sleep training

  1. A

    How many naps does your 8-9 month old take?

    Baby will be 9 months next week. I’m tired and confused on dropping a third nap. My baby is too tired for only two naps but with three naps she is waking at 430am (bedtime 6:30-7).
  2. F

    How are we doing? Great naps, poor night sleep

    We have 14 w/o b/g twins (12 weeks adjusted) who do great at nap time. They sleep in their cribs 4 times daily and nap from 30 min - 1 hour typically. Most naps are 45 min. They fall asleep quickly. Night time feels less successful. We’ve been waiting for a breakthrough but event seen it yet...
  3. O

    So I’ve been trying to keep a set wake up time is 7-8 am too big of a range?

    I try to get her up at 7 and sometimes she wakes up on her own but sometimes she just wants to sleep more. She cries when I try to wake her up and goes back to sleep if I leave her alone. Today in particular I wanted her to be awake at 10 so I wanted her to wake at 7, nap at 9 but she didn’t...
  4. T

    Upcoming r/sleeptrain AMAs

    Keeping this post tagged with upcoming AMAs so the community knows when those will happen in advance. We hope this will increase participation and therefore deliver more value to our community. April 1st 10:30 to 15:30 HST with Meg from If you're a sleep consultant...
  5. A

    What do your babies wear to sleep

    What do your babies wear to sleep? My LO is 5 months and he’s been in sleep gowns since about 3.5 months when he started hating the swaddle. He likes to sleep with his arms up and now he’ll sleep on his back, side and tummy. What do you put your LO’s in to sleep? For reference, it’s about...
  6. J

    Ferber w/ almost 5 mo (4mo adjusted) twins (b/g)

    Started sleep training for night time 8 days ago and it's been a little rough. Baby boy was going through sleep regression and was walking hourly crying inconsolably and we just couldn't do it anymore. Now he's been waking once for a feed around 2 am but sometimes will decide to cry for quite a...
  7. C

    Time to Drop to One Nap?

    Hi there! Our LO is 14-months-old and has been sleep trained since he was 4-months-old, after we transitioned him from his Snoo. He did amazing. We did Ferber, and he cried a bit, but mostly whined and we had a pretty great sleeper after that, which is great, because he was not getting any...
  8. I

    CIO night one

    Welp, here we are at night 1 of CIO. I was not expecting us to be here, but my husband accidentally(?) did two naps CIO today, and I figured instead of confusing him, which would be unfair to him, we might as well just roll with it. For his naps he cried for 25-30 min and then slept for an hour...
  9. B

    4 months and 4 weeks. Sleep regression.

    Around March 6, baby girls sleep turned into a nightmare. Before she was down at 8:30 pm to 6/7 am with one or two feedings between. March 4th, we transitioned her out of the swaddle cold turkey because of rolling. All of her needs are met throughout the day and night. Now her naps are max of...
  10. B

    Are there any other babies who never had a set schedule?

    LO is now 11 months and we have never had a schedule. When she shows sleepy signs, we put her down for a nap. Most days now she naps twice, but sometimes naps 3 times (or even 4 the other day when she was really tired). I am a pretty structured person and before I had her thought we would HAVE...
  11. K

    I’m f$&%ed, this is f&@?ed

    My daughter is almost 3 and I’m still sleeping with her. We were in a 1 bedroom apartment for the first 2.5 years of her life, and we’ve recently moved into a 2 bedroom, but she refuses to sleep alone. I put her to bed and then come to me and my husbands room, but she’ll wake up and start...
  12. Z

    Q - 4 months regression & Timing of Sleep Training

    Hi all, I have a 13 weeks old girl and we are looking to start sleep training at the beginning of 17 weeks. However, i'm wondering if the 4 month regression would throw a wrench into this? Another question is the beginning of her bed time. We have been entering night sleep at 11:30 pm. Is...
  13. S

    Sleep issues b/c of our small house

    I've recently switched my 8mo to a 2 nap schedule it's about 2.5/3/3.5. She goes down awake & independently for her 1st nap and always sleeps 1.5hrs. This nap is in her older sisters room where it's very dark & sound machine of course. There is always zero crying- she loves sleeping in there...
  14. F

    S.O.S! Mayday! Overtired cycle disaster, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO

    PLEASE help. 9.5 month old, never been a phenomenal sleeper, but we co-slept and contact napped so that made up the difference. Now that he's older/more mobile/hitting milestones like crawling/standing, we're needing to transition to the crib, which lives in our bedroom (no other options). We...
  15. H

    Ugh what else can I do? 4 mo so sleep deprived. And f’in teething

    I really wanted to wait till 5 mo to sleep train. But seriously what the heck. We had a week awful stretch and I got very adamant about putting her down quite awake, and switched to 3 naps and longer wake windows. Things got ok with 2 feeds overnight. But then it went to shit again? Now she’s...
  16. B

    I nanny for an 13 month old who sleeps from 6:45/7 to 5 am and is now starting to refuse his 2nd nap

    He was taking nap 1 around 8:45 am for 1-1.5 hours, then nap 2 around 2/2:30 pm for 1.5-2 hours. I’m not there for nap 1 but mom says she doesn’t think he’d make it to a later nap time. Her and the dad have tried earlier and later bed times in hopes of him sleeping past 5 am (sometimes a little...
  17. T

    Sleep trained 15 m/o doesn’t sleep at grandparents

    My baby used to sleep at his grandparents and visits them every weekend and sometimes during the week but he REFUSES to sleep there now! He has been sleep trained since 6 months. We have a cozy nursery set up for him similar to his own room but we have to rock him for hours to fall asleep. He...
  18. T

    7.5 month old waking every 1.5-2hrs

    Serial cat napper 30mins on the dot Wake windows are approximately 2 / 3 / 4 Solids twice a day She's only 5.85kg at 7.5 months, so not sure if that's a factor Anything that we should change in terms wake windows or feeding?
  19. T

    Sleep Q&A with a PhD sleep researcher who is on board member of the Pediatric Sleep Council

    Hi! I posted here a few weeks ago asking for help with feedback on a product my partner and I invented over the pandemic - we got such an amazing response we wanted to do something good to give back. We’ve managed to get a PhD sleep researcher (who is also a professor, clinical behavioural...
  20. R

    9 month sleep regression? Or just a cold?

    Our 9 month old started sleeping really well at night after a little crying she would take her self back to sleep and finally slept through a couple nights in a row but then we all got a cold. We are over our colds now but her sleep hasn’t recovered and I can’t tell if she’s over tired and...