sleep training

  1. R

    What's your 1 nap schedule?

    My baby (toddler? Lol 14mo) is on one nap and he is doing okay. I'm still playing with the wake windows to figure out what's best. I thought moving to one nap would mean bedtime would be earlier, as on two naps we were pushing 8:30-9pm some days due to nap fighting. Some days we do end up...
  2. N

    Earlier Bedtime? Waking every 2 hours suddenly.

    Our 5.5m old has been an independent sleeper (95% of the time) for the past 3 months but has lately started waking up multiple times per night (when she was previously only waking to nurse 0-1 times). At the time she was on 1h30/1h40/1h45/1h45/2h windows with 4 naps lasting around 45-60 min. Her...
  3. D

    Starting pre-K with a non napper

    Hi all, I’ve posted here about my 8 month old but now I need some advice on my almost 4 year old. She’ll be 4 in 2 weeks. She is going to start disability pre-K next week. She hasn’t napped for about a year but the pre-K class has nap time. I told the teacher that she doesn’t nap and the teacher...
  4. D

    Starting to refuse 2nd nap on 2/3/4

    7 month old and sleep trained about 6 weeks ago. Shortly after sleep training he dropped from 3 naps to 2. The last several weeks, 2/3/4 (or often more like 2/3/3.5) was working well for us. He’d generally give 3 hours total nap time and 12-13 hours overnight. For the last 5 days or so he’s...
  5. H

    Regression?! WTF is going on over here!

    Last two nights LO is up C O N S T A N T L Y after falling asleep independently. Two nights ago was every 45 min - 1 hr for the entire night and last night he couldn’t even get a 15 min stretch in without waking up in screams for almost 2 straight hours. HELP?! Rough WW we follow -...
  6. C

    Is it A) Congestion B) Over/under tiredness C) Something else ?

    Hi all, looking for some opinions on my 5.5 month old’s sleep lately. Brief history, he was a pretty good sleeper at night until he hit the dreaded regression at 3.5 months. Naps have always been a work in progress. Since then we’ve been tweaking things and using gentle sleep training...
  7. P

    6 week old won’t be fed/rocked to sleep and won’t contact nap

    I want to start out by saying I know I can’t sleep train my 6 week old. And I don’t want to. I know it’s biologically normal for babies this age to need to be held/fed to sleep. Except… it doesn’t work. I feed him till he’s asleep and stops sucking. Then I take him off and he’s wide awake...
  8. H

    No S.I.T.B.A.C.K. after 5 months?

    I just read the TCB 3-4 month guide and the ABCs of Sleep. My babe just turned five months so I thought both might be helpful. BUT the SITBACK method is not included at all in the 5 month guide? So just completely disown that?
  9. G

    CIO for 4 mo. Remind me what I’m doing wrong ?!

    Second time mom here. CIO worked when nothing else did with our first. I became the biggest believer in it! Shouted it from the rooftops. Almost had a t-shirt made that said, ask me about cry it out sleep training. It saved me and my husband and countless friends we recommended it to. From the...
  10. V

    S.I.T.B.A.C.K without B?

    I just finished the TCB course for 4-12 weeks. Our son is 6 weeks old and is a good sleeper overall but does wake up every 2.5 - 3.5 hours to eat at night (I breastfeed and he gets a bottle of expressed milk for a dream feed). We want to start practicing sitback to see if we can lengthen the...
  11. D

    8.5 mos & nursing 2-3x/night

    Okay, folks. Here’s the deal. My son (Baby J) had 3 nights of sleep regression at 4 months & then slept through the night for 2 months straight. At 6 months, it just stopped all of a sudden. No noticeable changes in development, he had been in his own room for 3 weeks already, has never...
  12. K

    Feedback request for sleep training plan for 6 m/o!

    Hi all! Long time lurker first time poster here. I’ve read a ton in this sub and have read some of the heavy hitters (PLS, how babies sleep, cyclemam’s guide on here, etc etc etc). We have an almost 6 month old who has never been a great napper (fights them/very short) but used to do okay with...
  13. R

    Re-training 2 y/o?

    We somewhat sleep trained my daughter around 9 months, the same time we weaned her from night feedings. She has always had a sleep crutch bottle before bed though and still does to this day, but for the most part once she was in her crib she would put herself to sleep. After we had her somewhat...
  14. S

    4 month regression? Almost 17 weeks and now refuses bassinet. Unsafe sleep situation last night.

    Hi guys! My guy is nearing 4 months and has started fighting all sleep including naps, only wants to sleep in my arms. He’s waking up on every transfer to his bassinet. Last night it took 2 hours to get him down and then he was up again 3 hours later, resettled him every hour after that. I fell...
  15. C

    9 month old won’t sleep at daycare!

    Guys I’m lost - my 9 month old won’t sleep at daycare. They so naps from 12-2 and that’s the only nap he gets but he only does 30 minutes or so. Any tips recommended - daycare is going crazy and telling me he’s the only kid that doesn’t sleep and I’m wondering if they are going to kick us out...
  16. R

    Which is more important: sufficient sleep pressure or getting ahead of overtiredness?

    I hope this isn't a dumb question, but I run into this problem so much, I figured I'd ask the above question. An example, my kid had a crazy day and ended up having a late 2nd nap today (4pm-4:30pm). He's 10months old and normally has a 4hr ww before bed, but he only napped 1.5 hours for the...
  17. N

    PLS sleep group

    Has anyone participated in a Precious Little Sleep, baby sleep club? I think it is newer, but wondering if it’s worth it $350 for 4 weeks
  18. R

    Baby going to doctors tomorrow during nap time. What to do?

    Hi, first time mom and first time Reddit poster here so take it easy on me! Our LO generally sleeps well, 9mos and 4 days on 2 naps. Typical schedule is: W - 6am (some days as early as 5:30am but we don’t mind, he is sleep trained, and we just roll back his schedule by 15min) N - 9 -11am W -...
  19. W

    Sleep training a 12 week old - success w/o CIO

    I’d love to hear success stories of improving independent sleep in younger babies (eg 3-4 mos) without using CIO. Context: FTM. EBF Baby has been 100% contact sleeping for naps and overnight. Between struggling with the swaddle, worries about reflux/choking in his sleep, early signs of rolling...
  20. S

    7 month old can’t tolerate normal first WW but otherwise schedule okay? Should I just roll with it??

    Title says it all… My 7 month old is yawning before he’s been awake an hour and totally loses it by about an hour 40 mins. The rest of his schedule seems more normal and he sleeps well at night but it’s horrible to have him be so overtired in the am. Advice? Schedule: 1.75 MAX and...