
  1. B

    Universal Childcare call to arms! -Mod Approved

    Hello friends! I wanted to spread the word about Universal Childcare and how a handful of parents from around reddit have decided enough is enough. We're in the beginning stages of banding together to fight for real change in the US. Are you interested in joining the cause? Do you know someone...
  2. G

    R.O.P. appointments

    I can not for the life of me stand going to these appointments! And to make matters worse, my lo is two still going to this same doctor who seems to have no respect for anyone else's time! My lo was born at 29+2. She was in the NICU for 84 days. We brought her home and of course we had...
  3. K

    Wondering who else has dealt with high acid levels?

    My daughter was born last Tuesday 5/30. She was born at 33 weeks and 3 days but came out very tiny for her age — 2lbs 6oz. Doctor’s primary concern is the high acid levels in blood. Current pH level is 7.43. The doctor believe it’s most either due to an infection, for which she’s on two...
  4. S

    Are there any positive long term outcome stories from babies on ECMO?

    UPDATE: My son came home from the NICU after 46 days not currently on oxygen and not on a g-tube. He did not end up needing ECMO. I had my son at 37+3 last Friday, March 10 in an unexpected c-section as a result of breech presentation discovered sudden low amniotic fluid when we went in to...
  5. R

    Feeding into mucous fistula - can it be done at home?

    Our full term 4 week old has been in the NICU/PICU since birth. It’s a complicated course, but the most recent reason he’s still admitted is that he had a bowel perforation, emergency surgery, and he’s still intubated after a very scary course with ARDS. He’s almost 2 weeks post-op. The...
  6. R

    Babies Won’t Eat

    First, I apologize for this rambling post… I’m not great at navigating Reddit and honestly, feel like I’m at my wit’s My twins (both female) were born at 31 weeks, 5 days after PPROM 24 hours earlier. I got steroid shots and magnesium in the 24 hrs leading up to the birth. Baby A was 3 lb, 6 oz...
  7. A

    How to remember the good times that happened in the NICU? (Long stay)

    Hi All- I posted before I had my baby (B) and everyone was so helpful with questions for the neonatology team! B, our little guy was born at 27/5 with IUGR. Today makes 4 weeks in the NICU, the first 3 weeks were a blur and I don’t remember them at all (I think just trauma brain). Now that...
  8. N

    A year later... Extreme IUGR

    Hello dear NICU parents, A year ago, back in 2022 december I posted for the first time in this community. It is finally time for me to post an update.My baby boy was born a few days after the original post, on 21st of December.I had 3 weeks to prepare mentally for him being a micro preemie and...
  9. I

    Cervix dilated at 27.5 w

    My cervix dilated to 3.7 cm at 27.5w and made it to 28w now with ibuprofen and magnesium sulphate. Any suggestions on how I can hold the baby longer , currently on complete bed rest except for using the restroom. Have any other parents had similar experiences? How did your babies do in the...
  10. T

    Mentally struggling not being able to hold my baby

    I had my baby via c section at 33 weeks n 2 days. She was 4lbs And is very healthy they said I'll be able to hold here in 2 to 4 days. I'm struggling so hard I cry every night, I just wanna be able to hold my baby. I got a c section 24 hours ago and I've only spent a total of 3 to 4 hours with...
  11. G

    Feeding my baby

    I gave birth to my daughter almost 7 weeks ago at 30 and 0 because I had an arterial bleed and a uterine rupture. The last thing we need to do before we can go home is master oral feeding. She’s taking at most 4ML by mouth with a bottle and having trouble sucking when she’s at the breast. I feel...
  12. S

    They called us in for the conversation we very NICU parent dreads

    We are on week 10 of my 24 weeker’s NICU stay. Her course has been complicated by a difficult resuscitation at birth requiring 26 minutes of chest compressions, and then seizures starting a week after her birth. Recently, the team came to the conclusion that her spasms are not seizures, but...
  13. B

    Anticipating 6-8 week NICU stay in August with a 2 y/o at home - advice or information?

    I am 6 months pregnant with my second child and was informed a couple days ago baby has a critical congenital heart defect known as truncus arteriosus as well as a VSD. After meeting with MFM and pediatric cardiology, we were told there is no reason not to anticipate I would carry to term at...
  14. F

    Decreased appetite and increased sleeping

    Hey all. Baby born 33 weeks on sept 24. Currently 7 weeks adjusted. Noticed he’s sleeping more and eating way less. Used to down 150ml every 3 hours. Now he’s only getting 50mL before passing out. Called our pediatrician and she wasn’t concerned at all. Could this be a growth spurt or something?
  15. S

    Risk of NEC in 6-month premie?

    Hi everyone, my daughter is currently 9 days shy of 6 months actual. She was born at 35 and 0 weeks via planned C section bc of my placenta previa/potential accreta. She was 6lbs and 1 oz with APGARS of 8/8 but was taken to the NICU because of mild respiratory distress. She was discharged on day...
  16. K

    Is NICU follow up necessary when seeing a pediatrician a few times a year?

    My LO is 19 months old. Born at 31 weeks. She’s gone 2-3 times to the NICU follow up. Last appointment cost $1200. She was evaluated as on track, and sees her pediatrician every 4ish months for physicals. I really can’t afford to pay $1200 again, I am still paying off that last Visit. Of...
  17. T

    Discharge with feeding tube

    The doctor called today and said in a couple weeks we may be discharged with a g-tube. I feel like this is the end of the world for us. We’ve been working on feeding for 4 weeks and our girl is 41+5 now, born at 27+3. They said around 44-45 weeks if she’s not better with eating we will be...
  18. L

    We are finally home after 150 days in NICU (born 24+1, 1.5 lbs, had PIE, PDA, ROP, pulmonary hypertension and BPD, left at 10 lbs and 1/8 L oxygen)

    We are home for 3 days now and finally got some time to write something. Little Aaron was born at 24 + 1 after my wife's sudden placenta abruption and was intubated immediately. He was on various ventilators during the first month of his life (1 week on HFO, 3 weeks on JET, and 1 week on CMV)...
  19. B

    35 weeks premie: currently 9 weeks but 4 weeks adjusted… need help please!

    1) 9 weeks old and dealing with intense gas issues almost GI? Poops look normal yellow and ebf! All happened right after vaccines and been going on for about a week now and develop a poor latch in the process (wasn’t an issue before) this has stalled his weight to only gaining an ounce and a...
  20. M

    Am I wrong ?

    My baby was born at 25 weeks + 2 days he’s currently 29 weeks 6 days gestation age so 30 weeks tomorrow and I live about 40-hours always from the nicu me n my fiancé share a car n always go later at night when he’s done working to go see the baby so about 11 is the time we get there. I always...