
  1. D

    Older sibling sleep issues with new twins

    We’re due in 2 weeks with twins and my 3 yo son is just not sleeping well. He has his own room, a toddler bed, we have done the same routine with age appropriate adjustments since a baby. We start at 7:30, do PJs, brush his teeth, and he reads 2 books and sings some songs and lays down, lights...
  2. R

    The ever-present vehicle question; what to buy?

    Current situation: a 2 y.o. toddler with twins on the way. '02 Chevy Tahoe in good condition but nearly 200k miles, '15 VW Passat that we're going to sell back to VW. We originally were planning on replacing the Tahoe when we thought that we are going to add just one to the family but now the...
  3. W

    4-6 month daily routine w twins

    Thinking ahead, what's a normal daily routine for those staying home with 4-6 month old twins? Mine are 1 month and I want to know what to expect in the coming months as they become more alert and active. For those breastfeeding/pumping, what does that schedule look like?
  4. B

    Help me set expectations: How much of a relief, physically, is having the twins out?

    36 Weeks today. We have our section scheduled for 37 weeks (carefully measured decision to go for a C that has to do with my health issues). I'm so, so uncomfortable right now. The twins were both over 7 pounds on Monday, one nearly 8, so it's looking very likely that we'll have a 7.5 pounder...
  5. M

    Even More Unsolicited Perspective - There is Hope!

    These couple of days I've posted on a few different topics that have garnered lots of interest, so I wanted to keep the streak alive! My goal has been to share advice/perspective that I wish I would have been exposed to earlier in my parenting journey. Today, I wanted to provide my raw and...
  6. F

    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    A part time work opportunity came up so I started to look into daycare. I’m not opposed to home day cares or hiring a nanny BUT from what I’ve been told (and please feel free to offer insight) daycare is a better option both for social interaction as well as upkeep of the facility and it’s...
  7. A

    Q: What exactly is "putting them to bed"?

    Hello fellow parents of multiples. Seems like a dumb question but I can’t seem to figure it out. My mo/di girls are 8 weeks old and we’ve lately been struggling to find a schedule that gives anybody (specially mom) more than 4 hours of sleep. I’ve scoured through this subreddit and something...
  8. P

    Separate rooms for b/g infants?

    Ok so I edited this post bc I was getting comments asking why I mentioned my twins gender. I posted it after a very rough night of not a lot of sleep. We hit the 8 month sleep regression and my husband is pushing to separate them in different rooms— he thinks they will wake each other up way...
  9. J

    Is my son’s pre-k teacher unable to handle him? Or is there something wrong with him??

    This is kind of a rant… it’s just been consuming my thoughts. I have twin boys who are 5, in pre-K and are very typical energetic boys who are best friends. They are EXTREMELY sweet and fun and athletic, smart, social and charming kids. However, this is their first year in a school setting and...