sleep training

  1. B

    2 to 1 nap transition help!

    Did I add wake time too quickly?! Age: 14 months next week Schedule: 5.75/5 We dropped to 1 nap about 3.5 weeks ago and are always running into new problems after several good days on a schedule. We were doing 3.25/3.75/4 on two naps but she was falling asleep closer to 3.25/4/4.25. Naps...
  2. F

    5 mo waking more frequently for night feeds

    Baby is already sleep trained. We had her into a routine of in bed at 7, wakes for a feed between 2 and 5, then regardless of what time we fed her, wakes up at 7. One feed a night every night for over a month. Now she’s waking up between 12-1 every night and wanting to be fed every 2-3 hours...
  3. S

    Bedroom configurations

    This may not be the ideal space for these questions but being it has to do with sleep I’m going to try you ladies! I have 5 children N(f10), G(f9), L(m6), M (m2), Q(5 months). N&G share a room. They have been sharing since N was 4 and G was 2.5. They have been on a similar schedule being so...
  4. F

    PLS S.W.A.P

    To the author of this book - do you honestly think if my baby calmed down and went to sleep in her crib with just patting and singing that I’d be reading your fricking book in the first place. Honestly it’s like step 1 get your baby used to sleeping flat on their back, not on your body. Step 2...
  5. T

    Sharing a room on holiday with your independent sleeping baby is a f***ing disaster. No sex! No relaxing sleep!

    I’m so terrified to wake my 8 month old, I’m terrified she will see me! Im already giving that extra comfort that I had weaned! I’m creeping round like it’s a surprise every night if she wakes! My husband snores! It’s a bloody disaster. 🤦🏼‍♀️
  6. R

    Long last wake window

    Our daycare has a nap time for all its babies at 12 noon, but our kid (8.5 months) is getting close to dropping to two naps so we're trying to work out how this will work. At daycare, naps vary quite a bit, but on a typical day its something like : baby wakes at 7, naps 9-10, 12:15-1:45...
  7. E

    Ok which matters more: WWs or Total Nap Time/24 hr sleep?

    Me again haha. As I continue to try and tinker with my 7.5 month old's schedule to address the new EWT (5am and can't be rocked back down/extended in any way as of this week. He wakes up RARING to go and happy and not even all that hungry) I start with the experiment of longer WW before bed...
  8. J

    Bed/nap train 22 month old

    I used cry it out for my ticket when he was about 7 months, then we switched to a toddler bed and he’s been getting rocked to sleep. Here’s the problem- he’s been waking up super early at 6am (he used to wake up at 8:30-9) and he’s been napping for only 20 minutes. (I’ve tried 11, 12, 1 for nap...
  9. J

    FTM Seeking Advice for Baby Sleep Hours w/ Work

    First time mom here. I have a 2 month old (he'll be almost 3 months by the time I return to work) & he will be coming to work with me. My work hours start at 5 am. Right now, my baby is on a bedtime routine where he'll sleep about 5 hrs through the night. It is the longest stretch of sleep he...
  10. I

    Frustrated AND TIRED

    How do I “extend” an independent nap? To atleast an 60-90 mins. As of right now my 22 week old Wakes up @ 7-7:30AM First nap- 9-9:30 AM Which I rock her to sleep and then I HAVE to hold her bc she wakes up within 20-25 mins (even in my arms) but is cranky within 45-60 mins if I don’t put her...
  11. O

    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    I wanted to share this in the hope that it might help someone who is going through something similar. My baby was waking every 1-2 hours at night to nurse for weeks and I was about to lose my mind until we figured it out. TLDR: (the short version!) My EBF baby J is now 5 months old. We had 2...
  12. H

    4.5 m/o waking soon after falling asleep?

    We sleep trained my 4.5 month old using CIO but I’m a little stumped with where we are now. We’ve gotten to a point where he does one of two things: Falls asleep without crying, but wakes up a short while later (e.g., 15 mins) and cries for 20 mins before falling asleep again. Cries for...
  13. H

    Sleep training attached 4 month old. Help with WW, night feeds, daytime naps

    I started Ferber last night on my 17 week old baby boy. He has never slept in a crib always cried despite all my attempts. Here is how last night went: His daytime WW are 1.5-1.75h (together with yawning/eye rubs) with 3-4 contact naps of 0.5-1.5h for a total of 3h. Bedtime was 2h after last WW...
  14. L

    Advice on sleep training prep?

    LO is 15 weeks old and I think we are headed into the "4 mo sleep regression" as of last night. Before last few days she was doing great, would go down easily around 8pm and sleep until 3:30, then down again until I would wake her to take her to her nanas house since I am back at work (7:30am)...
  15. K

    Using TCB’s S.I.T.B.A.C.K feels like the same night over and over again. Will it get better?

    We’ve been using the sitback method on our 9 week old since she was about 4 weeks. We saw some progress in the beginning but about two weeks ago her bedtime changed from 10/11pm to 6:30/7:30pm which she seems to like much more. Once she changed bedtimes, we decided to add a dream feed 3 hrs...
  16. S

    Sleep woes, 9 month old won’t stay asleep in his own bed

    I am really struggling with sleep for my 9 month old boy. We did modified Ferber for bedtime at about 5 months which worked well enough for a while he was putting himself to sleep at bedtime pretty quickly (a week or two of illness and he lost the skill and it was right when he could stand up...
  17. O

    Overnight cio?

    We've tried several things with naps and wake windows before just going to full cio overnight. After almost an hour he settled and fell asleep on his own. But a few minutes later he started crying, just a bit and he resettled. This cycle of asleep for a few minutes, little bit of crying...
  18. D

    Tummy Sleep

    Okay so my robust, extremely proficient at rolling, 7.5 month old baby… f*cking HATES being put in his cot and will scream bloody murder if put ‘butt in bed’ awake. I’m talking a blood curdling scream, coughing, shrieking. Hates it. Anyway so at the moment what I’m doing is he will protest and...
  19. H

    Training our 6 month old but what do we do when he turns himself sideways? (see pic in thread)

    I think he would be more efficient at training but only 1-3 minutes into his windows, he turns himself sideways and headbutts the bars, making it impossible for him to fall asleep. How are we to go about this without popping in every couple of minutes?
  20. R

    Weird wake up 2-3 hours after falling asleep

    We technically didn’t sleep train (one night was very rough and we had to track back) but did end up weaning pacifier at night time. It used to help LO (6mo) fall asleep instantly, independently with no intervention whatsoever the very first time put down awake. But pacifier was causing him to...