new parents

  1. D

    Things You Should Know About Breast Pumps

    Do we need a breast pump? What do we need to know? What are the different types of breast pumps and what are they best for? I didn’t know. Now I think I do. Hope this is helpful to some of you. What Is a Breast Pump? A breast pump is a device that lactating women use to extract milk from their...
  2. H

    Anyone else buy most of their newborn stuff second hand?

    So my wife is 9w3d now, we have seen the scan and everything looks great. We have gotten a bunch of important things off Facebook marketplace in the last week or so and have probably spent $100 on a Bassinet w/ 4 sheets, Changing table, Crib and swing total. Generally I'll compare the price of...
  3. H

    Early spotting/bleeding (4-6 weeks) bit of a downer post, sorry. Also kinda long

    Hey folks My wife and I just found out last Tuesday, and are very excited. However, she started to experience light spotting last night/some small bleeding (red turning to brown) this morning. We went to the hospital last night to get checked out. They did blood work and an ultra sound...
  4. C

    Anyone else’s wife absolutely love being pregnant?

    It seems all I see on Reddit and hear IRL is stories about complicated pregnancies, fights, etc. Not so much here on r/predaddit, but just generally. My wife loves being pregnant. She’s 32+4 now, so not long to go. All three trimesters she’s had a great time. Stress levels have been low, no...
  5. N

    Anyone else nervous about taking leave?

    My job offers a generous leave for dads, and people are generally encouraging about others taking it. It feels a little different with my team, though. I can sense my manager’s and my senior teammate’s anxiousness about me leaving. I’m also super anxious about leaving. I really like my job and...
  6. J

    Newborn Size Clothes are a Scam and Other Thoughts

    I have a 6 month old and began packing away her first half-year's worth of clothes and was thinking that I wish I had known some things when I bought all of this stuff as a pregnant new mom. So why not share what I have learned in the hopes that other future/new parents don't make the same...
  7. J

    Our baby goes from 0 to hungry in 4.3 seconds

    Are all your babies tuned the same way? Ours is July 2022 model.
  8. L

    My (M) insurance when it comes to baby with my Fiancée (F)

    My boy beat me to the proposal by a surprisingly narrow window, but so it goes. Here’s the short end of it: She’ll be giving birth before we’re married, My health insurance has better coverage for most things than hers Our son will be filed under my insurance (Potentially related) I have a...
  9. H

    Please suggest a jogger stroller suitable for daily use and Air Travel. Canada

    After much dilemma I decided to buy a car seat and jogger system since I won’t be using a car and will rely on transit. The pavements are not good so I want to go for jogger system as opposed to regular strollers. Now, I am in a dilemma because I came across 3 models — 1) Safety 1st Interval...
  10. S

    A few tips from first time Dad fresh from the hospital

    Graduated and looking back on what would have helped a bit more. TL;DR at bottom Congrats, if you are reading this that means you are seeking out ways to make life easier with a baby. This puts you ahead of 90% of Dads out there. Our beautiful girl was born 3/22. There were complications but...
  11. A

    How much parental leave did u take?

    My company offers up to 15 weeks of paid paternal leave for dad’s but concerned how it may be viewed if I take all or most of it. Any thoughts from people that are planning to take parental leave as a new dad or have taken it? How much were u allowed to take and how much did u take? What would u...
  12. M

    I can’t get my 4 month old to sleep by himself

    My 4 month old will not sleep by himself, every-time we lay him in his own bed he starts kicking and wiggling free of being swaddled, rubs his eyes and starts to cry. The only way we have successfully been able to get him to sleep for long stretches of time is when he sleeps with us and we wake...
  13. H

    4 -days from D-day and I am freaking out (x- post predaddit)

    I am freaking out cause I feel like I don't know everything I need to know to be the best support person I can. I want my wife have a great experience but I feel like there must be more than just breathing and holding her hand. Any suggestions from you veterans of the delivery room?
  14. P

    What To Do If Your Partner Starts to Hemorrhage at Home, Especially During Covid (aka "How To Save Your Wife")

    TW: blood, lots of blood Today was the scariest day of my life. 6 days post-op after a c-section (making me an r/predaddit grad a second time around!), my wife began to bleed heavily and pass these huge clots. Turns out it was postpartum hemorrhaging, and because of COVID I couldn't even be...
  15. P

    It’s our big day!

    It’s currently 6:10 in the morning. The wife and I are packing up to leave for our 7 o’clock induction appointment. This will be our first, a little girl. I’m so excited. It’s finally time! UPDATE: Things we’re going great until they got bumpy. TLDR is we ended up with a low key emergency c...
  16. B

    3-6 months - What’s next?

    My baby turned 3 months today! I wish someone would have told me that the first 3 months would be absolute chaos and not to stress so much. (If only I knew then what I know now… haha classic!) My question is, what will I be looking back on 3 months from now wishing I knew about this next 3-6...
  17. S

    What do you class as sleeping through the night?

    My friend just said to me that her baby sleeps through the night with 2 night feeds. To me, sleeping through the night is not waking for a feed during their “bedtime” hours e.g. 7.30pm-7am What’s your definition of sleeping through the night?
  18. A

    This video a dad made of his daughter from birth to 18 has me in tears

    I would love to do something like this. I’ve also made an email address for my daughter so I can occasionally email her throughout her life and plan on giving to to her when she gets married. Are you planning any long term things for your future little? Just found the original and it’s 1000X...
  19. R

    39W+1D. It's happening tonight

    I've been a lurker on this sub the whole time my wife had been pregnant. This is my first post. My wife is 39 weeks and a day today, and the doctors are inducing her in 3 hours. She's awfully small at 4'8", and I'm awfully big at 6'1", they don't want the pregnancy to run any further and risk...
  20. X

    Baby Rotato

    Help!! My baby won’t stop rotating in her crib. I’ve searched high and low and it seems the general consensus is either A.) She will stop when she starts rolling or B.) It’s a phase and will only last a few weeks She is 17 weeks old and has been doing this since she was 8 weeks old. She...