
  1. J

    3 year old hates learning abc’s

    My 3 year old straight up refuses to learn her abc’s. I probably sound crazy but she starts school in September and as a December baby I desperately want her to be prepared. I’ve tried flash cards, books, games. She wants nothing to do with it. I’m considering putting her in kumon. Anybody have...
  2. M

    Question about herpes and its contagion.

    I don’t have a good relationship with my mom, just need to put this out there first. It’s extremely strained and she is stepping over boundaries constantly. Because of this I see her maybe 1 time every 2-3 months. She never notifies me of she is sick or anything before our planned visits, as...
  3. B

    Preschool Woes

    What do I do? My son is 4.5yrs old (a little old for this subreddit, but his emotional skills seem to be behind the curve, so I figured others might be able to relate) and is really struggling to regulate himself while he's at daycare. Last week he ramped up his negative behavior by spitting...
  4. T

    I took my 4YO to Eras and we had the best time

    EDIT THE MOVIE not the concert. I was on the fence. We’re extremely conservative with violence in tv and movies (any hitting or something that reinforces using your hands) and so she’s pretty limited to g rated stuff Now I know there’s some cursing but she has a speech delay and most pretty...
  5. D

    Refusing to sit on the potty after a pretty successful 3 days

    G 2.5 - we did a bare bottom weekend and ended it in undies, really wish we’d had the extra 3rd day but on Monday at preschool she did pretty okay, had 2 pee accidents and a poo accident. Then Tuesday she has a big wee before school and her teachers report at end of the day - she REFUSED to even...
  6. M

    Mouse ears headband for 1 year old?

    i’m planning to buy a minnie mouse ear headband from hk disneyland for my 1 year old niece and i’m just wondering if it’s safe for toddlers to wear that kind of headband or will it cause adverse effects e.g. cause headache, skull deformation, etc
  7. T

    Car seat recommendations prioritizing safety

    Hi, We have a 25 lb average hight 18mo child and need to get him a new carseat becuse we have a 2nd on the way. Safety is our top concern and will continue to rear face him for as long as possible. Knowing that EU regulations and testing are significantly more stringent and we will need to...