new dads

  1. A

    i’m going to be a father, and i can’t hold it in anymore

    just wanted to share my excitement, we told our parents this past weekend and i’m just through the roof stoked. my wife is 9 weeks today, so it’s still early, but things are already changing around the house. our first baby, my parents being grandparents, hers as well, everything is awesome...
  2. J

    Sad s/o

    Hello everybody. Me (33m) and my s/o (33f) have been together almost 6 years and she’s now about 8 weeks pregnant. Starting a family has always been our plan but now she’s just so sad. I don’t know what to do. She’s so depressed and is unsure about even wanting kids. I’m just being completely...
  3. 6

    Dog house - Hangover

    So I went out last night with my wife’s brother, and my best mate. It was originally only meant to be 1 or 2 pints in by 10pm. We were in by 10 but there was 7 pints instead of 2 needless to say I was steaming. My wife went into the other room because she said she knew I was going to be sick...
  4. F

    When is it safe to be excited?

    My wife has had 5 m/c (1 at 14 weeks with an untested embryo that ended up having trisomy 18). We went back and did a second round of IVF, she had a chemical pregnancy with the first embryo and then we put two in at once and one stuck. We're at 12 weeks, the embryo was PGT tested and came back...
  5. B

    R.I.P. Nicholas James Fox 3/5/2013

    We went to our 18 week appointment yesterday stoked to find out the gender of our baby and were given the worst news ive ever received. our baby passed away in utero sometime within the last two weeks since we heard the heartbeat at our 16 week appointment. Our baby was delivered at 1:45 am...
  6. J

    Promoted this afternoon!

    My wife is an absolute rockstar. We had posted a few weeks ago about our journey with preeclampsia putting a roadblock in everything. It was an unwelcome detour, but we arrived into the world this afternoon at 12:25- 5lb15oz, 17 3/4" long. Not super talkative in the NICU because she's only 34...
  7. N

    Looks like it’s finally happening!

    Wife in week 40+5 got admitted to hospital yesterday, no contractions, no waters broke. Finally this morning the contractions started (every 7 minutes) but this haven’t changed for last 7 hrs. Now she have been moved to pre-labour ward where I can’t be with her, I’ll be able to join when labour...
  8. A

    High hCG levels?

    Hey everyone! My wife was told by her doctor this morning that her blood work showed very high hCG levels for being 6 weeks along. Does anyone have any experience with this?
  9. D

    Finally reach the 20 weeks!

    Hello everyone, I just need to vent. This pregnancy is difficult, we knew it, but wasn't excpected this much. After bed rest due to a hematoma of 3cm between the 6th and 8th week, everything was better. My wife worked part-time, which allowed her to keep an activity and rest to the...
  10. S

    Help me build a playlist about babies, moms, dads, and families!

    My wife is just about to enter the third trimester, and for fun I'm buidling a playlist of song that all are about babies, moms, dads, families, etc. Below is what I have so far, what are some that I'm missing?? Creatures of Love, Talking Heads Stay Up Late, Talking Heads Had a Dad, Janes...
  11. C

    Q: 1st Doctor's Appointment

    We have our first doctors appointment coming up. I only get 7 days of sick leave a year. Is it really important that I am there for this one or will there be more important appointments to be present?
  12. H

    Best friends wedding 6 weeks before due date…

    So we’re 12 weeks in (tomorrow) with an estimated graduation date of April 17 (we live in the Netherlands). Just found out my best friend through thick or thin is getting married March 3rd in Mexico and asked me to be in the wedding. Naturally I excitingly said yes. Told my wife-friend (a.k.a...
  13. S

    Baby monitors?

    Hey dads Future dad here. I’ve been doing a bunch of research on baby monitors over the last few weeks and have narrowed it down to a few contenders: Nanit Pro, Cubo AI, and the Infant Optics DXR-8 Pro. My only concern about the monitors that use your phone is the stability and speed to...
  14. T

    When You are prepared for anything including Z apocalypse ..

    When You are prepared for anything including Z apocalypse ... but then it’s T-3 months and you are trying to stockpile everything for this new unknown scenario. And the list grows day by day. And your brain gets overloaded with all informations about your coming kid.
  15. P

    Recliner nursing chair help

    Hey, My wife and I are expecting our first kid in March. We’re trying to find a recliner that fits us both (or at least fits her well and me good enough…) and there are hardly any places to go in person and try them. Does anyone have any good recommendations for a couple with a height...
  16. D

    Things You Should Know About Breast Pumps

    Do we need a breast pump? What do we need to know? What are the different types of breast pumps and what are they best for? I didn’t know. Now I think I do. Hope this is helpful to some of you. What Is a Breast Pump? A breast pump is a device that lactating women use to extract milk from their...
  17. H

    Anyone else buy most of their newborn stuff second hand?

    So my wife is 9w3d now, we have seen the scan and everything looks great. We have gotten a bunch of important things off Facebook marketplace in the last week or so and have probably spent $100 on a Bassinet w/ 4 sheets, Changing table, Crib and swing total. Generally I'll compare the price of...
  18. H

    Early spotting/bleeding (4-6 weeks) bit of a downer post, sorry. Also kinda long

    Hey folks My wife and I just found out last Tuesday, and are very excited. However, she started to experience light spotting last night/some small bleeding (red turning to brown) this morning. We went to the hospital last night to get checked out. They did blood work and an ultra sound...
  19. C

    Anyone else’s wife absolutely love being pregnant?

    It seems all I see on Reddit and hear IRL is stories about complicated pregnancies, fights, etc. Not so much here on r/predaddit, but just generally. My wife loves being pregnant. She’s 32+4 now, so not long to go. All three trimesters she’s had a great time. Stress levels have been low, no...
  20. N

    Anyone else nervous about taking leave?

    My job offers a generous leave for dads, and people are generally encouraging about others taking it. It feels a little different with my team, though. I can sense my manager’s and my senior teammate’s anxiousness about me leaving. I’m also super anxious about leaving. I really like my job and...