postpartum recovery

  1. W

    Best online pelvic floor/bladder prolapse programs?

    Hi all! As much as I’d like to see a Physio it’s just not in the budget right now. I’d really appreciate anyone’s experience with online programs to help restore pelvic floor and bladder function. I’m eyeing the Vagina Whisperer’s program but I don’t know about many others. I’m really sick of...
  2. K

    C section abdomen pain 3 weeks PP?

    I’m 3 weeks Pp. Incision is healed. However I’ve been having light twinges of pain in my abdomen area. Wondering if anyone else had this and it was normal or was it a sign of internal infection? Thanks
  3. T


    I know it gets better. This is only the beginning. I just had her. I’m only 10 weeks postpartum. Anatomically, I understand that it will take time because it took 9 months but I feel so terrible. I hate what I see in the mirror. My fiancé tries to reassure me, it’s not even reassurance. He tells...
  4. 2

    Help a first time mom who is 15 months postpartum

    Happy Monday, everyone. I’m in some serious need of guidance. When I met my husband 6 years ago I was in really good shape. I was working out weekly and eating relatively healthy. At the time of meeting him I was about 143lbs. During our early years of courtship, we eat out a lot and let’s...
  5. T

    My husband isn't attracted to me

    I am sorry if this is the wrong community but I feel a bit overwhelmed. I had a bit of weight problem before getting pregnant and now I am 3 months postpartum my husband has been making comments about my body especially my tummy. He says he is no longer attracted to me (which is another issue on...
  6. C

    How to make progress on fitness when constantly getting sick?

    Hi y’all! My baby is 11 months. Just this year, we’ve had 4-5 colds and a stomach bug. Previously I got sick perhaps once or twice an entire year. I expect the sicknesses will only get worse as she just started daycare. I find that I’ll get into a great groove with fitness (doing 5-6 strength...
  7. P

    16 months post partum- no progress

    I’m 16 months P.P in March and I’m still exclusively breastfeeding. My LO doesn’t drink cows milk at all yet. Anyways I felt like I gained a significant amount of weight, about 15 lbs after giving birth. I’ve been working with a nutritionist and trainer for about 5 months being super...
  8. S


    Hey - I am 2 weeks c-section postpartum. I’ve always had a fit lifestyle. After the surgery - I have not been able to connect with my core. So much so that easy tasks feels like huge stress. My body is extremely tight right now. Idk what to do. Somebody please tell me what to do and is it...
  9. A

    So unmotivated and sad

    My baby is three months old. I am the heaviest I have ever been at 5”0 and 155lbs. Pre pregnancy i was 110-115. I had two babies 21 months apart so I try to give myself grace (both C-sections) but I’m so frustrated and sad and unmotivated. He only contact naps so I’m on the couch the majority...
  10. D

    Pressure to breastfeed

    7 weeks ago I had my first born via c-section because he was large, posterior and I couldn't dialate past a 5 and he was in distress after 23 hours of trying to get more dialated. Anyways, that was traumatic on its own, then I tried to breastfeed in the hospital and he just wasn't getting enough...
  11. M

    Advice about dressing for a wedding postpartum

    Looking for advice from some veteran moms here. I have a… unique challenge in front of me. My best friend is getting married 9 weeks 5 days after my due date, and I’m a bridesmaid. I called local tailors and it sounds like size alterations will not be practical on the timeline that I’ll be...
  12. A

    TDEE and Macros while breastfeeding?

    I’m exclusively breastfeeding right now but without breastfeeding my TDEE is at 1,752. Do I add the recommended 300-500 additional calories to factor in breastfeeding? Also, if my macros are 40/30/30 (carbs/fat/protein) does that need to shift if I’m breastfeeding? I am constantly under...
  13. K

    Core Principles in Developing an at Home Diastasis Recti Practice

    Hey ya'll, just wanted to post a quick follow up to an earlier post. Pelvic floor and postnatal physical therapist Michelle Benoit, shared with me some of her principles for helping moms develop a personalized program for working with DR at home. Her three Cs of Connect, Control and Challenge...
  14. K

    Can’t shake the weight 3 months PP

    (TW: ED) Hey guys, I gave birth to my beautiful daughter 3 months ago and have not lost a single pound since. I was 168lbs when I went in to give birth to her and I’m 168lbs sitting her writing this. I did lose about 10 lbs immediately after giving birth, but I gained it right back within the...
  15. D

    Weight gain

    Hello all! In need of advice. Baby #2 is almost 5 months old! Ever since I gained my college freshman 15 (20 cough cough). I have been sitting pretty steady at 143. With both kids, I got up to 165 or so but very quickly plopped back down to the magic 143. In terms of BMI, that 143 has always...
  16. C

    When did your belly snap back?

    Just wondering how long postpartum your stomach began to look similar to before pregnancy. It’s fine if the answer is “never” 🥲 Answers most helpful from those years postpartum, i.e. don’t say never at 3 months pp 😅 For context, I’m 6 months pp, back to prepregnancy weight, workout as much as...
  17. R

    2 months postpartum and i don’t know where to start 😕

    I need some advice and maybe some encouragement. I’m two months postpartum with twins. I had a C-section, and I have been feeling so disgusted with myself. It started with me just hating my body, but now I just think I’m the most hideous thing ever. I look in the mirror and just hate...
  18. V

    Has anyone built a butt while breastfeeding?

    I know breastmilk is Made from the fat and protien of your bum but I've been eating more protien than ever and training glutes 3 days a week for 3 months with no success. It will usually randomly look great for a day or 2 and then deflate over the next few days and repeat cycle. My 4.5 month old...
  19. W

    I need support

    I had my baby in January of 2021. He was 9.3lbs, I started at 130lbs pre-pregnancy and by the end was 190lbs. I had a C-section. Once I was approved to start running (8 weeks PP) I started working out. I lost some weight after having the baby but when I got to 157lbs my weight loss stopped. Ever...
  20. S

    Postpartum YouTube and weightloss channel!

    Hello everyone! Let me know if this is inappropriate or unwanted but I've started making videos on my YouTube and they are primarily geared towards postpartum moms and weightloss as that's where I'm at in my life right now- I started at 215lbs and I'm currently 195lbs, I plan on trying different...