
  1. A

    I'd love your help!

    Parents! I'm thinking through a childcare concept and I'd love your views on your experiences. Please feel free to fill out this survey when you can! DM me if you'd like to learn more!
  2. J

    Tipping Daycare Teachers

    Its that awkward time of the year again when American's struggle with how much to tip because we can't rely on employers to pay a livable wage. I'm stuck on what to tip our daycare teachers. For context, we LOVE our daycare. They take incredible care of our two children [2.5 yrs & 11 months]...
  3. M

    baby slept 11-12 hours straight, up until 12 months, now wakes up once every night crying

    Our baby girl slept through the night all the way up to 12 months. Around this time we also transitioned to one nap since she was refusing her second nap, she now gets 2-2.5 hrs of day sleep and bedtime falls around 7:30-8pm. Every night since maybe 2 weeks about (she is currently 13months) she...
  4. O

    My 2.5 year old is a DICTATOR and it’s hurting our relationship

    I’m very sorry this is long so thank you if you read all of it. First of all, I try my hardest to hold firm boundaries. Maybe I could be firmer, but my husband and I have noticed the firmer we are the more he pushes back and shows highly unwanted behavior. The problem is becoming so severe to...
  5. C

    Does your toddler play independently when they wake up in the morning?

    I’ve heard of toddlers and babies that play on their own for upwards of 30 minutes or more when they wake up in the morning, allowing parental units to continue snoozing peacefully. If you have one of those kids, how’d you get there? Like…both what coaching or modeling steps did you take and...
  6. C

    Transitioned 2 year old to toddler bed and went well but now waking too early

    My 2 year old (25 months) transitioned to a toddler bed last month and it went well! He was always a great sleeper and we thought he’d get out of bed but when he wakes he’d just sit in bed and wait for us or go back to sleep. Just this week after a cold (he’s better now) he’s been waking 3-...
  7. C

    About to miscarry at 7 wks gestational age at home alone with a 2.5 yr old

    8.5 weeks pregnant. Went for my first U/S, no heart beat and measuring at 7 weeks. My husband travels for work and will only be home for 3 days in the next week and a half which means during the time he’s gone 1-no showers 2-minimal time to sit on the toilet 3-no time to sit on the toilet alone...
  8. N

    Single father of 4 (3, 5, 6, and 9), and my youngest cries for mommy every time she’s disciplined, even though she left when she was only 6 mos

    Their mother passed away a little over a year ago, they haven’t seen her in almost 2 years and hasn’t lived with us in over 3 years. Yet every time she gets in trouble, she screams for mommy and it drives me insane. It hurts my heart but at the same time it makes me angry. Any thoughts on how...
  9. B

    Questions for daycare mamas

    How often did your LO get sick from a daycare center? Does there come a time where they become their own biological weapon and have a super strong immunity to any illness? How sick did you and/or your partner get? Should I start taking EmergenC every day from now on?
  10. D

    Is my 15 month old behind?

    I’m the parent of a 15 month old boy who has about 20-30 “words” that he’ll say unprompted, but many share the same sounds. He can say b, p, m, n, d, k, g but will use “gah” or some variation of it to refer to various things. He also doesn’t have the “ee” or “ey” or “ai” vowels and all his words...
  11. R

    Tantrums all day, every day

    Our daughter (2.5yo) has suddenly started throwing tantrums about EVERYTHING. ‘No’ is her favorite word hitting and biting (all of us, including her 9 month old baby brother who she ADORES) Fighting nap and bed time Meals are a nightmare Now this weekend started refusing to pee on the...
  12. M

    3.5 y/o sleep

    Does your 3.5 y/o sleep through the night? That’s it. Just want to now if it’s just mine who never has and still does not.
  13. D

    F.D.A. sets aside June for potential decisions on vaccines for the youngest Americans

    Link: "The agency’s release of a schedule came after some critics raised concerns that it was delaying action on Moderna’s application in order to compare it with data from Pfizer, which is not expected in full until...
  14. M

    Safer-for-you cleaning product help

    Hello, I'm a Stanford student researching home cleaning products that are healthier for people, pets, and the environment than existing solutions. I'm looking for anyone willing to give feedback on an idea, especially if you are in one of the following groups: - parents/caretakers of children...
  15. A

    Help me please, before I lose my ever loving mind. Read full post!

    My daughter is 3. I love her more than life itself. She's soooo good. A fantastic listener, picks up her toys when I ask (usually), etc. So I probably sound ungrateful when I say, I'm SO frustrated that she will not go the f**k to sleep. I work full time, so does hubby, and we currently...
  16. A

    Oh, me? Just screaming into the void

    Due to staggered positive tests/ isolation times, we just had to keep my 3 y/o home from day care/ preschool for 4 weeks (12/14 - 01/10). She’s been back a week and I just feel like we’re waiting for the other shoe to drop (aka “the fckening”)… Today, another mom in the class tells me they’re...
  17. B

    3 year old wakes up 2-3 times a night

    My 3 year old (4 in May) has been waking up 2-3 times a night for what feels like months now. We have a strict bed time of 7:30-8 ish. We start the process at 7:30. We read a story, go potty, brush our teeth, put on pjs, etc. he wakes up literally screaming multiple times a night. Then is...
  18. B

    What are some games I can do for about 5-7 kids age 1-3 indoors with minimal space for a birthday party?

    Would really appreciate any recommendations. Thank you!
  19. R

    Just venting...2nd baby incoming in 2 weeks and I'm hitting my patience limit with toddler :(

    So my SO and I haven't slept well for almost a year lol. Slept trained our toddler and things were going great, molars came and f'ed it all up. Her crib is just glorified storage at this point after months of coaxing and wakings and ugh just trying to keep her in her bed while making it a lovely...
  20. N

    I am team crib til college. Change my mind

    Obviously tongue and cheek, but I see no reason to take my now three year old out of her crib until she a) tries to climb out or b) is ready to get up in the middle of the night to potty by herself. She seems perfectly happy. Am I stunting her growth? ETA: Reddit DID change my mind…sorta. I...