postpartum recovery

  1. M

    Trying to understand ... Please help!

    Hi all, my wife and I just had a baby. Mommy and baby came home yesterday and she seemed a little different. Last night, she started yelling at my oldest (14) because my dog was limping. She asked why the dog was limping. To be honest, we don't know why the dog was limping. Anyway, she yelled at...
  2. B

    C section pouch

    Did anybody ever have success in losing or significantly decreasing the pouch you get after a c section?? I don’t know if all the tricks are just BS and if it’s just up to genetics, or if something actually helps. I feel like I’m just being naive and hopeful and there’s nothing that will help...
  3. E

    Finally, progress

    I had some posts about my weight struggle due to EBF. After tracking my weight with Happy Scale app, i realized i was not gaining nor losing (since i gave birth) in the long haul. Finally around 8 mos postpartum I noticed a difference of 3 pounds without dieting and am now actively trying to...
  4. S

    Gaining weight even when breastfeeding

    I’m 4 weeks post partum. I have been breastfeeding and pumping while topping up with formula. I’ve heard that breastfeed help lose weight but I’ve actually gained 3lbs in 2 weeks. Other than walking and light dumbbell exercise (total about 45mins - 1.5 hr everyday), I have been eating more than...
  5. F

    New mom and struggling

    Hello, I was debating posting on here but I think I really just want to talk to people that know what I’m going through. I had my son about 3 months and a week ago. I am currently still laid off due to covid19 and my husband went back to work a few weeks ago. As soon as he went back I felt my...
  6. K

    Stupid question - calorie intake

    Probably a stupid question but I don’t know what the answer is. I know that a calorie deficit results in weight loss, simply as that. But, take the example of during pregnancy and post partum - eating 3,000 calories a day (no idea what I’ve been consumed, this is just a round number I’m...
  7. G

    How long does it take for Scar tissue to heal on perineum stitches?

    Hi I’m (29F). I had my first baby via c section bc he was breech. My 2nd I had a successful vbac and had 2nd degree tear. I developed a scar tissue on my Perineum stitches around 2 week pp. TMI it’s around the opening of my vagina and it feels like a hard lump that has like a pimple looking...
  8. P

    8 month transformation & full week of eating/tracking calories

    Hey ladies, wanted to share my 8 month transformation so far as a pumping/breastfeeding and working mom. Also, I documented a full week of eating and training and just posted it on youtube. It does mention calories so do not watch it if that's a trigger for you. Would love your feedback/comments...
  9. L

    Young first time mom

    I am now 3 months postpartum- I have yet been able to have sex that does not hurt- I tore in the top right of my vagina- i have 2 red lumps to where i think my stitches were- My OB refused to check my stitches and ended up getting an infection on month 1. It’s been a hard recovery journey but i...
  10. G

    Postpartum symptoms

    Hello I’m currently 3 months postpartum and struggling and wondered if there’s anyone out there who feels the same or has gone through the same experiences. I had quite a traumatic birth which I’m not sure I’m over or come to terms with. I had a ventouse delivery and an episiotomy and I also...