
  1. P

    9 days late, still popping negative

    I’m 9 days late on my period, I’ve never been this late might I add. I took a clear blue test two days late and it was negative, then after 5 days late took a dollar tree test: negative. 7 days, still negative. Now 9 days, took another test.. negative!! I’m so annoyed. Has anyone gone through...
  2. C

    is my gf pregnant?

    we had unprotected sex at day 18 and 19 of cycle. Now its been 6 days late. a day before the expected period she feel cramps on the right pelvic and since 2 days ago the pain moved to above her V. There is pale yellow discharge that she says she it always happened. And since two days ago her...
  3. W

    Pregnancy after d&c

    I was pregnant for 10 1/2 weeks. We was able to see the heart beat at 9 weeks and then it stopped beating. We are unsure what happened but on April 10th I had a d&c. I bleed for a week and a half. They did not scrape my uterus but only sucked out the remains of my baby. It’s been 3 1/2 weeks...
  4. H

    Iron infusion q- how long did it take for y’all to feel better?

    38 weeks, 2nd pregnancy. Exhausted and thought it was from working full time, raising a toddler, running a household and staying active. Turns out I’m severely anemic and got my first infusion today. Hopefully I’ll be in a good spot by the time my due date rolls around. How long did it take...
  5. R

    Anyone else having fun explaining to their partner why you bought x,y, & z?

    I’m now 21+4, and my anatomy scan went great. So, I’m now buying everything we need (leaving a lot of little stuff for the baby shower), and my husband is getting overwhelmed. I first bought an Uppababy Ridge stroller (Jogger), and then today I bought the Uppababy Minu V2 ( compact travel)...
  6. T

    Really having a hard time 4w2d

    I really am struggling so bad I called out of work today. So I used inito to help time my iui this cycle and I got a bfp on 8dpo. I continued to test with inito which is NOT recommended and god it’s messed me up. My “LH” (presumably HCG) dropped today (12dpo) on it and boy has it sent me into a...
  7. C

    Hormone Test Results HELP - Older Post Follow Up - link in text!

    Hello peeps, Following up to this post: My GF had to get hormone tests for other reasons irrelevant to a potential pregnancy. We had sex December 20th, and this test was taken January 11th. Results are within range from someone who isn’t...
  8. U

    PP Update! 12/7/14-1/30/15 (Also a PSA on Potty time)

    Hello ladies! I've been meaning to give an update for a while now. Let's see, where to begin. I forgot to mention in my Birth Story post that I ended up getting 2 small tears that needed stitches. One happened to be near my urethra. I'm not sure if this was a factor in what happened almost a...
  9. C

    One month at home: Top 10 Baby Items

    I liked reading these posts when I was setting up our registry. It made me feel in control - HA. We live in a small house, and I tried to minimize baby stuff. After 1 month, here are the items we use every day, ymmv: Rock n play - Planned to use the Graco Travel Lite crib as a bassinet in our...
  10. G

    I wish I had listened to my gut

    Always listen to your gut, mamas. I went to the ER at 18w2d because I KNEW my water was leaking (woke up in a huge wet spot, had been up an hour or two before and hadn’t had to pee). I told them I was concerned because I had just had a UTI the week before, and from my time in nursing school, I...
  11. A

    Wife’s water broke at 31 w / 4 d - scared and alone

    My wife’s water broke Christmas Eve morning, she is currently 31 weeks and 4 days old. She’s been admitted into the hospital and given steroids to help develop our baby’s lungs and antibiotics via IV and orally. The plan is bed rest at the hospital and hope and pray that we can keep the baby...
  12. W

    still nervous

    I posted here around a week ago I think and one person said I wasn’t pregnant, but I’m gonna post again to see what everyone thinks. My boyfriend has a vasectomy & got cleared twice for a 0 sperm count. One in like late late last year and another in January. I don’t think we had sex in...
  13. R

    Coworker refuses to use sick leave, even though I’m 5 weeks pregnant

    My fiancée (32NB) and myself (30F) just found out we’re roughly 5 weeks pregnant this past weekend. This will be our first pregnancy/baby and we’re so excited to see where this journey takes us. But I’m struggling to get my hopes up, especially since I work with an asshole. My coworker (50F)...
  14. L

    Maybe pregnant? (tmi)

    okay so all the info so y’all can give your input; been active for like…the past 5ish months, on pill form of birth control, take birth control on time every night, skipped my period (by not taking my off week bc) last month cause i was a week post op, have had cramps slightly higher up and way...
  15. K


    19 F, had protected sex w my bf 2 times one was abt 4 wks ago, the other 3 wks ago. my period is 9 days late and i always get my period 15 days after ovulation. also tried a pt and it was negative. should i be worried? ty
  16. Y

    4w4d bHCG - hopeful

    I’ve had two miscarriages in the past 6 months, and I’m currently in my third pregnancy. First pregnancy : 6w4d my HCG was 2126. I miscarried at 7w. Second pregnancy : 7w5d my HCG was 3882. I miscarried at 8w4d. This pregnancy, my doctor is getting me in a whole bunch to check my HCG...
  17. M

    Need some advice

    I am 11 days late with my period. Had sex Dec.11th w/ condom and pull out, no tears or rips. That cycle my period came 8 days early (Dec.31) and only lasted 5 days, normally my cycle is 7-8 days long. It was light/ to medium flow and normally it’s medium/ heavy. This period worried me so I took...
  18. S


    I had an ectopic pregnancy months back now and I had a worry I was pregnant again. I've done a test and there's a very slight line. Could this be false? I'm incredibly anxious after the whole ordeal so any help would be great x
  19. S

    Elective C-section v. vaginal birth

    I need some advice from you wonderful people out there. FtM, I am 25 weeks pregnant and already chose a hospital for the birth. As the weeks progress I am not sure how to go forward with the modalities of birth. I'd love to hear your opinion on the many ways to give birth. In the beginning of...
  20. B

    Post on r/women surprised me

    Someone posted about being scared about pregnancy. They are not pregnant, but the idea is very intimidating to them (I totally get it) She was explaining how she has watched a bunch of videos on TikTok about reasons not to get pregnant, read birth horror stories, and heard some not so great...