new parents

  1. M


    I AM SO MOTHERFCKING DONE WITH FCKING PACK N PLAYS. FCK PACK N PLAYS. WHY THE FCK DO THEY MAKE IT SO GOD DAMN HARD. F*CK YOU PACK N PLAY. That it is all. Edit; Thank you all for sharing your stories and struggles AND for the laughs. And advice too! I knew I couldn’t be the only one that this...
  2. R

    First day of pre pre k

    My first born and only child, 2.5yr old will be going to preschool prep tmw 9am -12pm And I can’t stop crying I know this is good for her but why does it hurt?! I’m also super nervous and anxious we have never been apart from either one of us for more than an hour Not sure how she will...
  3. S

    DTaP Vaccine Shot for Newborn: I Don't Want It

    I don't want the DTaP shot for my son, who is due in a week. I don't want this because of a general aversion to the vaccine boom of the past few years, and because I had a shot back in 2006 where, as a 200-pound man well into my twenties, it made me acutely sick for days. There is a 0.00%...
  4. D

    Sitting in L&D, waiting to be induced

    Hi all, Wife has just hit 39 weeks, with some rising blood pressure of late (no other issues). So they sent us off to Labor and Delivery and we are now just waiting to start the induction process! I've been lurking here for almost two years, through two tough miscarriages, and now 9 mostly...
  5. C

    Sleep consultants can FUCK. RIGHT. OFF. (Part 2 - The follow up)

    Link to original post: Given the outpouring of support, advice and occasional message telling me that my wife and I are monsters/scum/high wired for allowing our LO to cry for ages, I thought a follow up post was warranted. Disclaimer, again...
  6. G

    About to graduate soon at 34 weeks, 5-6 days

    Please pray for us.
  7. N

    HCG levels

    My partner just had her second blood test since her 6 week ultrasound last week where we saw a yolk sac but no heartbeat or fetal pole detected yet. She’s 7 weeks now and her HCG is 55600, but the doctor told her that’s “a bit low” and it’s got her worried. Her second ultrasound isn’t until...
  8. S

    To release stress and relax

    Future dads are often stressed. And once the happy event has come, parenting young children is often exhausting and stressful. I experienced it! To cope with stress, I use music and meditation. So I created "Mental food", a carefully curated playlist regularly updated with chill downtempo, deep...
  9. S

    6mo start solids:hyperactive behavior

    Hi!! FTM here w a 6mo (5mo 3 wks). We just started solids (puree) and i fed her banana and peanut buttrr puree yesterday and today and just noticed she is behaving v actively. Kept flipping around (front to back) shaking her head left right left right and her belly left right left right...
  10. R

    Bedside crib vs. Mini Crib

    Hello, So I was pretty much set on this mini crib: But I would love an option that I could put one of the sides down to reach my baby more easily + to lay down next to her safely...
  11. K

    Is 39 yrs o too old to be a dad?

    I think when my son turns 10, I'll be 49. When he turns 20, I'll be 59. 30, 69, and so on. Do you think we miss the best years and being a healthy father, having the vitality to accompany him at these key ages?
  12. E

    All moms have 9 month baby l will die by anxiety

    have twins 9 months I feel they are not normal Baby number 1 Smile at a month and a half Babling Agha oh ahh at two and a half months A social laugh for all But when he was 5 and a half months or even 6 months old, he would not pay attention to the sounds well and would not pay attention to...
  13. L

    Heart Defect

    UPDATE 8/10/22 First of all, my wife and I cannot say enough how much we appreciated all of the advice, information and just kind words we received on here after my initial post on Monday. I am absolutely thrilled to report that the visit this morning went as well as it possibly could have...
  14. T

    Hair tournequettes are a thing! Be aware!

    First of all, everyone is okay, but we had a scare. I have an 11 week old. He usually isn't that fussy after I feed and change him, but last Monday at his 4 am feeding, it took me almost 2 hours to get him back to sleep. At his 8 am feeding, I was wondering why he still wouldn't calm down, and...
  15. O

    Is there a month-by-month to-do list sort of thing?

    We get to join the club, we found out about 2 weeks or so ago (seems like longer), we're wrapping up week 6. It's been uneventful symptom wise, but the nurse confirmed it. She's the breadwinner in our family, military. We're trying to keep it secret as long as we can, but we're overseas at a...
  16. A

    29 weeks C section… 3/4 Brain bleed. Do I have any hope?

    Because it doesn’t seem so.
  17. X

    Does this sound like a reasonable and or normal to you life of a stay at home mom to a 2.5 year old?

    This is what my week looks like. Does this sound reasonable to you? They rotate back and forth between day 1 and 2 throughout the week. Except on weekends. Day 1. Wake up pee dress wake my 2.5 year old dress him. Go to the kitchen and we both eat breakfast. I am faster than him so while he...
  18. M

    No body told me that at 6 months old my baby would go from potato to x games mode

    I feel like if my 6 month old could run he would be running lol. This baby is at his first level of x games mode (as DH puts it) he is moving his limbs like crazy, but pushing against me as if he will just float towards the ground. He's found his voice and loves yelling and screeching. He's...
  19. V

    It’s D-Day ! Advice on how to deal with stress/waiting

    Hey ! Today is the big day. What helped you to deal with your anxiety ?
  20. J

    Pet Peeve On These Parenting Reddits..

    Just something to get off my chest, partially humorous but there's a serious side too. Have been coming here since baby was very young, desperately looking for help as a first time father with a very difficult, high needs, sleep-training-resistant bad sleeper that drove me and my wife up the...