postpartum recovery

  1. A

    6 months PP & haven’t lost a single pound!

    Hi everyone! This is my first time posting, but I am so frustrated and just feeling defeated. I have been exercising 5 day’s a week and in a calorie deficit most days, but I weigh the exact same as I did 1 week PP. I had a c section and healed very well, and started working out as soon as I got...
  2. M

    Painful sex 9 wks after c section getting worried

    I had a c section delivery. Me and my partner got the green light 6 weeks post partum to have sex and it hurt so bad. The pain is like burning, stinging and dry even with a bunch of lubrication. I’m now 9 wks PP and we decided to try again and it still hurt, if anything it was worse. Can...
  3. D

    Husband is unhelpful/selfish after having our son

    For context, my husband (36M) and I (32F) got married last December at our home and began planning a reception to celebrate with friends and family. A week and half later, we found out we were expecting a surprise baby. We didn’t think we could have children, but after years together, life found...
  4. B

    5 months PP-swelling/pitting edema and higher BP

    Hi all, *I am consulting a doctor about this! Backstory-i had pre-eclampsia/hypertension pregnancy induced around two weeks before birth with swelling and pitting edema on the front of my lower leg along with moderately high BP. I am 5 months PP and feeling those symptoms come back. My...
  5. M

    Feeling like a blob. Help

    I’m 10.5 months pp and still weigh as much as I did before I gave birth nearly a year ago. My body shape has also changed quite a bit. I initially lost all but 5lbs right after giving birth, but then regained it all back over the course of the year, probably due to my breastfeeding appetite...
  6. K

    Post partum healing

    Hi, I'm a 36 y o FTM 8 months post partum. My vagina doesn't look the same as some women say it should by now. I had a 2nd degree tear that was immediately stitched up. I was told it was done right, but the bottom area... instead of looking like a V shape, the V is slightly at an angle. Also...
  7. J

    Prolapse 4mo PP

    Went to PT today and had pelvic exam bc I still feel heaviness down there. I’m 4m PP and have a vaginal prolapse but more beside my rectum is pushing on it. Has anyone else had this? It’s not on the severe side but I have some work to do. I delivered a 9 pound 3oz baby and pushed for 2.5 hours...
  8. C

    When does it physically get better?

    Hi everyone! I guess I just need to hear a bit of encouragement. 33 y.o ftm, 4.5 PP via c section. This turned out long so no need to read all of it. I just needed to feel seen. Ive been crying since Wednesday everyday and have been feeling depressed for weeks. I absolutely loathe my body and...
  9. S

    Working out after a C-section

    Hello ladies, I had a c-section almost 12 weeks ago and I wanted to know how long should I wait to start exercising normally. I’ve been doing light floor work, no crunches or hard exercise. I’ve been searching on the internet and there are no guidelines for when it’s ok to do so. I read...
  10. T

    5 months out - Progress update & my approach

    Hi everyone! I have officially been a mom for 5 months now, and it has been quite the journey. I wanted to give a quick update about where I'm at, and also give you an overview of the approach I took to get here. UDPDATE: As I said, I'm 5 months out, and I'm at my pre-pregnancy weight. I hit...
  11. P

    Postpartum vitamins

    I’m 12 weeks postpartum from an emergency c section. During my pregnancy I always took my prenatal vitamins everyday. After giving birth though I ended up having other issues on my mind that taking the vitamins slipped my mind. (Especially since I’m not breast feeding) Well due to neglecting my...
  12. T

    I feel like I ruined my body by having a vaginal birth

    I had a c-section in 2021. I had a VBAC almost 4 months ago and I fully regret my decision. Having a vaginal birth completely wrecked my pelvic floor and vagina. By 6 weeks after my c-section I felt almost 100% better. I’m 15 weeks postpartum now after my vaginal birth and I’m still taking 800mg...
  13. B

    Brown stretch marks 8 months PP that haven’t faded much. Does this mean I’ll have them forever?

    I’m a 20 y/o ftm. I’ve had stretch marks when way younger on my thighs and butt and they are white now. I don’t remember how long they took to fade but.. the ones on my belly, hips, legs, and butt, are all a bright, dark red-brown. They’re very much still really noticeable. I feel really weird...
  14. G

    Do I Choice Breastfeeding or Weight Loss?

    Hi Fellow Ladies! I am needing advice on how to approach weight loss. A little bit of background. I am 8 weeks PP with my first and hopefully only baby. I weighed 140lb when I became pregnant. Delivered at 190lb. Since then, I have floated around 165-170lb w/o exercise. I wanted to start...
  15. M

    Trying to understand ... Please help!

    Hi all, my wife and I just had a baby. Mommy and baby came home yesterday and she seemed a little different. Last night, she started yelling at my oldest (14) because my dog was limping. She asked why the dog was limping. To be honest, we don't know why the dog was limping. Anyway, she yelled at...
  16. B

    C section pouch

    Did anybody ever have success in losing or significantly decreasing the pouch you get after a c section?? I don’t know if all the tricks are just BS and if it’s just up to genetics, or if something actually helps. I feel like I’m just being naive and hopeful and there’s nothing that will help...
  17. E

    Finally, progress

    I had some posts about my weight struggle due to EBF. After tracking my weight with Happy Scale app, i realized i was not gaining nor losing (since i gave birth) in the long haul. Finally around 8 mos postpartum I noticed a difference of 3 pounds without dieting and am now actively trying to...
  18. S

    Gaining weight even when breastfeeding

    I’m 4 weeks post partum. I have been breastfeeding and pumping while topping up with formula. I’ve heard that breastfeed help lose weight but I’ve actually gained 3lbs in 2 weeks. Other than walking and light dumbbell exercise (total about 45mins - 1.5 hr everyday), I have been eating more than...
  19. F

    New mom and struggling

    Hello, I was debating posting on here but I think I really just want to talk to people that know what I’m going through. I had my son about 3 months and a week ago. I am currently still laid off due to covid19 and my husband went back to work a few weeks ago. As soon as he went back I felt my...