
  1. D

    My toddler eats like 8 things and I don’t have the energy to do anything about it

    There’s a narrowing cast of food my 19 month toddler will reliably eat (porridge, Weetbix cereal, veg/fruit pouches, hummus sandwich, bananas, baked beans, miscellaneous snacks) He used to eat more meat and try proper adult food, but stopped a couple months ago for no apparent reason. And though...
  2. G

    What time does your toddler who still naps go to sleep?

    And for those who dropped nap…did it move earlier? Like actually falls asleep. Ours just turned 3. It seems 9:30 is our answer here. But we’ve tried no nap, and he’s a mess by 5:30/6 when we are trying to make/eat dinner. He naps at daycare about 45min to an hour around 12, and at home (4...
  3. M

    How to respond to the F bomb?

    Our lovely, hilarious 3yo has suddenly started saying “F*
  4. V

    Black things in poop.. Worms or banana? Also kiddo not eating anything for 2 days

    Hi, My kid (2y,3 mo)has something wrong going on for past few (4) days. He eats very little. Has no fever. Is energetic. We are worried because his food intake has dropped by nearly 80%. The pediatrician told to give him vitamin supplement. And deworming medicine. So last night gave him...
  5. N

    3.5 y/o won’t stay in bed

    Since my oldest son turned 3, bed and wake times have been a struggle, to say the least. My wife and I have come up with a bedtime routine that works if we stick to it. We give him choices for PJs, books, where he wants to sleep - he has a bed but has preferred to sleep on the floor in his fold...
  6. R

    My 14.5 month old was sleeping until 8/830 some days I even had to wake him up, suddenly it’s religiously 6:45 am wake up

    Whhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyy he was sleeping so great and would sleep until 8-8:30 everyday. The occasional 7:30. I even sometimes would need to wake him up. He’d wake up and roll around happy for a moment and we’d let him have a sec and then go get him. Always happy! Nothing has changed but now...
  7. M

    F**k viruses

    I’m done. F**k these microscopic, non-living pieces of shit. No one in our house has been healthy for months. Personally, yesterday was the first time I felt like a healthy human being since December 22nd and guess who wakes up with a fresh sore throat? This bitch. And not to speak of October...
  8. J

    2.5(f) has realised she can escape the cot

    We knew it was coming, but yesterday she realised she could escape. We were up with her for two hours later than usual and she came running into our room an hour earlier. I'm 28w pregnant with number two so am not thrilled 😅 any tips? Advice? She has pretty high sleep needs but I'm worried this...
  9. A

    1.5 yr old learned F**k

    My 1.5yr old picked up the word f**k and now is obsessed with saying it. (Can you blame him?) We’ve tried explaining that the f word is Just for grownups and have given him alternative words to say. That turned into a game for him, so we began ignoring him because it seemed like he enjoyed the...
  10. C

    Massive regression in potty training

    Hey, all! We have a 1.5 years-old boy who we started potty training very early, as soon as he was able to sit comfortably, he was around 6 months-old. We sort of guessed when he would go, right after sleep, after eating and so on. The first couple of months successes were pure luck and...
  11. S

    Can a 2yr old recognize letters?

    We have letter magnets, and he likes it when I draw for him and recently he asked me to spell names, my name, his dad's name, grandma grandpa that sort of thing. Last week there was a g on the fridge and he seemed to point and say grandpa. I asked what the M was he said Z for another name of a...
  12. D

    Dealing with toddler tantrums (2.5 y.o.)

    I am looking for advice how to deal with my son’s tantrums and perhaps your own personal experience. I’ve read articles online but I still find it hard not to get angry whenever he gets in that mood. My son has episodes when he cries and he cannot be reasoned with and doesn’t want to be...
  13. E

    Toddler ABC activities

    I’ve decided since we are stuck indoors anyways to start teaching letter sounds to my 3 yo. He already knows all of the capital letters and how to spell his name so I’m working on the sounds and lower case letters. Each day we work on a different letter. We do a craft/ activity starting with the...
  14. T

    My 1 year old (13 months) is waking up for 4-6 hours at night

    Has anyone else experienced this? I feel like I am losing my mind. A few times this week, my daughter has taken to getting up between 11-12 at night and absolutely will not go back to sleep until 5 or 6 in the morning. We had sleep trained her around 5 months and it worked beautifully, but using...
  15. 1

    I just asked my 3yo to spell his name and he said B-L-I-P-P-I

    Well done Blippi... your marketing scheme worked on my 3yo 😂.
  16. R

    Wits end with poop withholding

    For the past 6 months my 2 y/o only poops every 5-7 days. She moans in pain for hours on end because she has to go but won’t let it out. This is usually our “evening activity”on days 4-5 and the “daily activity” on day 6-7 if she holds long enough. She’s been on Miralax for over a month and...
  17. J

    A D E N O V I R U S

    My poor 9 year old got adenovirus (Adenoviruses are a group of viruses that can cause infections. Adenovirus (add-eh-noe-VY-rus) infections can happen in kids of any age, but are more common in babies and young children. Most kids have had at least one adenovirus infection before)! He then...
  18. A

    My child has been bitten twice in the last 2 weeks at Pre-K

    My child is 4going in five. Her Pre- K class is all 4/5 year olds. You must be at least 4 to start in her class. My child goes to school full days 5 days a week. Staring in October I would pick her up and she would complain about 1 certain kid being mean to her. She also told me who it was...
  19. G

    15 month old not walking

    I know this can be “normal”. But he is also not standing independently (without holding onto something) He gets up with assistance easily and cruises and climbs. But he doesn’t seem to have the balance to stand alone. I have so much anxiety about it. He just turned 15 months and he’s been on...
  20. S

    On a first-name basis with 2-yo

    About a month ago, our then 23-m-o started sometimes referring to us as "daddy [first name]" and "mama [first name]" seemingly out of nowhere. And now when she's talking to one of us about the other parent, it's just the first name: "Where'd go?" "Who?" "[Other parent's first name]" I think...