new parents

  1. K

    Is 39 yrs o too old to be a dad?

    I think when my son turns 10, I'll be 49. When he turns 20, I'll be 59. 30, 69, and so on. Do you think we miss the best years and being a healthy father, having the vitality to accompany him at these key ages?
  2. E

    All moms have 9 month baby l will die by anxiety

    have twins 9 months I feel they are not normal Baby number 1 Smile at a month and a half Babling Agha oh ahh at two and a half months A social laugh for all But when he was 5 and a half months or even 6 months old, he would not pay attention to the sounds well and would not pay attention to...
  3. L

    Heart Defect

    UPDATE 8/10/22 First of all, my wife and I cannot say enough how much we appreciated all of the advice, information and just kind words we received on here after my initial post on Monday. I am absolutely thrilled to report that the visit this morning went as well as it possibly could have...
  4. T

    Hair tournequettes are a thing! Be aware!

    First of all, everyone is okay, but we had a scare. I have an 11 week old. He usually isn't that fussy after I feed and change him, but last Monday at his 4 am feeding, it took me almost 2 hours to get him back to sleep. At his 8 am feeding, I was wondering why he still wouldn't calm down, and...
  5. O

    Is there a month-by-month to-do list sort of thing?

    We get to join the club, we found out about 2 weeks or so ago (seems like longer), we're wrapping up week 6. It's been uneventful symptom wise, but the nurse confirmed it. She's the breadwinner in our family, military. We're trying to keep it secret as long as we can, but we're overseas at a...
  6. A

    29 weeks C section… 3/4 Brain bleed. Do I have any hope?

    Because it doesn’t seem so.
  7. X

    Does this sound like a reasonable and or normal to you life of a stay at home mom to a 2.5 year old?

    This is what my week looks like. Does this sound reasonable to you? They rotate back and forth between day 1 and 2 throughout the week. Except on weekends. Day 1. Wake up pee dress wake my 2.5 year old dress him. Go to the kitchen and we both eat breakfast. I am faster than him so while he...
  8. M

    No body told me that at 6 months old my baby would go from potato to x games mode

    I feel like if my 6 month old could run he would be running lol. This baby is at his first level of x games mode (as DH puts it) he is moving his limbs like crazy, but pushing against me as if he will just float towards the ground. He's found his voice and loves yelling and screeching. He's...
  9. V

    It’s D-Day ! Advice on how to deal with stress/waiting

    Hey ! Today is the big day. What helped you to deal with your anxiety ?
  10. J

    Pet Peeve On These Parenting Reddits..

    Just something to get off my chest, partially humorous but there's a serious side too. Have been coming here since baby was very young, desperately looking for help as a first time father with a very difficult, high needs, sleep-training-resistant bad sleeper that drove me and my wife up the...
  11. O

    X-mas Gift Ideas for Expecting Wife

    Hi all! Long-time lurker, first-time poster. Wifey and I just reached week 13th(on Friday the 13th no less) with our little rainbow and currently looking up ideas for nice and meaningful gifts for her last non-Mommy X-mas. I found this one which I put on the list, but would love to get input...
  12. C

    Help! Baby suddenly cries hysterically at bedtime

    My 3.5 month old usually has a very solid routine of 5 naps and sleeps well at night waking up only once to feed. Usually he goes down super easy at bedtime - we have a routine of bath + massage + pjs + feed and cot. He has dropped a nap himself and now he’s doing 4 naps for the past few days...
  13. S


    Just really excited - and we're not telling people yet. So needed to share the news somewhere. ✨ f r e s h m a n ✨
  14. 6

    Teething for 2 months without any teeth to show for it, this is B A N A N A S

    My baby is 8mo old now and has been "teething" on and off for two months. That's two months of yoinking at his ears, drooling puddles, whacking himself in the head while he breastfeeds, digging at his gums, and aggressively chewing on everything he can get his lil' mitts on. Two months of giving...
  15. A

    Is it normal for me to feel both excited and terrified for my child’s anatomy scan in 2 weeks?

    I’m so excited to be able to see her on the ultrasound (we did a blood test early to determine gender) but I’m also fucking terrified because I’m so scared that the doctor might find something wrong with her. As far as I know, there’s no major hereditary health issues in both of our families...
  16. S

    How long should dads take paternity leave if they can afford to?

    My s/o can get paid leave but he doesn’t want to take time off just because it’s not full pay. I don’t think he understands how hard it will be for me right after giving birth and he always talks like I can handle everything —like even telling me to go back to work after 3 months lol. There...
  17. D

    How much money do you need when the baby is first born?

    Hi folks, Expectant first time dad (early June due date for a little boy) in the UK. Just wondering how much we need to realistically have saved to get the essential baby items/nappies/clothes etc. We have just moved to a house (previously living in a 2 bedroom apartment) and had to make...
  18. J

    Naming issues with mom... How do I revisit this with her?

    Mom and myself talked about baby names before she was even pregnant. We had a full name chosen. All was perfect. A few months later after a cruise, we found out we were pregnant. OK! GAME TIME! Life is happening and I’m super excited... It’s my first biological child. The name for our child...
  19. S

    New dads, don’t forget to celebrate your wives tomorrow

    Dear Dads, Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. While you should be celebrating your own mom, don’t forget to also celebrate your wife, who is also a mother now. This job will fall on you for many years until your kids are at least teenagers. There are two reasons you should be doing this: You’ll be...
  20. B

    Personality quirk? Or something more serious?

    First time dad here, to a 7.5 month-old boy. Lately our little guy (”H”) has been exhibiting some behaviors that have me wondering if I should be concerned. This is all new to me, so I’m not quite sure where the line between “that’s just a baby being quirky” and “that’s a developmental red flag...