working moms

  1. N

    What do your weekday mornings look like?

    I am going back to work after maternity leave later this year with my first baby. He is 12 weeks old and I feel like the last few weeks we finally have gotten into the swing of things. But the thought of going back to work while being a mom is flabbergasting, even if intellectually I know that's...
  2. I

    what's fair when one parent travels half the week?

    If one parent travels for work (overnight, 3-4 days a week) and the other parent does not travel and instead works a "normal" 9-5, how should household labor be divided? I am thinking of day to day housework with kids, like making dinner, driving kids to activities, laundry, daily kitchen...
  3. K

    My husband didn’t know our son’s full birth date

    “I’m TeRrIbLe WiTh DaTeS.” Editing to add context: We were at a birthday party for a friend's kid and my husband was signing a waiver for our son to play on the play space. It's not son's birthday, which is in December. Husband was making a very blank expression on the year and looked at me. I...
  4. W

    Do people with kids work *harder*?

    This week I had something of an epiphany. We are in the thick of a very involved and critical project at work, with multiple workstreams and plenty of stress. I am a WFHM with middle-school-age kids. My realization is that the folks with kids on the project are all working crazy hours, turning...
  5. C

    How much time every day for everything?

    How much time a day do you a) work b) spend quality time for your kids c) care for kids in other way, like preparing their (own) meals, (breast)feeding, changing diapers, changing clothes, comforting at night, keeping them from doing something, making them doing something... d) any other...
  6. W

    Work call 9:00 pm it’s Friday night

    Do you answer? I did I was actually napping after dinner though, awesome thunderstorm sleep, we don’t have the kids this week, they are with my parents. This could have been a text or email to answer. Nothing emergency. I thought something was seriously wrong. She called my work, then my...
  7. J

    Temporarily stepping away from career to be a stay at home mom?

    I (33 y/o F) have an 8 month old in daycare and it’s not going well. Currently looking for a nanny, but given the cost I’ve started wondering if it makes sense to just step away from my career temporarily to be a stay at home mom. What’s tough is I spent a decade in school earning a PhD and am...
  8. A

    New job mom guilt

    I have a 14 month old daughter and work in healthcare. I am the primary financial earner in my household by a large margin. My husband and I are currently both working M-F office hours and our daughter is in full time daycare. I had always done shift work before this, but when we relocated and I...
  9. H

    What to do for working mom of two that just lost her husband?

    Long story short, I’m looking for ideas to help a working mom of two (3 yr old and 5 yr old) whose husband just died unexpectedly. I hope none of you have ever found yourselves in this situation - but this has been such a great community for support and ideas, I wanted to check here first! I...
  10. X

    Maternity Leave- what would you do?

    I’m pregnant with number 2 and trying to decide what to do in terms of maternity leave. What would you do? Husband and I are both teachers. Our state recently passed 3 weeks paid parental leave for all teachers including dads. I’m also entitled to 12 weeks of FMLA, 6 of which will be paid 2/3...
  11. T

    Mom Hack

    My 5 yr old loves bed time stories but I am exhausted by that time and have very low creativity to think up new stories. Have been using the generative option in Google search to make up stories as per what she wants to add to the story. I just tell the search to make up a story about X doing Y...
  12. I

    Took a job 6 months ago that is hybrid. (Advertised 2 days a week) and they just announced they are going back to fully in office

    I took a better paying job at a company that had been recruiting me for a year in Jan 2023 , I actually turned down a job there right before Covid because they were 5 days in the office and I was working hybrid at the time and the extra money wasn’t worth going into an office. After Covid though...
  13. C

    Seeking advice about having 3 kids in daycare!

    I’ve never known anyone to have 3 kids in daycare at a time so I want to hear if I’m crazy for considering it. One scenario has 3 kids in daycare for about 8-9 months. This amounts to almost all of my take home pay- I’d have about $300 left a month. I know some people say compare the cost...
  14. D


    It's time to get together and talk about something that affects all of us: the lack of paid family leave and sick days in the U.S. It's a stark contrast to the care we provide for even our fur babies. Did you know that in 26 states, regulations mandate puppies cannot be separated from their...
  15. Y

    OPINIONS WANTED - evaluating this maternity leave policy (in the U.S.)

    I am about to accept a new job and their maternity/parental leave policy is a little complicated. Basically you are entitled to time off for pregnancy and time off for child bonding but you don’t necessarily get paid the entire time. So pregnancy/disability you get 8 weeks of pay (part of it is...
  16. R

    Unhelpful husband

    How are you mamas handling a husband who is less than helpful? I am mentally struggling to do it all. We both work full time but I earn 2.5x what my husband does and I completely manage the home e.g., handling finances, planning meals, making appointments, etc. He takes the trash every night...
  17. S

    Husband job offer - more money, less flexibility

    TL;DR on Friday we found out my oldest got a spot at the public pre-K (8 am-3 pm, follows school calendar, no bus) and also that my husband got an internal job offer that would significant increase his earnings ($80k to $110k) but he would go from being in the office 1-2 days a week depending on...
  18. L

    Has anyone been a SAHM during the day while husband is at work and then gone to work in the evenings? How did it work out for you?

    We’re expecting our first child in January. My husband is a PhD student and I’m a therapist with total autonomy of my schedule. We’re considering an arrangement (after maternity leave, planning to take 3 months off) where I stay home with the baby until 5ish then see clients from 6-9pm. So 3...
  19. A

    Working parent rant

    It’s been a rough week so I gotta just rant for a second. I have a 3 and 6 year old. Both my husband and I work full time. By the time everybody gets home on the week-days, I have to make dinner. When dinner is over, we begin what is the massive shitshow of our bedtime routine. We then get...
  20. K

    a question of entitlement

    one parent wfh, one in office (self-employed) (parent b). kids have the day off. that morning, at 830, parent b walks to the door and says goodbye. parent a grimaces. parent b is annoyed by that reaction, asks for an explanation. parent a answers: you’re leaving me as free childcare without...