new dads

  1. A

    29 weeks C section… 3/4 Brain bleed. Do I have any hope?

    Because it doesn’t seem so.
  2. V

    It’s D-Day ! Advice on how to deal with stress/waiting

    Hey ! Today is the big day. What helped you to deal with your anxiety ?
  3. O

    X-mas Gift Ideas for Expecting Wife

    Hi all! Long-time lurker, first-time poster. Wifey and I just reached week 13th(on Friday the 13th no less) with our little rainbow and currently looking up ideas for nice and meaningful gifts for her last non-Mommy X-mas. I found this one which I put on the list, but would love to get input...
  4. S


    Just really excited - and we're not telling people yet. So needed to share the news somewhere. ✨ f r e s h m a n ✨
  5. A

    Is it normal for me to feel both excited and terrified for my child’s anatomy scan in 2 weeks?

    I’m so excited to be able to see her on the ultrasound (we did a blood test early to determine gender) but I’m also fucking terrified because I’m so scared that the doctor might find something wrong with her. As far as I know, there’s no major hereditary health issues in both of our families...
  6. S

    How long should dads take paternity leave if they can afford to?

    My s/o can get paid leave but he doesn’t want to take time off just because it’s not full pay. I don’t think he understands how hard it will be for me right after giving birth and he always talks like I can handle everything —like even telling me to go back to work after 3 months lol. There...
  7. D

    How much money do you need when the baby is first born?

    Hi folks, Expectant first time dad (early June due date for a little boy) in the UK. Just wondering how much we need to realistically have saved to get the essential baby items/nappies/clothes etc. We have just moved to a house (previously living in a 2 bedroom apartment) and had to make...
  8. J

    Naming issues with mom... How do I revisit this with her?

    Mom and myself talked about baby names before she was even pregnant. We had a full name chosen. All was perfect. A few months later after a cruise, we found out we were pregnant. OK! GAME TIME! Life is happening and I’m super excited... It’s my first biological child. The name for our child...
  9. I

    "I was going to be a dad" - reflections on a miscarriage

    Where to begin? I suppose I can start with what I’m feeling, though it’s hard to qualify. Grief is probably one of the words, but also confusion, helplessness, frustration, impatience. Normally, I don’t spend a lot of time with those emotions. I am the person you know who can be...
  10. X

    Miscarriage at 8.5 weeks. How to start over?

    My wife (37) and I (40) suffered a miscarriage this weekend. I was prepared but it suddenly happened at 8 1/2 weeks and it still rocked us. The worst part is, I happened to be traveling and I couldn’t be there for my wife. For eight weeks, I kept my excitement and my expectations low, and...
  11. A

    Looking for Guidance with Emotional Swings

    Hi all -- Lurking soon-to-be dad here. First of all, I can't put into words how much I have enjoyed spending time in this sub. It has been a lifesaver so far. This community has connected me with some fantastic resources. I have also loved how everyone here is so supportive. That said, I am...
  12. R

    C-19 Vax

    Question, have you and your SO talked about getting vaccinated while pregnant? Thoughts and comments welcome. Thanks Edit: We want to say THANK YOU for those of you that weighed in. We appreciate it very much.
  13. A

    i’m going to be a father, and i can’t hold it in anymore

    just wanted to share my excitement, we told our parents this past weekend and i’m just through the roof stoked. my wife is 9 weeks today, so it’s still early, but things are already changing around the house. our first baby, my parents being grandparents, hers as well, everything is awesome...
  14. J

    Sad s/o

    Hello everybody. Me (33m) and my s/o (33f) have been together almost 6 years and she’s now about 8 weeks pregnant. Starting a family has always been our plan but now she’s just so sad. I don’t know what to do. She’s so depressed and is unsure about even wanting kids. I’m just being completely...
  15. 6

    Dog house - Hangover

    So I went out last night with my wife’s brother, and my best mate. It was originally only meant to be 1 or 2 pints in by 10pm. We were in by 10 but there was 7 pints instead of 2 needless to say I was steaming. My wife went into the other room because she said she knew I was going to be sick...
  16. F

    When is it safe to be excited?

    My wife has had 5 m/c (1 at 14 weeks with an untested embryo that ended up having trisomy 18). We went back and did a second round of IVF, she had a chemical pregnancy with the first embryo and then we put two in at once and one stuck. We're at 12 weeks, the embryo was PGT tested and came back...
  17. B

    R.I.P. Nicholas James Fox 3/5/2013

    We went to our 18 week appointment yesterday stoked to find out the gender of our baby and were given the worst news ive ever received. our baby passed away in utero sometime within the last two weeks since we heard the heartbeat at our 16 week appointment. Our baby was delivered at 1:45 am...
  18. J

    Promoted this afternoon!

    My wife is an absolute rockstar. We had posted a few weeks ago about our journey with preeclampsia putting a roadblock in everything. It was an unwelcome detour, but we arrived into the world this afternoon at 12:25- 5lb15oz, 17 3/4" long. Not super talkative in the NICU because she's only 34...
  19. N

    Looks like it’s finally happening!

    Wife in week 40+5 got admitted to hospital yesterday, no contractions, no waters broke. Finally this morning the contractions started (every 7 minutes) but this haven’t changed for last 7 hrs. Now she have been moved to pre-labour ward where I can’t be with her, I’ll be able to join when labour...
  20. A

    High hCG levels?

    Hey everyone! My wife was told by her doctor this morning that her blood work showed very high hCG levels for being 6 weeks along. Does anyone have any experience with this?