
  1. D

    8 year old son showering under who’s f***ing supervision?

    Dunno where to put this, any other suggestions please let me know. I just found out my ex wife let her bf of less then 4 months help my 8 year old son shower... I’m furious, Which would be an understatement. Not sure how I should react, she doesn’t see a problem with it... Advice, insight...
  2. L

    Gift advice for Christmas Angels (angel tree)

    Gift advice for Christmas Angels Hey r/askparents! I am participating in the Salvation Army angel tree and need help finding some stuff for my angels. I do not have kids and want my angels to love what they get! First is a body wash set a 12 y/o girl would like- with full sized products! I...
  3. B

    What’s so special about months 6-12 trying unassisted?

    Link to answer in the comments by @tjphipps - Leaving post up in case someone else needs to be pointed in the same direction. Hello! My partner (25M) and I (29F) will have been trying 6 months (confirming O, OPKs, I have regular cycles, AMH 3.0ng/ml, Normal TSH/t4 free, normal prolactin - IUD...
  4. B

    Parents, how much would you be willing to pay to send your child to a private in home pre-k?

    Here is some context; I currently have been teaching Pre-K in a public elementary school for the last five years. My spouse and I have been talking about starting a Pre-K in our basement which would become a dedicated classroom space. Our basement is a walkout basement with lots of natural...
  5. E

    Is multiple children a good reason to ignore scratches, bruises, and bite marks?

    I feel like that question sounds kind of stupid but for context I’m currently coparenting for my 2 year old daughter, we’ll call her Q. Her father and stepmother have 5 kids, 6 when she is with them. The are all fairly close in age about 1-2 years apart for every child. Every time Q comes...
  6. A

    How do you stay calm all day?

    I’m the SAHD, my wife works full time, kids are 5.5, 3 and 7M. I love them so much and I’ve been the SAHP for over 3 years now. But they all seem to be trying my patience; my 3 y/o thinks it’s hilarious to not listen to me, my 5 y/o half the time refuses to listen to me, and my 7M old is super...
  7. G

    TSH above 2.5 but below 4.0?

    This is my first time posting here. I read the guidelines and it seems like this topic is appropriate for a standalone post, so I hope this post is ok here. I am trying to conceive in my late 30s, and I have been sent to a fertility specialist. The fertility specialist noted that my TSH was...
  8. S

    Valentines ‘date’ ideas for 3,4 & 9 yr old sisters?

    Hi parents. Would love some guidance. My girlfriend’s 3 daughters have expressed an interest in it so I’d like to do something Valentines-y with on them on the Sunday before Valentines itself. It’s my first time doing this holiday as a Bonus Dad - no kids of my own but been dating their mom...
  9. D

    My toddler eats like 8 things and I don’t have the energy to do anything about it

    There’s a narrowing cast of food my 19 month toddler will reliably eat (porridge, Weetbix cereal, veg/fruit pouches, hummus sandwich, bananas, baked beans, miscellaneous snacks) He used to eat more meat and try proper adult food, but stopped a couple months ago for no apparent reason. And though...
  10. A

    3 Month Old Baby. Green PooP

    Hello. My baby boy is three months old. His poop color is greenish and he pooped one time a day. He is taking breastmilk and Nestle Lactogen 1. I had visit Civil Hospital in my city and the doctor said it is okay but I'm not very confident with his answer. Please Guide me. Thank You.
  11. E

    How did you know you were ready to send you kid to preschool if they didn’t HAVE to go?

    So I’m talking to families with a full time SAHP that didn’t need daycare/preschool for childcare reasons. My son is 3 and would be just shy of 4 starting this school year if we enroll him in preschool. He still has two years until K due to missing the cut off date here by just two weeks. He...
  12. L

    My(16f) mom doesn’t want me having sex or my bf(17m) in my room but asked if i wanted to go on BC and said she would get me a plan B if i need it

    She told me that she thinks i need to go to an OB because she recently found out I was sexually active. She said that I could go on BC(Birth control) if i wanted to. However, she doesn’t allow me and my boyfriend in my room we are only allowed to sit in my living room since christmas. This is...
  13. A

    Plan b

    How many people got pregnant after taking plan b? I know what plan b is, but you can still get pregnant. If you can please answer I would appreciate it.
  14. V

    Black things in poop.. Worms or banana? Also kiddo not eating anything for 2 days

    Hi, My kid (2y,3 mo)has something wrong going on for past few (4) days. He eats very little. Has no fever. Is energetic. We are worried because his food intake has dropped by nearly 80%. The pediatrician told to give him vitamin supplement. And deworming medicine. So last night gave him...
  15. N

    3.5 y/o won’t stay in bed

    Since my oldest son turned 3, bed and wake times have been a struggle, to say the least. My wife and I have come up with a bedtime routine that works if we stick to it. We give him choices for PJs, books, where he wants to sleep - he has a bed but has preferred to sleep on the floor in his fold...
  16. J


    So, I am currently a (married) SAHM with one 2.5yr old and one 3 week old baby. I haven’t been married long & not sure how married life with shared finances should work. Currently, my Husband & I have been married for 1 yr & 6months. Although I moved in with him in March 2021 just 5 months...
  17. R

    My 14.5 month old was sleeping until 8/830 some days I even had to wake him up, suddenly it’s religiously 6:45 am wake up

    Whhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyy he was sleeping so great and would sleep until 8-8:30 everyday. The occasional 7:30. I even sometimes would need to wake him up. He’d wake up and roll around happy for a moment and we’d let him have a sec and then go get him. Always happy! Nothing has changed but now...
  18. H

    My sister is 3.5 years old and still babbles

    Sibling here. Born in Iraq, where medical facilities are not exactly top notch (the baby). Then came to Australia from April 2022 to August 2022 and then again from June 2023 to November 2023. She has limited facial features that resemble down syndrome. Initially, the doctor informed us she had...
  19. L

    How much time do new moms spend with babies?

    My wife and I had a daughter 2 months ago. In the past two months, my wife has spent no more than 1 hour total daily with my daughter. She says she’s very tired and needs to rest so she spends a lot of time sleeping. When she is awake, she goes out for coffee with her friends or to get her nails...
  20. S

    An academic research on Parenting and Children's Literature

    Dear parents, please participate in an academic research study! We study parents, their beliefs about children rearing, reading practices and preferences regarding children literature (survey for 30 minutes) We are looking for parents who - are raising at least one child under the age of 9...