working moms

  1. P

    Those who are in an office full time (let’s say 8-5), what’s the rest of your day look like?

    I go into the office Monday-Wednesday from 8-5 (but really, everyone strolls in between 8:15 and 8:30), and then I work from home on Thursdays and Fridays. Starting July, I will most likely have to go in office every day. I’m pretty upset at this to be honest but I don’t have any choice in the...
  2. S

    Are we the only ones struggling financially?

    I think the answer is no, but I’m just looking for some solidarity from others. Husband and I both have decent incomes. We live in a HCOL area, and have 2 kids in daycare. Even with two daycares, it’s still worth it to keep working. We only have one car to cut down on costs, we bought a house...
  3. C

    Mat leave = foot in the door or stay put?

    I’m a pharmacist. I currently have a full time permanent job in a retail pharmacy. I like my work and my coworkers are nice. Health benefits are good (which is significant as I’m on about $10,000 of meds a year) but there’s no pension. Hours are 9-6. Pay is comparable to other pharmacist...
  4. J

    Long term deployment w/o family: would you do it?

    Hello fellow madres, I currently have a desk job with a few work related travels here and there, but am mostly sedentary and work from home most of the time. Now, I might get a job offer that involves being sent to various locations anywhere from a month to several months (6-12 months), but...
  5. S

    Preschool Graduation at 9:30am

    My youngest goes to a full time daycare/preschool and will be “graduating” in a few weeks. The calendar says graduation will be after 4pm. Apparently I missed a one-liner in last month’s newsletter that the graduation is now 9:30. I just learned about the time switch today. I’m a teacher. Our...
  6. M

    Fashionable shoes?

    Hello Working Moms! As a busy mid 30’s mom who works from home, my wardrobe is pretty casual. I get up, wash up, and don my “work clothes,” which is really just loungewear. Then for after school activities, I have my “going out clothes” which is usually a v neck tshirt and jeans or capris and...
  7. J

    How often do you have date night with your partner?

    Basically the title. We have a 3yr old and a 1yr old and have been trying to do a regular date night once a month but it is really hard to plan that. I especially feel guilty asking our nanny to either stay later some weeknight or come on a weekend. Any tips around how to prioritize spending...
  8. B

    Extended Short Term Disability during maternity leave Q

    Has anyone been approved for additional STD during maternity leave? I had mild postpartum depression with my son and terrible vestibular migraines as a result of hormonal changes from giving birth to my daughter. I’m 27 weeks pregnant with my 3rd and anticipating that I could have similar issues...
  9. G

    I’ve had a fever every day for 8 days and I’m so pissed off.

    I have been rotting in bed like a pasty Victorian child since last Sunday. It’s been 8 days of fevers, chills, postpartum levels of sweating, coughing up goo, headaches and the worst farts imaginable. My dogs won’t even stay in the room with me. My spouse has been giving side hugs like we are...
  10. D

    Hype me up and tell me I CAN do a short international flight alone with my two kids (3 years and 9 months)

    Moms, Husband has gone above and beyond on the disappointment scale and I need a break. I’d like to fly to my home country to see my family and spend a few weeks recovering from the immense stress I’m feeling at home right now. It’s a short international flight (just over 3 hours) and since...
  11. M

    Day 2 as working mom. O. M. G

    You all are superpeople!! My lo (22 months) is in daycare 8-2:30 since March. But he is sick so often, and it's so stressful to manage everything. I just landed a dream job for 4 hours a day right in my town. But it's a huge adjustment... Does he have a change of clothes that fits and is...
  12. A

    Mom Friends

    Single Mom to 2 kids 6&3. I co-parent with my ex-husband. It’s my week, and 2 of my 6 y/o’s classmates had birthday parties back to back. It’s been a long afternoon, but we all survived and they had fun. I went out of my way to make an effort to talk to several Moms. Literally, they told me...
  13. Y

    PUMP Act blocked

    I hope this is okay to post... While we're all focusing on Roe v Wade, GOP Senators blocked a bill that would have expanded pumping rights to over 9 million mothers, siting it was "too burdensome on businesses". Also, the breastfeeding recommendations were just expanded to 2 years. Also...
  14. O

    I didn’t negotiate when I should have. Is 8 months too early to ask for a raise?

    When my daughter was born I quit my tech job and stayed home for a year. I was making about 90k previously. My job was completely burning me out and I had a really toxic manager, I was miserable. When I decided to go back to work I was not feeling confident in my value having been out of a job...
  15. N

    1.5 hr Commute 1x a week

    What would you think of commuting to a new job that pays 40% more, but you have to come into the office 1.5 hrs away (3hr round trip) once a week? My kids are 2.5 and 9months, so in thick of “needing” me. It’s a great opportunity that I’m excited about but my husband thinks the commute is a...
  16. 1

    those who don’t live near family: how do you spend your vacations?

    my husb is a resident and gets 3 1-week vacations per year. this past year, after the birth of our son (now 9 mo) we spent these vacations as follows: (1) visiting (& staying w) his parents in NYC (2) split bw visiting his grandma in SF and my parents in LA (3) visiting his grandpa in phoenix...
  17. D

    This subreddit needs a wiki

    Needed to take a break from work, took a shot at it. :) 1) Will my child forget me at daycare? – No, they won’t. They won’t form a stronger bond with a daycare worker than they have with you, their parent. Do I still get called by daycare worker names, teacher names, day camp counselor names...
  18. R

    It’s official… I was let go from my job yesterday, 7 months pregnant

    Still kind of in shock at the moment, it all doesn’t feel quite real. I was called in to my supervisors office shortly after getting settled in at my desk for the morning, and the conversation only lasted maybe 5 minutes between myself, my supervisor, and her supervisor. (The head of our HR...
  19. P

    Is it sensible going back to part time work 2 weeks after a C-Section

    I work fully remote at home, part time (20 hours) a week on a freelance basis as an Admin Assistant. Does it make sense if I just tell my workplace I just need complete time off for 2 weeks, then I’ll be checking in emails by the 3rd-4th week and maybe working 10 hours before resuming full-time...
  20. N

    Summer fridays!

    I requested 3 weeks of summer vacay due to combo of real vacay and daycare closures. I counted and taking all fridays off july- mid sept was only like an extra 5 days so I asked if I could have them off (even if l unpaid) and my boss approved it. My hubby gets all fridays off in summer (...