
  1. B

    Witching Hour… W T F

    All I can say is WOW My son is 5 weeks old and just began the witching hour where he will scream and be inconsolable from around 5-9pm. We do bouncing, rocking, dark room, white noise, swaddle, the 5 S, and offer breast. At this point baby is hungry but refuses to eat because is so worked up...
  2. I

    why buy a rocker?

    We were gifted an electric rocker from ingenuity, it says it's for 0 - 9 months, it rocks and it vibrates and it plays music, lovely. But everywhere I read the dangers of rockers, so much so that I'm convinced that merely touching the rocker will mortally wound my baby. I'm terrified that...
  3. K


    I just need to vent… My partner and I are first time parents. I quit my job to stay at home w our baby bc that was best for our situation. I appreciate my partner for working so I can stay home however I feel like I’m doing this parenting thing on my own. I was someone who loved sleeping, I’m...
  4. C

    Need advice re frequent breastfeeding

    Hi! My LO is 15 weeks old and he’s a sweetheart. For context: he is and has been exclusively breastfed and I think he entered the 4 month sleep regression so his sleep might be a bit off these days however he was always a difficult sleeper. Most of his day naps have been contact naps and, in...
  5. G

    Tricks for longer night stretches?

    My LO is 8 weeks….we have sporadically gotten a 4.5-5.5hr stretch of sleep in the last few days—though not really at ideal times, one was 5:30pm-10:30pm and then there was a nice one a few days back that was 12:30-5. Last night his stretches were only 2.5-3. Sometimes he also had a hard time...
  6. N

    l/o won’t take a pacifier

    First time mom questions re/pacifier. L/o (6wks) so far will not take a pacifier, gags, spits it out, turns head away etc. I see everyone else’s hosp pics l/o’s have pacifiers in. I didn’t try right away bc I had no reason to, baby is super chill, hardly cries, sleeps decent. Did I miss my...
  7. C

    8/9 week old learned a somehow more devastating cry

    The last couple days it seems like my 8/9 week old has found a brand new cry that hurts my heart and is more devastating than I have ever heard before. Is that normal? Well… has anyone else had that experience? To be honest, I haven’t really experienced the witching hour or the colic or anything...
  8. C

    Planning ahead for Fall 2024 Infant Childcare!

    I’m due in June 2024 and only expecting have a MAX of 12 weeks of leave at my job (I know, I can’t complain for being the US, although our childcare system is a joke, but I digress), and need to start planning for childcare options for when I got back to work. I WFH but work in a very...
  9. S

    Q about rocking a 1.3 month old baby to sleep

    my niece is 39 days old and when she wants to sleep and her mother can't breastfeed her or it doesn't work, I rock her in a specific way that she always stops crying .. then yawn and eventually sleep .. the way i rock her might be too hard but it works then we read that it might causes micro...
  10. A

    Subreddit after r/newborns?

    Where does one go for a similar subreddit once we’re past the newborn phase? Would love to find an under 1 sub!
  11. M

    C-Section mums who are pumping - How long did it take to fully establish your milk supply?

    Hi all - TLDR: looking for a bit of reassurance about how long it takes to produce enough breast milk for 4 week old’s demands and having to give a lot of formula top up. Long version: I’m a first time mum, 4 weeks postpartum following an emergency c-section after 5 days of unsuccessful...
  12. R

    Important for Mothers Returning to Work

    I’ve found myself leaving this information on multiple posts regarding issues with employers, so I thought I would make a separate post specifically about it. My qualifications are 10+ years in the field of HR with my undergrad in HR management. If you are presently on maternity leave (FMLA)...
  13. L

    When to expect “firsts”

    I’m a FTM of a 5 week old, and I’m wondering when did y’all’s babies first starting smiling at you, or laughing? My baby app told me that at 5 weeks my baby “should” start smiling at us, but right now he only smiles when he’s sleeping, and I was just wondering what everyone else’s experiences...
  14. V

    Disappointed that I couldn’t handle the pain of giving birth unmedicated

    I really wanted an unmedicated birth, but I always said if I really needed it I would get an epidural. I made it to 7 cm and the contractions were back to back. There was no laboring tub and I couldn’t use the shower to reduce pain because they had me strapped to monitors and an iv. (Baby’s...
  15. Z

    2.5 months old wakes up at 1AM, then 3...4.30, 6..7AM and then again 9Am to be fed. What to do?

    Baby does sleep from 8PM until 1AM, and after that wakes up so many times. And it got worse the past week. Typically I breastfeed her, but often she falls back to sleep like 5min later still on the boob. I tried to wake her up so she drinks more, but then spent 1.5-2h to get her back to sleep...
  16. J

    Night fussiness

    Baby is 2 weeks old, during the day sleeps every 2-3 hours sometimes will sleep 4 hours, eats about 2-3 oz each time wakes up. Not really fussy or anything just the normal baby stuff. Once night happens it’s like different baby, will fuss and cry for a few hours until eventually calms down and...
  17. P

    How many times do you change diapers at night?

    My LO is 7weeks old and EBF. she normally eats every 2 hours but will sometimes get in at least one 3 hour stretch in the middle of the night. We usually go to bed at around 9-10 and wake up at 8:30-9am. I usually change her diaper at 2am, and 6am but if I hear her go poop I’ll change it then...
  18. K

    For Those With Babies With Low Sleep Quantity (<12 Hours A Day) When Did It Increase?

    Our son is just over 4 months old and sleeps 12 hours a day in total. Paediatrician says this is fine, some babies just need shorter sleep amounts. It's 10 hours at night (which will be with a wake & feed - so either 6+4, 7+3, 8+2, 9+1 - but always works out to 10 hours strangely) then 4 x 30...
  19. E

    Sleep length at 6 weeks

    Hello! My baby is 6 weeks old and is usually taking 1-1,5 h naps during the day and about the same length sleep stretches during the night. If I’m lucky I get a 2h one ( there has been one time when he slept for 3h :,) ). Hes waking up almost instantly if I put him down horizontally from gas or...
  20. H

    What do you think about baby gates?

    Hello! I'm a Product Design student at the University of Houston, and I am currently working on a project focusing on child safety in the home. I am addressing problems related to baby gates and would like to get your thoughts on the issue. I created this quick survey that you can fill out and...