working moms

  1. P

    Today, during a phone interview, I breastfed and put my 10 m/o down for a nap

    I had an initial phone interview with a company I’m really interested in. Childcare fell through, but I figured it’d be fine because the HR/ initial call usually takes less than 30 mins. We ended up talking for close to an hour! Baby was getting mad so i did everything I could to keep him happy...
  2. M

    Is it time for a divorce?

    Partly venting, partly interested to hear other people's perspectives. The relationships dynamic has been "tElL mE wHaT yOu nEed fRoM mE." Except when I do, he ignores me or throws a hissy fit, so my options are to give up or let the anger build up until I explode and it's back to "well I'm so...
  3. R

    ATTENTION! WorkingMoms Avatar Contest

    The mods have been discussing a new avatar for the subreddit. Currently it's the little reddit robot holding a laptop and a baby that's featured at the top of the subreddit and next to posts in this sub. We would love if the new logo/avatar came from our community, so we are holding a contest...
  4. B

    Postpartum with number two has hit different

    I'm returning from parental leave with my second and reflecting on how different postpartum has felt this time. With #1, I was clearly grieving my past life and way more anxious and frustrated with my baby for every single crying episode. I beat myself up about my struggles with breastfeeding...
  5. L

    Toddler screams and cries at daycare for an hour before passing out from exhaustion

    Hi everyone! Not looking for advice, just feeling sad and needed to get it off my chest. I have 14-month old twins, “T” (f) and “D” (m). I am very fortunate that I work part-time and am home with the kids part-time. I went back to work when the kids were about 4 months. In our area, daycare...
  6. K

    Weekend fun w/toddlers

    Hello! I saw a post on here last night about a mom dreading weekends with her little. I can’t find it to comment so I thought I’d share what I do here. If I’m repeating what others have said, I’m so sorry! I just want to be helpful :) I used to dread solo weekends as well. Things got...
  7. V

    Maternity Leave in California - Paid By Employer

    Hi everyone, I'm due with my first child in a month and I'm lucky to have en employer who provides 12 weeks of fully paid maternity leave. How should I manage California benefits in parallel to that? We are a small tight-knit company so I have the flexibility to choose as long as it's legal...