
  1. P

    My 4.5 year old likely has ADHD and falls asleep at 11pm. Any advice?

    Posting in the toddlers sub b/c my daughter has been an inconsistent sleeper since I can remember. She's almost 4 1/2 now and she can't naturally fall asleep before 11 PM. She has undiagnosed ADHD (it runs in the family - my husband and I have been diagnosed, and her older sister has it also)...
  2. K

    No clue what to get toddler for Christmas

    My daughter is turning 3… 3 days before Christmas. I have no clue what to get her/what to tell people when they ask for a present list for her. Time is ticking and I’ve basically procrastinated this until the last minute, which adds more stress, which is making my mind go blank. What are y’all...
  3. C

    Getting ready for preschool

    Hello 👋🏻 I initially posted this on r/pottytraining, but no one has responded 😅😅So, my son is 3. He’ll be 4 in June and then plans to start preschool in August. He’s done pretty well with potty training for the most part and rarely, if ever, has accidents during the day anymore. The only time he...
  4. B

    Toddler tantrums are ruining my life

    Edit: I just want to thank everyone for their kind, thoughtful, supportive responses. It all has helped me come back around. I'm so happy to have this safe space to have gotten this out and gotten the support I needed in a tough time. Today was a really hard day but this sub has really helped me...
  5. S

    Toddler got chickenpox

    Hi all, my kid got chickenpox since Thursday with some common cold symptoms too. He has been asking for more screen time than usual (Peppa, Peppa!) and yesterday we watched like 2.5 h total. Today he already asked again. I'm trying to entertain him and keep him busy but he gets fussy/cranky and...
  6. C


    My baby is 15 weeks, so I know I have many many moons before this concern. However, I received ads about toddler beds enough times that I question if the pack n play will be enough. Originally when I received it, I thought I could use it until 3 or 4 for sleepy time. The ad made me wonder when...
  7. P


    So my just turned 3 year old was asleep when I got home last night, so I drew him a big heart with "love" in all caps in the middle to see when he wakes up this morning (on vtech sketch toy). When he saw it, I asked him what shape that was. He replied instead by saying "L-O-V-E... spells...
  8. D

    3 year old starting daycare who isn’t potty trained

    Hi there, I just let my nanny go and am going to enroll my daughter in daycare. The personalities are meshing and it’s stressing my young daughter out. She just turned 3 yesterday. She is familiar with the potty, but isn’t fully potty trained. She is going to be starting daycare. We tour the...
  9. L

    Toddler sleep help?

    My daughter (2 yrs 1 mo) has been a unicorn sleeper ever since we sleep trained her around 8 months using extinction. Here is the schedule she was most recently doing great on: Wake: 7:30 (would sleep longer if we let her) Nap: 12:30-3 (would sleep longer if we let her) Bed: 7:30 A couple...
  10. J

    Reddit put me off flying with a toddler but y’all were wrong

    I scrawled through reddit searching for tips on flying with a 21 month old for 16 hours total (2 flights plus a 4 hour layover). I was scared shitless after basically being told by reddit posters that it will be soul destroying. I wanted to reassure any parents of a toddler that REFUSES to sit...
  11. R

    My 2 year old niece is mean to my 8 month old baby

    My niece is 2 years old almost 3 and is very mean to my 8 month old baby. Sometimes she’ll play with him and be so sweet but for some reason every time she’s around him she will hit, kick, push, throw toys, run him over or if he has a toy she goes up to him says “no baby” and will either throw...
  12. D

    Two Kids and my toddler keeps hitting my baby

    I am strugglin right now. I am a SAHM with two kids, a 2.5 yo, A, and a baby who is 6 m, F. Right now, A is having trouble letting F explore anything, even if it isn't A's toy/item (ex. A door to the parents bathroom). A is getting very violent and has started biting, hitting and kicking...
  13. A

    my worst nightmare.. my toddler is in the hospital via ambulance

    [i posted an update] i’m such a mess right now. my 14 month doesnt sleep great as he usually goes to bed at 9 ut wakes up then doesn’t sleep until around 10/11pm. he hasn’t been sick or anything lately may i add. but anyway he last night but at 11:30 in the afternoon he still wasn’t awake which...
  14. O

    2.5 year old Boy nap/sleep regression please help!

    Okay first time mom and my son is my only child at this point. He just turned 2.5 and for the last couple of weeks he has been back and forth on refusing naps. Some days he only cries for a few minutes others it’s full screams. It started when we ended up having to skip a nap when we took a...
  15. L

    SAHM Funk

    Lately I just suck. My husband is in school for his new job/contract (active duty) and spends M-F in the field, then PT Saturday and Sunday mornings, and is at formation Sunday afternoons. I stay at home with our 19mo and we’re 4+ hours from family and friends. And I am just worn out. I was...
  16. C

    3am wide awake

    Hi I hope someone can point me in the right direction. My 2 year old as of this week has been waking up for the day at 3am. He wasn’t a good sleeper before but at least is up for the day at 5-6am. I am unsure what happened but now he just doesn’t want to sleep once he cries awake at 3. His...
  17. L

    Toddler , Help!

    So I have a 2 year old and I’m not even exaggerating when I say he is the pickiest eater. It started when he started eating. I can name about 10 or less foods he’ll eat, probably less. I’ve tried EVERYTHING. Sitting together to eat, making him wait also I should tell you he will wait and refuse...
  18. D

    2.5 yr old wants nothing to do w/big girl bed

    Totally happy with her crib, also we had our 2nd baby in February so...regression with bottle and potty too. But we'll need the crib in a few months for baby, so want to get her in the bed sooner than later to allow a time buffer so she doesn't think baby is like "taking" her crib over. Help...
  19. K

    Im an au pair/nanny and need advice!

    Im an au pair for a 28 month old, Parents want me to ask her questions while she engages in play but I’ve found that letting them explore things without my interruption is great for developing independence. Not quite sure how to approach the situation now as I don’t want the parents to think I’m...
  20. S

    How to reintroduce baby carrier to 2 y/o?

    The last time my daughter sat in a baby carrier was several months/pounds ago. She’s since become an independent walker, though she’s still well under the weight limit for carrier use. However, we’re about to travel by plane, and I’ve never taken her through an airport/on a plane without...