview, I breastfed and put my 10 m/o down for a nap

    I had an initial phone interview with a company I’m really interested in. Childcare fell through, but I figured it’d be fine because the HR/ initial call usually takes less than 30 mins. We ended up talking for close to an hour! Baby was getting mad so i did everything I could to keep him happy...
  19. M

    Is it time for a divorce?

    Partly venting, partly interested to hear other people's perspectives. The relationships dynamic has been "tElL mE wHaT yOu nEed fRoM mE." Except when I do, he ignores me or throws a hissy fit, so my options are to give up or let the anger build up until I explode and it's back to "well I'm so...
  20. R

    ATTENTION! WorkingMoms Avatar Contest

    The mods have been discussing a new avatar for the subreddit. Currently it's the little reddit robot holding a laptop and a baby that's featured at the top of the subreddit and next to posts in this sub. We would love if the new logo/avatar came from our community, so we are holding a contest...