
  1. T

    Partner and I beginning to think we are the kind of people that never should have reproduced [CW: infertility and multiple losses]

    I’ll try to keep the details to only what is relevant, as this account is obviously a throwaway, and I want to remain anonymous-ish. Also, I don’t want to write a novel — I have ADHD and know that a wall of text rarely gets read. My partner and I have suffered multiple pregnancy losses over...
  2. R

    Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad

    I am about 27 weeks with di/di twins. I failed my 1 hour glucose test today. I go in tomorrow for my three hour. I’m sure I’m going to fail. Yesterday was my baby shower and after I ate, my heart started beating really fast, I got a headache, and I got very thirsty. It was pretty scary but I...
  3. F

    Tips for cleanup after eating that isn’t a dog

    So…babies are 7 months (5.5 adj) we’re slowly starting to try food. We have tile but I’m hoping I can get some pro tips from y’all on how to wrangle the mess most efficiently. Realizing I’m going to be doing this multiple times a day coming up crushes me.
  4. M

    When did you let someone else watch them?

    My babies have been home for a few days now, born at 34 weeks and spent 2 weeks in the NICU. My husband and I are doing pretty well actually, we sleep in shifts and do 2 feeds each alone so we are both getting 5-6 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night plus a nap during the day. I trust him with...
  5. J

    How to prep for c-section ? Nervous!

    I’m starting to think about prepping for my c section (both baby boys are breech) in 6 weeks! I’m so nervous at as FTM. What should I buy for postpartum and recovery? No I dea where to start. I did just order some high waisted panties (although no idea what size I should have got)! Any...
  6. N

    TTTS stage 2

    I went in for my 20 week scan Monday and was diagnosed with stage 2 TTTS with my mono di twins. Twin A is measuring on target and had 10mm fluid. Twin B is now 1.5-2 weeks behind and had 0.7mm fluid and no visible bladder. Obviously I am heartbroken and shattered. I have a consult with UCSF...
  7. R

    Food for thought from a twin: naming your multiple bundles of joy

    After some recently transpired events, i realized my twin ship has afforded me a perspective worth sharing :) Let me start by saying, my twin sister and I share A) our last name (duh), B) the same first three letters of our first names, C) the same middle initial, D) our birthday (given), and...
  8. S

    Positive Vaginal Delivery of DiDi twins!

    TLDR: induction, 6 hours start to finish, vaginal delivery, epidural, positive! I actually gave birth last year but I never posted my story and figured some people might like to hear a positive birth story! I had gone back and forth about whether I should have a C-section or try for vaginal...
  9. T

    Co-Bedding - Next to me

    I am 28+4 with my DCDA twins (di/di in the USA) and I am in the U.K. I don’t know about elsewhere but here they recommend co-bedding for twins (as long as the babies like it and they aren’t annoying one another). We have a chicco next to me and a cotbed (from our first). The issue I am having...
  10. D

    Help with sleep!

    Our b+g twins are almost 9 months old. They are growing so fast and its been amazing, except for nights 😩. When they were 6 months old, we all got a terrible cold, and their amazing sleeping habits all went to the trash chute! Since then, they each wake up 2-3 times a night, sometimes to feed...
  11. S

    Sharing a crib

    My in laws are all about buying the crib, but we just found out at 13 weeks that we're expecting twins. I asked if I need to add a crib to my registry and they said "well we know twins and they just shared a crib up until like 6 months". Regardless we still want another crib, it doesn't need to...
  12. D

    Update: The message I sent my therapist. This was hard for me to do, but thank y'all for giving me the courage. ♥️

    Previous post: “I have been having some anxious thoughts about last week and I didn't know what to say to express my feelings. But, essentially, I felt a little unsupported when I shared that the twins were formula-fed, even after I...
  13. B

    Flu Quarantine ramblings

    My wife and I are both nurses with a fair whack of experience in healthcare and are blessed with 14m/o trippies (2 boys, 1 girl). Things have been going fairly well for a year however, this week I’ve come home from work with flu (yes, I had my vaccination). Currently I’m quarantined in my...
  14. M


    My baby girls were premie ND low birth weight 3ish lb at birth. They are about to be 1 year and they have no teeth. Is this normal? Yes I know I should probably ask my pediatrician, but honestly the answers I get from POMs are generally more on point, so I will just ask when did your babies get...
  15. L

    Just found out I’m having twins. I have a 1 and a 3 year old already and the panic is setting in

    As the title says we’ve just discovered that we’re having twins, I was using contraception so this is a complete surprise. Mostly I’m panicking that I will have 4 under 4! Who else has had twins bump up their family numbers unexpectedly, how did you adjust? How did the older ones adjust? I’ve...
  16. L

    How long do your babies sleep? What’s your sleep setup?

    My 8 week old twins are sleeping 0.5 - 2hrs. The 2hr stretches are sooo rare. They snack and snack and snack - I’m EBFing. Reaching a point of exhaustion. I want to know your babies’ longest stretch of sleep at night? How old are they and what’s your sleep setup? Looking for light at the end...
  17. R

    TTTS/preterm labour didi

    Hello! I’m 31+5 with Di/Di twin boys! On Thursday last week(31+2) I went to my local hospital for my routine weekly iron transfusion. During this 2 hour transfusion I started having contractions, I was sent to the birthing unit(L&D) for an NST. I had not felt twin B move in 2-3 days at that...
  18. T

    Panorama genetic test?

    I’m currently 11 weeks and change along, I called twins early days in my pregnancy, insisted that the tech look around (oh look, it’s another baby), but I thought for sure I was having 2 girls. Then a nurse called today with my results before emailing them to me. 2 boys. Cue shock. I got the...
  19. P

    Universal Childcare Call to Arms!

    Hello friends! I posted a while ago when I was in a place of despair about our childcare costs and I wanted to spread the word about Universal Childcare and how a handful of parents from r/workingmoms have decided enough is enough. We're in the beginning stages of banding together to fight for...
  20. V

    Looking for feedback about going to Pre K (US)

    We have kept our 4 year old twins at home because day care would be basically the same cost of what my wife would make going back to work, plus the added risks of them getting sick with various things. We are now trying to plan for Pre K. Our local public school system only offers full day...