new dads

  1. D

    How To Choose a Pram, Pushchair, Car Seat or Travel System

    We knew nothing about baby transportation. This one took a while. Here's everything we learned. Pushcair, Pram, Buggy, Stroller, etc. I’ve always used the term “pushchair” when referring to anything in the pram/buggy/stroller world. As you’ll find out in a later section of this post, the names...
  2. C

    Life at a standstill

    Tl;Dr: my wife's pregnancy went from 0-100 in a short time span, but both momma and baby are safe and well. Sunday night: my wife complained of nausea and abdominal pain. We thought it was a stomach bug, it'll get better. Tuesday night: the pain has only increased, about to a 5/10. Midwives...
  3. B


    So we went in for our first OB and ultrasound. Currently my wife is 7 weeks 1 day. To say we were shocked is an understatement. They found two heartbeats. No we go back this Wednesday so they can have a better look. They told us they appear monoamniotic (meaning they are in the same sac with...
  4. N

    She is being prepped for emergency c-section right now

    I didn't know where to post this other than /r/offmychest and for reasons I can't recall I am banned there. I don't have anyone to talk to here besides my mother and she is being a bit more dramatic than I care to deal with (mostly due in part to her having little to no sleep). I am just a...
  5. J

    Having a little girl- I think this is going to be a learning curve!

    Just found out we’re having a little girl and I’m over the moon. I teach a subject which is majority female so interact with mostly female teenagers on a day to day I THINK that window of time is sorted. Everything before that however....I’m going to have to learn. E.g. I’m bald...
  6. M

    Our (positive) birth story and thoughts from the other side as a new dad

    Hi folks, This is an unofficial follow-up post to one I made months ago shortly after finding out we were pregnant. Though I'm otherwise a lurker here, this sub has been a great resource throughout the process so I wanted to offer our story and my thoughts from the other side now that the baby...
  7. B

    Baby was just diagnosed with a genetic condition and I’m scared. Anyone with experience or advice?

    My wife is 14 weeks pregnant with our first child. We are having a baby girl and I’ve been super excited about becoming a father. We just received the results of the genetic testing and received some tough news. It seems like our baby has something called trisomy x syndrome which is an extra X...
  8. L

    [Update] After ignoring the doctors, we gave birth to a healthy baby!

    This is an update for this post where I was asking for advice on inducing labor. The short of it was that our doctors wanted to induce labor for our son at 37 weeks at 4 pounds 6 ounces. Their explanation was that he was at the 2 percentile in terms of weight and they don't know what's wrong. I...
  9. B

    [Australian Research Study] Seeking mums and birthing parents' views about an online perinatal program for first-time dads Researchers from Curtin University are exploring the information and support needs of first-time dads in Australia and would also like to hear your views about a proposed mobile...
  10. W

    Incoming twins!

    I mostly lurked here, just want to say it has been a pleasure reading such positivity from you guys (and gals). Even the heartbreaking posts were met with class and kindness. For bp purposes my wife and her drs have moved up the time table (37 weeks 1 day) for our twins to a c section today at...
  11. B

    Just barely expecting our first

    Hi pre-daddit! I just found this sub from the /r/daddit sidebar (was about to post when I thought "I should read the rules" - crazy right?) and I think I have some questions. Or possibly I just need to ramble. Comment on anything you feel like. I think I just want to talk. Is there a pre-dad...
  12. R

    S.O.S. Second baby coming tomorrow and I’m panicking

    I’m currently the dad of an 18 month old boy. He is the culmination of all the things I have done in my life. He is my best friend and the reason I wake up in the morning. Tomorrow, my fiancé is being induced with our second(*surprise) baby and I’m really struggling. We’ve nested and readied...