new parents

  1. S

    Opposite Naming Philosophies

    Hey all, New to this subreddit. My wife and I are expecting our first kiddo about 9 weeks from now :D We are very excited to have learned that this little one is a boy due in part to a realization that we had: our naming philosophies for girls are very, very different. Not talking can’t find a...
  2. D

    Parents to 2 or more: which adjustment was hardest 0 to 1 or 1 to 2?

    Currently debating whether we are OAD (my husbands preference) or to have another baby (my preference). The majority of people I have asked have said that once you've had one, the second is a lot easier to adjust to but there have been a few which have said the opposite. Please could you share...
  3. J

    7 week miscarriage :-(

    So last week I posted that my wife was told to come back in a week for a second ultrasound because they couldn't see the embryo. She came back and they saw that a certain hormone level hadn't raised like it should so they knew that the embryo didn't take. I was pretty devastated. I'm 47...
  4. R

    For first time parents, from a first time parent, 4 months down the line, part 2

    Part 1: For first time parents, from a first time parent, 4 months down the line Part 3: For first time parents, from a first time parent, 4 months down the line I had some more input that I didn't get a chance to mention. CRYING My wife has been able to identify the 5 different sounds. I'm...
  5. L

    My baby is sick for the first time! D:

    A small cold went around my household last week (scratchy throat and congestion issues, no fevers, everyone was better in 2-5 days) and I was hoping it skipped over baby. Nope. 😞 He was way fussier than normal yesterday and last night and now this morning he has a very congested-sounding cough...
  6. J

    Daycare swaddled my 9.5 mo for naps

    My super active (rolling, crawling, standing, taking a few unassisted steps) 9.5 month old son is at a well respected national franchise daycare. Yesterday upon pick up, his teacher (proudly) showed me that she had put his arms INSIDE his kyte baby sleep sack, so he was essentially swaddled on...
  7. C

    Formula Amount & Preterm Babies Question

    I’m not sure if anyone will have the answer for this (but hopefully someone has found out previously and can answer!). Especially since everything online just gives you the same handful of ‘blanket’ answers - assuming that clearly you just mean X, Y & Z (despite your actual question having...
  8. S

    We call it R.D.S. :)

    My husband and I recently became parents! Our little boy is the cutest 2 months old ever - however he can be a little dramatic sometimes. When he cries, it goes downhill quiiiiiiick. So whenever that happens, my husband and I call it a R.D.S. or Rapidly Deteriorating Situation. We both laugh...
  9. D

    How To Choose a Pram, Pushchair, Car Seat or Travel System

    We knew nothing about baby transportation. This one took a while. Here's everything we learned. Pushcair, Pram, Buggy, Stroller, etc. I’ve always used the term “pushchair” when referring to anything in the pram/buggy/stroller world. As you’ll find out in a later section of this post, the names...
  10. C

    Life at a standstill

    Tl;Dr: my wife's pregnancy went from 0-100 in a short time span, but both momma and baby are safe and well. Sunday night: my wife complained of nausea and abdominal pain. We thought it was a stomach bug, it'll get better. Tuesday night: the pain has only increased, about to a 5/10. Midwives...
  11. M

    Last night- 10 month old

    So last night my dr gave me a Vl|um to relax thy self since I’ve been under A lot of stress. I knew there was a possibility I wouldn’t wake up so I left a bottle in there for him since he wakes up at 2. Well of course 5 :30 am rolls around and I jump out of bed to go check on him and he’s in a...
  12. P

    Would u take a 7-10d holiday without your 2yo?

    I have to go to Central America for a work conference (poor me, lol). Its to the no.1 country I've always wanted to visit since we studied it at school. Me and my partner are discussing tagging on a holiday. At the time, our son will be around 2yo. We discussed taking him but figured a) it will...
  13. B


    So we went in for our first OB and ultrasound. Currently my wife is 7 weeks 1 day. To say we were shocked is an understatement. They found two heartbeats. No we go back this Wednesday so they can have a better look. They told us they appear monoamniotic (meaning they are in the same sac with...
  14. N

    She is being prepped for emergency c-section right now

    I didn't know where to post this other than /r/offmychest and for reasons I can't recall I am banned there. I don't have anyone to talk to here besides my mother and she is being a bit more dramatic than I care to deal with (mostly due in part to her having little to no sleep). I am just a...
  15. J

    Having a little girl- I think this is going to be a learning curve!

    Just found out we’re having a little girl and I’m over the moon. I teach a subject which is majority female so interact with mostly female teenagers on a day to day I THINK that window of time is sorted. Everything before that however....I’m going to have to learn. E.g. I’m bald...
  16. S

    Thank Yous Gift for L&D Nurses

    Gave birth to our baby boy after a very long labor. The nurses were all so amazing and we want to do something special to thank them. I was thinking of sending them bagels and donuts to come a bit before shift change so the two shifts could share. And include a card that would thank all the...
  17. M

    Our (positive) birth story and thoughts from the other side as a new dad

    Hi folks, This is an unofficial follow-up post to one I made months ago shortly after finding out we were pregnant. Though I'm otherwise a lurker here, this sub has been a great resource throughout the process so I wanted to offer our story and my thoughts from the other side now that the baby...
  18. R

    8 w/o projectile vomiting

    My 8 week old started projectile vomiting last week but it is only happening once a day. I’m paranoid she has pyloric stenosis but she is still having wet nappies and keeping down the rest of her feeds. She is on Omeprazole for reflux already but I’m not sure if I should be contacting my Dr...
  19. B

    Baby was just diagnosed with a genetic condition and I’m scared. Anyone with experience or advice?

    My wife is 14 weeks pregnant with our first child. We are having a baby girl and I’ve been super excited about becoming a father. We just received the results of the genetic testing and received some tough news. It seems like our baby has something called trisomy x syndrome which is an extra X...
  20. M

    When do babies get easier?

    I have a 4 month old and we are obsessed with him but it’s been such a rollercoaster. He was very fussy 6-8 weeks and things definitely got way easier at 3 months. Now at 4 months, he’s kind of constantly fussy again. I feel lucky he’s sleeping through the night but he fights naps and l have...