
  1. B

    Feeling like a bit of a failure

    First time mom and I have no idea what I'm doing. I can't understand the different types of cries, the longest stretch of sleep overnight he's gotten is 2.5 hours, I misinterpret his cues all the time. Currently up at 3am with him because I thought he was hungry, but he keeps smiling and...
  2. P

    7 Weeks PP and ready for the 2nd

    Am I the only one? This is my first and all through pregnancy I was sooo ready for it to be over but now I miss feeling my LO kick in my belly so much. The first few weeks were definitely challenging but now we’re in a pretty good place and every time I think about getting pregnant again I get...
  3. T

    Newborn is 7 weeks and has slept maybe a combined 3 hours without being held since birth

    I'm physically and emotionally numb at this point. I thought my 1st kid was bad when she'd only lay down for 45 minutes at a time, startle and then have to be soothed and put back down for an entire night (for roughly months 2-4). My wife and I did shifts then and made it until sleep training...
  4. N

    No help with baby from father

    My baby is 3 months almost 4. I’m am so tired and mentally drained. It’s very hard and I think what makes it hard is having no help from the father. I’m so still with him in a relationship but I’m starting to think I’m better off single since I already feel that way.except I wouldn’t have the...
  5. F

    Overfeeding, pediatrician gave him a diet

    It is a bit of an update from the overfeeding post from last time Yesterday we went to the ER because he had diarrhea and puking he couldnt keep any fluids down. He was tested for a virus but he was negative (he is 3 weeks and 4 days old) in the night he got O.R.S he did perfect on that kept it...
  6. A

    I was not expecting taking care of a newborn to be so hard

    FTM here. Has anyone else attended pregnancy courses, read books and thought "Okay, simple, feed them every 2-3 hours, breastfeeding is natural, burp, let them sleep, change diapers when needed, do tummy time, show black/white cards and that's it. I got this " And then the reality hits - baby is...