
  1. C

    Born at 26 weeks- constant bradys & reflux

    My daughter was born on Aug 28th at exactly 26 weeks via emergency c-section after incompetent cervix & PPROM. She was on a ventilator for a few days and then moved to a bubble CPAP shortly after. She is now 11 days old and about a week ago she started having bradycardias and spitting up during...
  2. P

    my 27 week baby passed away due to infection

    they told me she has staphylococcus aureus after culture, im in so much pain and distress, she seemed to do well, dirst they gave her (habaren?) im not sure of the spelling but this is how it sounded when the pronounced it, her two fingers were blue then black then only the tips were black, she...
  3. M

    Project NICU Mental Health Awareness Week events 5/24-28

    Hello fellow NICU parents, Project NICU is hosting a number of special events for NICU Mental Health Awareness Week. Postpartum depression is a serious issue especially for parents of children in the NICU, if you don't feel comfortable attending that is cool but I urge everyone to stay in tune...
  4. M

    L&D nurse gift baskets?

    Hi hi! We just had our baby boy 4 weeks ago. He needed some help so he spent about 5 days in the NICU. I had the most incredible L&D nurse, and 2 amazing NICU nurses during our stay. I want to get them something special as a thank you. Any ideas? I’m thinking about $25 per gift.
  5. W

    Really hard day

    The highs and low of the NICU rocked me today. My little boy was born at 34+4 due to pre-e. Yesterday I was crying happy tears since my little one had their first breast feed that was his entire feed! I thought it was all up from there but then today had desaturations that scared me and my...
  6. R

    I am going home after my C-section and am an emotional wreck having to leave them

    Hi everybody. I am a new mom. We have twins in NICU a boy (2lbs11oz) and a girl (2lbs 4 oz) They were born on Wednesday (27th) at 26 wks 4 days. We knew they would be early, I have a septum in my uterus and they were both on the same side. I'd gone into early labor @23 weeks but we managed to...
  7. D

    PPROM’d at 30+2, currently 30+4, getting cerclage removed today

    Hey everyone! I PPROM’d at 30+2 days, and had the opportunity to get both steroid shots in for baby’s lungs, and I’m on antibiotics to fight infection (no infection currently). No cause of the PPROM aside from the fact I had a short cervix and needed to get a cerclage at 22 weeks. Today I get my...
  8. P

    Day 142 in the NICU

    As of yesterday we were at day 142 for our 27 week 6 day triplets. Triplet A and B have been home for 1 month. My wife and I opted to bring home triplet C on low flow O2, and with an NG tube, after he stalled around 50% P.O. Today is day 143 of life for our children, and it just so happens to...
  9. J

    Any ballpark estimates on 8 week NICU bills?

    Our 31+0 girl is slated to stay in the NICU for 8 weeks. My insurance covers 90% of the bill, I cover the remaining 10%. Has anyone been in a similar situation? What kind of price tag am I looking at? And what happens if I can’t pay…? Bonus points if anyone is in NYS and knows of programs...
  10. L

    Little Z

    Hi, all! My little Z is a NICU graduate and I just wanted to share my experience and encouragement. He was born a month early and had some issues feeding and was very small. My partner had a difficult pregnancy and was very I’ll with preeclampsia, which prompted a C-section in late March. He...
  11. J

    Happy Mother’s Day!

    Hey 👋 As we got ready to head into the NICU this morning I was a little disappointed that my wife’s first Mother’s Day post delivery was still going to be in the NICU. I asked her if she was doing ok and she said yah it’s not ideal but our LO made me a mother regardless of where we celebrate...
  12. D

    My story. As shared on Facebook originally

    The NICU. I’ve kept our story pretty much off Facebook. Since it is NICU awareness month, I felt like sharing. The one word I would describe my whole experience would be lucky. I had preeclampsia with William, however it was pretty mild and was at full term. Throughout my pregnancy I was...
  13. K

    If you or your partner was hospitalized for pre-eclampsia prior to delivering your little one, tell me about your experience

    I am currently 27w2d, have been hospitalized for a week, and will be here until I deliver. I’ve had a hard time finding other experiences like mine. If you experienced this, I’d love to hear: What week+day were you admitted, what week+day did you deliver, and how many days total was your...
  14. B

    Shyloh has been diagnosed with NEC

    Hello y’all, Shy has been intubated. She has some inflammation in her intestines😞 They think we caught it early enough tho. They started her on 3 different antibiotics that seem to be working so far. These next 2 days are going to be long and stressful, and I’m already a mess😭😭 She has a tube to...
  15. M

    36 weekers

    Had my Didi twin girls two days ago at 36+2 and they have been in the NICU since for breathing and a feeding tube. Baby A 4 lb 15 oz and baby B 4 lb 5 oz. After a traumatic c section, I’m beyond devastated to see them in this state. Any words of encouragement or similar stories people can...
  16. B

    Hurt Feelings because of Preemie/Newborn Health Precautions (and some of my own hurt)

    Some general background info: My LO was born at the end of July at 32 weeks, and is now 16 weeks (8 weeks adjusted). He came home mid-September after a 7 week NICU stay. I had a traumatic emergency c-section and have only been able to pump 3-6 oz a day since he was born (supplementing with...
  17. M

    My IUGR story so far…

    Posting to share my story and see if others have had similar experiences and how it turned out. 25+1 FTM. We were diagnosed asymmetric IUGR at the 6th percentile at 24+1. Baby is weighing 543g, his abdomen and head look fine but arms and legs are tiny, in the >1%. Negative NIPT results, no...
  18. M

    Reservoir Q’s

    I just found out that my 29 weeker (he’s 3 weeks old as of yesterday) has an “urgent but not emergent” need for a reservoir—he had his 3rd brain scan today and the dilation is very severe and progressed quite a bit since last week. When the dr showed me the images, I nearly crumbled—it looks...
  19. A

    Little guy won’t sleep at night

    Hello, we had our son who is 4 weeks old now, 5.6 lbs at 34 weeks and was in the NICU for 3 weeks. Our issue is he sleeps well during the day but at night he grunts and I mean GRUNTS non stop and won’t sleep. What can we do to help our little guy sleep more? He is always so hungry but our doctor...
  20. J

    Baby to her own room at 10 weeks?

    Hi, Y’all are my only good “mom group” and since I’m hyper concerned about everything because she was a preemie, I thought I’d ask here. When did you move your baby to their own room. My girl has never really taken to the bassinet and sleeping at night is a total nightmare to us all. She was...