new dads

  1. H

    Please suggest a jogger stroller suitable for daily use and Air Travel. Canada

    After much dilemma I decided to buy a car seat and jogger system since I won’t be using a car and will rely on transit. The pavements are not good so I want to go for jogger system as opposed to regular strollers. Now, I am in a dilemma because I came across 3 models — 1) Safety 1st Interval...
  2. S

    A few tips from first time Dad fresh from the hospital

    Graduated and looking back on what would have helped a bit more. TL;DR at bottom Congrats, if you are reading this that means you are seeking out ways to make life easier with a baby. This puts you ahead of 90% of Dads out there. Our beautiful girl was born 3/22. There were complications but...
  3. A

    How much parental leave did u take?

    My company offers up to 15 weeks of paid paternal leave for dad’s but concerned how it may be viewed if I take all or most of it. Any thoughts from people that are planning to take parental leave as a new dad or have taken it? How much were u allowed to take and how much did u take? What would u...
  4. P

    What To Do If Your Partner Starts to Hemorrhage at Home, Especially During Covid (aka "How To Save Your Wife")

    TW: blood, lots of blood Today was the scariest day of my life. 6 days post-op after a c-section (making me an r/predaddit grad a second time around!), my wife began to bleed heavily and pass these huge clots. Turns out it was postpartum hemorrhaging, and because of COVID I couldn't even be...
  5. P

    It’s our big day!

    It’s currently 6:10 in the morning. The wife and I are packing up to leave for our 7 o’clock induction appointment. This will be our first, a little girl. I’m so excited. It’s finally time! UPDATE: Things we’re going great until they got bumpy. TLDR is we ended up with a low key emergency c...
  6. A

    This video a dad made of his daughter from birth to 18 has me in tears

    I would love to do something like this. I’ve also made an email address for my daughter so I can occasionally email her throughout her life and plan on giving to to her when she gets married. Are you planning any long term things for your future little? Just found the original and it’s 1000X...
  7. R

    39W+1D. It's happening tonight

    I've been a lurker on this sub the whole time my wife had been pregnant. This is my first post. My wife is 39 weeks and a day today, and the doctors are inducing her in 3 hours. She's awfully small at 4'8", and I'm awfully big at 6'1", they don't want the pregnancy to run any further and risk...
  8. J

    Got to see her

    Hey dads, I got to see what my daughter looks like with one of those 3D setups! First of all, technology is cool. More importantly, she’s gorgeous. I put my phone near my wife’s stomach during the scan, and we could see her smiling when she heard Mozart playing. It’s starting to feel so real
  9. V

    Looking for recommendations on a good (Honda?) dadmobile

    Guys! Going to be a dad in a couple of months and I wanted to hear some opinions about a good dadmobile. Looking at Honda right now; can’t decide between the Pilot, the Odyssey, or the CR V. If you guys have one of these cars I’d love to hear about your experiences with it! On the other hand...
  10. G

    I fucked up

    So here it goes, I'll keep this short and to the point, answering any questions you may have about my situation. A little about myself. I am 21 y/o male currently studying geography minor in G.I.S. and have 2 more years of school to complete. Been dating this beautiful and amazing girl for 6-7...
  11. M

    Got my 7 pound diploma today

    Boys, I’m typing this as I’m basking in some skin to skin time with my first born son, Jack. It’s basically like tripping mushrooms and I never want this feeling to end. 26 hours ago my wife yelled “Honey!” From upstairs and I knew immediately it was go time. Her water spontaneously broke at...
  12. A

    Awkward pregnancy sex

    I can't be the only guy that's experiencing this. My wife is almost 6 months pregnant and prior to the pregnancy we had a pretty active sex life, - 4 to 6 times a week with the occasional lull but always satisfactory for both of us. Fast forward to the present and we've had sex 3 times in the...
  13. R

    Let's Talk Jogger Strollers

    Hey everybody, This is probably geared towards those who have graduated and have used jogging strollers, but any other predads that purchased 3 wheel strollers are more than welcome to throw in their two cents! I am in the process of trying to figure out which stroller we want to get. I am...
  14. M

    I’m not doing alright

    We had a consultation and our baby isn’t doing okay he’s not growing as he should we have another check in two weeks then she will probably be induced. I’ve managed to help my wife with talking to her but she needs to be in a stress free environment so she can keep an eye on the baby’s...
  15. M

    Pro tip: How to annoy your fetus

    We are days away from a C-section and my wife woke up and couldn't feel fetal movement. She tried eating something, drinking cold water, moving around for a bit and then lying still, but got nothing. I suggested she play some music from her phone with the speaker right on where we think his...
  16. A

    Its go time!

    At midnight, my wife's water broke. Now we are over 4 cm dilated! Wish us luck, I'm about to graduate. UPDATE: I can finally take a few minutes to type this up, but SHES HERE!!!! after 18 hours of mama working hard, she's here. 18 hrs of labor, 2 hours of pushing and a necessary c section...
  17. G

    Notes on swings and carriers.

    While Caleb is sleeping, I wanted to type a few notes on baby carriers and swings/rockers now that I've had the chance to use a few different types. This isn't meant to be all inclusive; just a few thoughts to consider. YMMV. Baby carriers: I find myself using the Baby Bjorn the most. It's...
  18. H

    Just found out my girlfriend is pregnant. Help?

    I (23m) and her (22f) just found out she is pregnant probably about 2-3 months now. We have been together just under a year though I’ve known her for around 4 now. I wouldn’t tell her but I’m honestly freaking out a bit about this whole situation. It doesn’t help that more news just keeps on...
  19. Y

    Should I leave my wife with a 2-mo old for a week?

    A buddy and I have been going on canoe trips every year for a while. This year, the only time that makes sense for him (in light of some injuries and PT) is going to be 2 months after my first child is due. I’d be in the wilderness for a week with no cell service, hundreds of miles and days of...
  20. M

    Need your thoughts, prayers, and/or good vibes

    Posted early yesterday that my wife was going into L&D at 35 weeks. 14 hours later and baby was born, got some immediate attention and then was able to do an hour of skin-to-skin with mom. Good size (7.5 pounds/19.5 inches). Fast forward almost a full 24 hours and I’m sitting outside of a...