
  1. M

    C-section recovery w NICU baby

    This is so hard trying to recover from C-section while my baby is in the NICU ! I know the staff is there for the baby, but it’s like they don’t realize the mom is TORN UP!! I need a bed to rest in, a bathroom that is easily accessible from inside the NICU unit, nutritious food, and support...
  2. J

    Travelling with 8 months (6.5 months corrected)

    We are planning to take our 34 weeker baby for a 2 weeks vacation in Europe at the beginning of summer. We are from Canada and this will be baby’s first big trip. She will be 6.5 months corrected then. Her paediatrician is okay with the plan. Any advice on what should we keep in mind in...
  3. P

    Another day, another question

    Hazy Lungs in X-rays Our child has been in the NICU coming up on 2 months. He was born 37 weeks +2, IUGR (5lb 2 oz). Has always had respiratory complications such as retractions and struggling to take breaths. His chest X-rays the past few weeks have consistently shown hazier lungs. They’ve...
  4. D

    Aspirating During Feeds

    My 39 + 6 baby girl was born on December 5 at 34 weeks. My water broke (PPROM) at 26 weeks and she stayed in until a scheduled C-section at 34 weeks. The biggest complication was underdeveloped lungs due to a lack of fluid for those weeks after my water broke. She made great progress at first...
  5. H

    Ab pain after C-Section (7mpp)

    I’ll start off by saying I have a follow up appointment schedule with my dr. So in August of 2023 I had an emergency C-section under general anesthesia at 25+0. The incision is transverse on the outside and vertical on the inside. (Baby weighed 490g and is thankfully doing okay). Ever since...
  6. E

    Big brother going to prek soon! How can I best protect baby?!

    My oldest is starting prek this month and I didn’t even think of the germs he’ll be exposed to and bringing home…. Baby was in NICU for 32 days and will be 4mo soon. I was told to sanitize for 3mo but I’m still doing it. I’m so so terrified of him getting sick. We’ve done well so far but today...
  7. T

    After the NICU issues?

    Did any of your kids have long lasting issues after the NICU. Specifically those of you whose kids needed surfactant? My son was born 34+2 (OG thought to be 36+2) and needed two rounds of surfactant. He was intubated for 5 days and spent 2.5 weeks in the NICU. We’ve been home for about 2...
  8. S

    Can I prevent my baby from getting a trach??

    My baby was born at 24 weeks, intubated for 12 days and has had 3 surgeries all neuro related (reservoir, shunt). He went home from the nicu at 4 months old and had already not been needing any oxygen for awhile. He's now almost 7 months old and had 2 hospital trips both due to GI issues. The...
  9. M

    PPROM Update - Birth Story (kinda positive!)

    Unicorn PPROM Story, 28w to 36w induction for vaginal breech birth ended in c-section and NICU stay (water breaking early and staying pregnant afterwards) Hello! I was looking all over for PPROM stories (water breaking early) when it first happened to me, so now I’m going to share my...
  10. C

    Guilt over not being at hospital every day

    I’ve seen similar posts, but I guess I just need reassurance that I’m not a bad mom for not making it to the hospital every day. We had twins at 33 weeks and 3 days. They are now 23 days old. Twin B, our little boy, was IUGR, so he’s still there just feeding and growing, but his sister came home...
  11. M

    Anybody need a car bed seat?

    We had to buy an infant car bed because of repeated fails of the car seat test and I'd like it to live on for another baby in need. It was used literally twice (on the way home and back to the pediatrician for the car seat test we passed). It's a Cosco Dream Ride SE Infant Car Bed. Let me know...
  12. K

    NICU Massage: helpful or overstimulation?

    During the pregnancy, I picked three books to be my childrearing bibles. One of them is “Touch” by Tiffany Field. In it, she sites a study showing that daily massage (three 15-minute sessions per day) brought kids home sooner from the NICU. The article cited is below—I can’t quite find the...
  13. K

    Tell me your stories of your 28-30 weekers

    After 21 days of hospitalization with pre-eclampsia (about which many of you shared your own journeys), our little dragon was born at 29 weeks exactly. If you had a little one born between 28 and 30ish weeks, I’d love to hear the story of their NICU stays. Would be great to hear: Their birth...
  14. W

    Ongoing difficulty bottle feeding

    Hi all, Looking for an advice/ideas around ongoing feeding issues. Baby born at 30 weeks, now 12 weeks adjusted and has been home for 12 weeks. We have continued to have issues with feeding on and off and we can’t figure out why. He is on 26kcal neosure in breast milk due to slow weight gain...
  15. M

    27 Weeks 1 Day

    Well the placental insufficiency got worse and Tessa Marie decided to come into the world early. She was born 2:02 PM 1 lbs 2 oz a 11 in long. She is doing great and just a tiny bit small. I had to wait forever to see her due to pain during delivery but she was worth the wait. Sounds like I’ll...
  16. N

    Advice for bringing baby home

    We finally got to bring baby home today! Our girl was born at 32+1 and is now 35+6. She was a PPROM baby so we got to do the round of steroids. Luckily she didn’t have any breathing problems besides being on O2 nasal cannula for a couple of days. Any advice or tips on bringing your preemie home...
  17. A

    PPROM at 29 weeks

    How long did you last after PPROM? I have a history of preterm labor and delivery so I was having cervical length checks until about 25 weeks. Everything was closed and I was still about 2.8cm at my last check. I was hopeful I’d make it further than my last preemie (34+0), but I guess not. I...
  18. B

    I/P How you can help, and rules about discourse. PLEASE READ

    Hello there, I know I don't pop in enough these days but my son is almost ten now and you all give each other far more relevant information than I have on hand. It's a joy to watch this sub from a mod position as it grows and changes. I think all of you have heard by now about Hamas'...
  19. J

    Newbie - sorry, it's long

    UPDATE: First, thank you to everyone who took the time to share their experiences and encourage self-advocacy. I contacted the on call doctor. She felt comfortable with me being home taking prescribed Flexeril and resting, but if I needed assurance, to go back to L&D. I chose to stay home on my...
  20. K

    Antibiotics given for RDS and I’m mad about it

    Hi all- I’m not a frequent poster so hopefully I’m doing this right! My baby is 6 months old and doing great, but I can’t get over the trauma of his birth. I had a super easy pregnancy and went in for induction at 40+4, at my OB’s suggestion but not for any medical reason. I got a membrane sweep...