
  1. N

    What’s the dumbest thing anyone ever said to you as a twin parent?

    2 different situations. Setting: Home Depot Elderly gentleman: “which one is older?” Me: “she is by 5 minutes” Elderly gentleman: “you can tell, she’s bigger” Yes, those 5 minutes 🤦🏼‍♂️ Setting: Daughter’s neurology office Neurologist: “you’re a twin? Which one of you is the prettier one?”...
  2. T

    1 crib vs 2

    We are expecting twins and wondering what others are doing for their nursery set-up. How many of you are choosing to have the babies in 1 crib for the first year instead of having separate cribs?
  3. T

    What’s worse.. c section recovery or being pregnant with twins?

    So it’s basically another one of those “I’m dying” posts. 32wks with di/di twins and miserable. So much pain just to sleep and turn over in the bed. I’ve got a 3.5y/o and 1.5y/o and am relying so much on my husband and grandparents right now. I mean, you all understand.. Anyways, baby A is...
  4. J

    Just experienced my first twin fall

    H fell off the couch while I was attending a crying P. H cried for 1 minute then we finished dinner. The boys are sound asleep now. I did the google search and he's not symptomatic of anything. It still scared the hell out of me. What can I do aside from never put them on the couch again?
  5. M

    Older twin parents - sleeping?

    Y’all were so helpful with my sleeping dilemma for vacation. I’m in need of some more suggestions for sleep. Long story ahead. I have boy girl twins who are almost 2. We had to split our twins for sleep for several reasons, with great results for all of us. They’ve been separated for over 6...
  6. S

    What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard?

    I saw this question posted somewhere else and I immediately thought of my POMs gang coz we hear some dumb shit regularly I’ll go first - I was out with my babies when a man stopped us and asked me if they were twins, I proudly replied yes they are identical when this man looked me dead in my...
  7. R

    Almost 8 weeks into twins and right now my 5 year old is the most difficult

    Basically what the title says. My almost 8 week old twins have been complete angels. I was so worried after reading some of the posts on here that my life would be so hectic during this time. The twins are on a synced up schedule, they are so content and I am even getting almost 6 hours of sleep...
  8. A

    I’m 8 weeks pregnant with twins and have a 10 week old baby

    Hi guys! Went for a scan and I’m measuring 7w 5d with di/di twins. My daughter was born Jan 3rd. 38w with the twins puts the rough due date at Oct 11th. Prior to my daughter I was pregnant with di/di twins and lost them around 10w 5d. Hoping all goes well with this pregnancy but does anyone...
  9. L

    18 m/o B/G Twins - Boy keeps thwacking his sister

    They are 18 months old - old enough to understand what we say, but not old enough to control their impulses. Our son keeps thwacking his sister randomly throughout the day. If he has a toy or something in his hands, she gets hit with that. If not, it's with his hands. He just feels compelled...
  10. C

    IVF Twins: 2 girls, or 1 boy + 1 girl, what would you pick?

    EDIT: Not sure why folks are choosing to downvote, but please read the post + comments before you do so. Actively looking for advice from this sub on whether or not to transfer 2 embryos after loss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hey everyone, I'm new...
  11. D

    Breastfeeding/bottle feeding twins?

    I'm due in August with my mo/di boys, and I have a few concerns. I have had two singletons previously (now 6y/o & 9y/o) that I exclusively breastfed; it was the easiest for me, and they never took to any bottles or pacifiers I gave them anyway. Now with the twins I would love to do the same, I'm...
  12. M

    Polling all twin/multiples parents - did you sleep train? Method? How long did it take?

    My Q’s for you: 1. Did you sleep train? 2. What age did you sleep train at? 3. What method did you use? (Extinction, Ferber, etc) 4. How long did it take to sleep train? 5. Did you hire a sleep consultant? (..with the caveat that I know all babies are different. Our 1st didn’t need to be ST...
  13. M

    Struggling with 2 1/2yr olds needing one on one attention

    I have a 3 year old boy, and two 19 month girls. I work part time from home (mornings) and care for the kids after their nap. My wife cares for them in the morning and works when they go down for nap. Our family recently came down with COVID (my wife and I are negative and the kids will be...
  14. Q

    Birth at 38 weeks?

    Hi, I’m currently 35+5 and really hoping to make it to 38+. Just wanted to hear how many of you guys have gone to 38+0 or more? And did you have a pretty smooth pregnancy? Obviously this question is probably only for di/di twins since I think the other types aren’t allowed to go that far.
  15. I

    Tell me I’m not “giving up” or a failure. Feeding 4 day old twins

    My twin boys were born early Saturday morning after a few panned induction at 38wks. The birth was accidentally unmedicated due to a failed epidural and slightly traumatic. Baby A had a low birthweight (5lbs7oz) and B was within “normal” range(6lbs2oz). A’s mouth is so small that he has a really...
  16. J

    AITA for not wanting to go to restaurants with our 13 m.o. twins?

    First off, yes, the search function is great, and there are several great threads. I'm making this one because I'm at the point where I'm about to try and tell my wife that we just absolutely cannot do it, and I feel terrible. It's the usual story, I suppose: she's a very social person and...
  17. T

    SUV for tall husband with second row a/c and good gas mileage

    Morning all! Another car recommendation question! Currently I drive a Mazda CX-5 and we have Nuna rava car seats for our twins. Unfortunately there is not enough space for my 6’4” husband. We’ve been trying to make it work, but he ends up in pain from his knees being pressed into the dash and...
  18. P

    Advice for 3 under 2

    X posted from r/2under2. They recommended I might get more advice here. My son is currently 10 months, will be 18 months by the time I deliver. Just found out today I'm expecting twins. Any advice on how to survive? I currently WFH and SAHP my son and it works fine. We can't afford daycare so I...
  19. F

    We did it! Meet our daughters, Ada and Wren!

    Previous post here: Only one week left! Meet our daughters, Wren Ann and Ada Marie - born Friday, June 27th at 12:47pm and 12:48pm respectively. Wren weighed 5 pounds, 10 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. Her sister, Ada, weighed 5 pounds, 4.3 ounces and was 19 inches long. Both babies were...
  20. T

    Feelings you’d have twins..?

    Has this ever happened to you that you’ve always had this feeling/intuition/vibe/wish/always knew/manifested since like forever, that you’d have twins in future…? like whenever you heard of twins you’d be attracted to word twins…and then you actually had one set…? Tell me the crazy stories if...