
  1. G

    What questions to ask? 10-week-old with nasty cough for days

    Our breastfed 10-week-old has had a cough for about four days now and we’re seeing a paediatrician later today. The cough has slightly worsened and there’s now some nasal congestion. No fever from armpit temperatures. Both parents had colds in the last couple of weeks (sore throat, runny nose)...
  2. V

    Realistically, is your newborn (7 weeks) going down for naps every 3 hrs after their feed?

    My 7.5 week old has been pretty good w naps so far. So good that in the beginning (first 3 weeks), she would even nap up to 5 hrs and I thought I hit the lottery..until week 4 where she started to cluster feed from midnight to early morning and I realized that her day and night was switched...
  3. M

    2 hours of crying - question

    Hi, We have a 5weeks + 2days old baby. She is typically very calm. She may cry for a minute here and then but if you attend to her she calms down and soon is either a) eating (if she wants that and it is her time), b) happy + awake, or c) calm and sleeping/going to sleep. However, yesterday we...
  4. N

    Formula, vit D and Simethicone stored at room temperature over 25 C/77 F

    Are they spoiled now? Do I get new ones instead?
  5. D

    Feeding schedule

    Hey everyone! I hope all of you and your babes are doing well. FTM here. My son just turned 7 weeks today and i’m just curious when, if and how you all started to establish a feeding schedule/routine? Baby is bottle fed and so far we’ve been feeding on demand and it’s been a bit of a...
  6. B

    Tummy time 4 weeks old

    How are y’all managing to get in tummy time? My son is a month old and his wake windows are slim. Either he wakes up hungry and fussy or we wake him up to eat. We do a diaper change first because if we do it after eating he will just spit up everywhere and want to eat again after anyways. After...
  7. H


    My baby is 7 weeks and for weeks now she’s had thrush on her tongue. The pediatrician prescribed me medicine to give to her orally every 6 hours for 10 days. I’ve been giving her medicine on and off but just now started doing it more consistently as the thrush doesn’t seem to be going away. I...
  8. W

    Is there such thing as sleeping too much? And other (probably ridiculous) questions from a ftm

    Ftm to a 5 day old! I have a couple of questions that I will be asking my pediatrician at his next visit but curiosity was getting the best of me and figured I’d ask here since you guys seem so knowledgeable and good at this 1) Can they sleep too much? My little guy is probably sleeping close...
  9. K


    I feel so frustrated. Last night my husband’s father got to our house, I’m not a fan of him so I don’t call him my FIL. So this is the second time he meets our 2 month old, first time he met baby was when they were a week old and he didn’t want to wash his hands so he didn’t get to hold them...
  10. T

    Why is my newly 2 m/o sleeping all day today?

    He’s never done this before. He’s woken up to eat and back to sleep for 2-3 hours all day. He’s already a big boy for his age. No signs of sickness.. what’s going on? He’s usually up most of the day/short naps.
  11. M

    F U one liners for more kids

    Hi all! I am the FTM of a 4 month old. I never wanted kids, but my husband did. We did the whole IVF process and in December welcomed our Son who is the epitome of an Angel on earth. In any event, we are seeing his family next week and I already know they are going to badger us for number 2...
  12. J

    Looking for a good foam play mat. Not too big and not too thin

    My wife and I are looking decent play mat. We bought two already but we're taking them back. One was this one from Amazon. It was a good thickness but it was WAY too big. We live in an apartment and we had to push all our furniture out of the way to unfold it. Another was this from Target...
  13. B

    Those who had a C-section, what were you able to do for baby while recovering from surgery?

    New parents, I'm still a mom-to-be but I'm most likely having a c section as baby is 99th percentile, plus breech and I'm only 5ft tall. My husband and I are trying to figure out what I'll be able to do while recovering so we can divide the baby duties. I'll be trying to breastfeed for sure...
  14. T

    Babies Get Bored Too: The Science Behind Infant Boredom

    As parents, we often wonder if our babies can actually get bored. The answer might surprise you: yes, infants can indeed experience boredom. While it might not be as complex as adult boredom, it is a real phenomenon with observable behaviors. Limited Attention Span: Infants have a limited...
  15. G

    Cheap blackout option

    So I have blackout curtains in my room and in our nursery but they just weren’t really doing the job. Yesterday I installed these paper roman shades and it is pitch black now! Just thought it might be helpful to some of you other new mommies and daddies. At $6 a window it’s a steal...
  16. S

    Contact naps to independent naps

    Apologies ahead of time for the repeat question. I just have various questions about this. For context, LO is two months old (9 weeks tomorrow). He mostly contact naps on me throughout the day. He does the classic crying not long after being put down. I don’t go back to work until the end of...
  17. A

    8 week old - terrible bedtime, great night

    I’m having a weird issue with my 8 week old daughter (will be 2 months on Tuesday). She sleeps swaddled in her crib with white noise. I sleep on a mat next to her crib. She’s doing GREAT overnight. I’m getting two 4-5 hour stretches out of her. I’m getting good at knowing when she’s waking to...
  18. W

    Little guy is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Any last minute tips or advice?

    Update: he’s here!! What a crazy 48 hours it’s been. I’m so in love with him already. Thank you all SO MUCH for all your words of wisdom and advice. I read every single one of them and truly learned something new from each. Tonight is the first night at home… little dude is fed, diaper changed...
  19. S

    mucusy baby

    help!! im a FTM to an almost 3.5 week old, and he is just SO mucus-y. our ped said to give him saline drops and use the blue balloon dropper thing to suck mucus out of his nose, but it doesn’t sit much it his nose!!! occasionally we will get like a bigger booger out that i can use a q-tip on the...
  20. R

    Dear Everyone who said this would suck…

    I had a really miserable pregnancy. I had HG for about 30 weeks, Covid and influenza B at the same time over Christmas and new years, borderline pre-e, cholestasis, etc. By my third trimester, I was going to the hospital twice a week for monitoring and seeing the OB every 5 days. Throughout all...