
  1. J

    What was your twins weight when you started using the twin z pillow to BF? [The issues BF twins continue...]

    TL;DR: as title says, What was your twins weight when you started using the twin z pillow to tandem BF? Hello!!! I am currently tandem feeding our twins but I have to use a lot of blankets to support them on the Twin Z, I was doing solo BF but I had the issue, mostly at night, where the twin I...
  2. E

    SIUGR baby

    TW: possible death Just left my 18 week appointment. Baby A is beautiful and in the 26th percentile. Baby B is tiny and less than 1%. Other than the size the both look great. Our MFM doctor has referred us to a nearby hospital to discuss possible RFA…letting Baby B go for the sake of A. If...
  3. G

    Very very mild symptoms at 6+5 with di/di twins. Minimal nausea. Concerned

    Has anyone had very mild symptoms and had a healthy twin pregnancy? I was throwing up constantly with my singleton and now I have like zero nausea and feel pretty good. I have had prior losses.
  4. A

    S.O.S. 4 month sleep regression!

    My 4 1/2 month girls were sleeping a blissful 10-12 hours a night and suddenly started waking every 2-3 hours about 2 weeks ago. This momma is tired and it’s really starting to get to me mentally. It’s worse than when they were newborns. Please, Jesus, someone help! Will take any and all advice. 😩
  5. P

    Just bought my first baby item x2

    I am 13w with fraternal boys and we just bought our first outfits - 2 dumbo overalls. It was the most bizarre feeling to buy 2 of the exact same overalls in the same size. It seems like it hits me every day that I’m carrying twins, like it’s fresh news almost daily. Every time I say “them” or...
  6. A

    7 y/o trouble maker

    I’m a mom of a beautiful sour patch kid. She’s been getting in trouble since the beginning of school. It’s gotten worst since she had two new sisters! One from me and one from her dad. She’s getting suspended, not listening to teachers, hitting . I’m not sure what else to do . Any advice ?
  7. B


    I went to the ER for shortness of breath and since I am pregnant they did an ultrasound (I’m not sure why?) they also did bloodwork. My hCG is now showing around 5.5-6 ish weeks, but they saw nothing on the ultrasound. Not even a sac yet. Could this mean it is just very early in a twin pregnancy...
  8. J

    Need help- almost 4 y.o sleep issues!

    I need help! One of my twin boys is ruining sleep for everyone in the house. Twin A has always been a difficult sleeper. He has sleep apnea and we had surgery to get his adenoids and tonsils removed which has helped his sleep a little bit. Twin B loves sleep and needs a lot of sleep to function...
  9. D

    How much would you expect to watch twins (1 y/o) for 3-4 days?

    My husband and I are going out of the country next month for eight days. My mama and the twins’ godmama will alternate days caring for the girls. Neither of them expects payment, but it wouldn't feel right if we didn't pay. How much is appropriate? ETA: They will be in daycare from 8:30 a.m...
  10. G


    Okay moms I’ve written about this before and still nothing. Baby A my boy has been choking since coming home from the hospital. It never fails. 30 minutes after eating he starts to choke. I’ve had to rush him to the hospital 3 times. He’s been to 2 pediatricians already and they have switched...
  11. B

    Do I split the twins up for mothers morning out to get more one on one time with them?

    So we are in 2 mothers morning outs that start in august. One is M, W, F and the other is T, TH I was thinking about sending the twins on different days so I could get some one on one time with them. They are 16m and I feel like they are both so attached to me they don’t get my all every day...
  12. B

    My 9 months old twins have taken over my job as human garbage can…they demolish whatever the 3 and 5 yo don’t eat

    Whoever says “food before 1, just for fun” has not met my boys. They are hangry monsters. 3 gigantic meals a day, plus I think we are approaching the need for snacks. And still breastfeeding multiple times a day! Maybe the dad bod will slowly fade due to reduced caloric intake from the older...
  13. S

    Help with sleep training

    Mo/di twins are 6 months now and still sleep in their double bassinet in our room. We are ready for them to be in their room, we have 2 cribs. I’d love for them to sleep throughout the night, especially since the nursery is across the house and I’m not trying to run around all night. So how do...
  14. B

    Vanishing Twin Syndrome? Mono/Mono or Mono/Di (TW possible loss)

    Hi all, Figured this sub may be a good place to ask this question. I had my 8 week dating ultrasound on Friday and to my surprise the technician found two babies. Fetus A measured exactly 8 weeks on the nose with a strong 155 heart rate. Fetus B however is already measuring significantly...
  15. C

    Preeclampsia and 34 Week Di/Di Twin Boys

    Hey there, My wife is 34 weeks pregnant with Di/Di boys last Thursday we were sent to L&D triage to address high blood pressure (140s/90s). After labs we found that her urine marker for preeclampsia was just over the 0.30 reference range at 0.34. Today we went in for a growth scan and twin A...
  16. P

    How did y’all potty train multiples?

    What method (besides the 3 day pants off method) worked for you? How did you deal with one kid wanting to jump in the mix when you’re trying to deal with one on the potty and you’re the only parent at home? All tips and tricks are highly appreciated!!!! 😃😃😃
  17. A

    First u/s showing twins

    Hi everyone! Just went through IVF fresh transfer of a 5 day embryo. Leading up to this my fiancé and sister were joking how it might be twins because my 12dp5dt beta was 906 then 1919 on 14dp5dt. I am in complete shock and don’t know what to think. We have been trying for four years and...
  18. C

    Confidence taking care of babies alone as a SAHM

    My twin girls are currently 5 weeks old and I’m dreading the day my husband goes back to work (they will be 11 weeks then). I get so nervous to be alone with them right now. I have a lot of anxiety and seem to get overwhelmed easily. The best I can do is a tandem feed in the twin z during the...
  19. L

    Milk production peaks after 4 weeks?! Am I stuck with supplementing? :(

    I read some articles saying that “milk production peaks after four weeks”. I’m 3w2d pp, and I’m still topping off with formula/donor’s milk. I put myself on a strict pumping schedule—plus tandem breastfeeding, plus 2x/day power pumping. I produce about 80mL of pumped milk after nipple feeding...
  20. R

    I’m about two weeks out from having a C-section to have my twins, and I think I’m a little too delusional

    I need some nitty gritty of what it’s actually like to bring home babies after a C-section. I have this idea that things won’t be all that hard and we’ll be able to figure it out without a problem. I almost feel like I’m setting myself up for failure because I’m not preparing myself for how hard...