
  1. R

    I’m about two weeks out from having a C-section to have my twins, and I think I’m a little too delusional

    I need some nitty gritty of what it’s actually like to bring home babies after a C-section. I have this idea that things won’t be all that hard and we’ll be able to figure it out without a problem. I almost feel like I’m setting myself up for failure because I’m not preparing myself for how hard...
  2. J

    How to wean off night feedings (with preemies)

    Hi! Our girls are now 4 months actual, 9 weeks adjusted, and I’m starting to think about the process of getting longer stretches of sleep. We feed them on a 3 hour schedule. After 80 days in the NICU, one of the biggest areas of confusion as parents is feeding. Always worried if we are feeding...
  3. L

    4 kids (6, 4, 22m, 22m) with d+v

  4. C

    How do I set my wife up in a realistic way for our twins arrival in Jan…

    This may be a strange one… We are having twins in Jan, c section booked. Our singletons were 10 lbs at 40+1 and 8 lbs 7 oz planned c section at 38+2. Her body didn’t start labor at all with our first, they tried to induce her for 4 days due to our kids size but no luck and offered her a c...
  5. J

    8 weeks twins measuring behind

    I am pregnant with twins and 8 week scan showed one twin measuring 1.15cm 7 weeks 3 days and other is 0.97cm 7 weeks. My clinic said they would be concerned if more than 5 days behind so being referred to a consultant and follow up scan. Any advice much appreciated. I’m also really struggling...
  6. D

    My husband and I just got a call after my 14 m.o. daughters’ first week at a new daycare…

    …and they want to raise the price of daycare from $325 per girl per week to $480. Almost $1000 a week! Has this ever happened to you? What would you do in this situation? Are these prices reasonable? The daycare workers insist that the girls are a delight, but I can’t help but feel that my...
  7. L

    Toddler sleep accommodations at Grandma’s

    We’re outgrowing our pack n plays. (16 months, swiftly approaching 30 lbs.) What’s next?… It’s too late to buy proper cribs. But they don’t know how to sleep in floor beds; they’d go wild. I am thinking maybe we invest in twin beds with guard rails from Amazon that go the whole way...
  8. E

    Expecting 3, what’s 2 more?!

    I am currently pregnant with triplets, due in May but I’m expecting them in March-ish (that would be 30 weeks which is my goal). I also have 3 other kids (3, 20m, 20m). For some unexpected reasons my cousins children (11,M and 6,F) need a place to stay for an indefinite period of time. And...
  9. T

    Nanit or Owlet?

    Our twins have arrived at 33+3, one day ahead of when their big brother arrived. We used the Nanit baby monitor for our singleton. We were thinking we would buy a second Nanit and use those for the twins. We are in the U.K. and the advice here is to co-bed twins so that is what we intend to do...
  10. T

    Make time for a relaxing bath..

    If you can, take turns in looking after the kids and just pour a hot bath whilst you can. Put on some chilled music... Have a nice glass of something you enjoy, can be non alcoholic doesn't have to be a glass of wine. Light a candle! Lay back, close your eyes and just relax. We all...
  11. R

    4 year twin boys....

    . Our boys just turned 4 and yeah..... now they insist on.... if it was yes before now it's... we used to be able to....... they push all of our.... i cant even explain.... things that were easy are now.....if its dangerous they are attracted to..... feeding is.....yeah. Fuck.
  12. L

    Double stroller for small trunk

    I currently have a Buick encore and I use the baby trend snap and go stroller. Even with that stroller, I have to shove it on top of the seats to fit which then limits the rest of my trunk space. I was looking at the baby trend sit n stand double stroller but wasn’t sure. My twins are currently...
  13. H

    So...An Update on Our Twins

    First of all, you all have been so great. I don't know what we would have done if we didn't discover this avenue for many helpful people with so many great stories, tips and tricks. So thank you again... W and P (di/di boy girl) were born on 10/2/19 at 34+4 via emergency C...
  14. P

    A car for a giant family of giants

    We're expecting twins. We already have a 6 year old and a 2 year old. But our current car is a hyundai i20. We were planing on going bigger anyway but now we need to fit e.v.e.r.y.b.o.d.y. in the car. We're all gigantic. I'm 6 feet (180cm) tall, my husband is bigger and broader than me, our 6...
  15. G

    I’m 4.5 months in and it’s still hard.

    It’s still hard. All of it. Feeding them. Getting them to sleep. I feel like I’m still barely functioning. I’m not giving enough attention to them or absolutely anyone else. Ready for this to get easier. So far, twins pretty much sucks. But then I feel so guilty for feeling like that. And they...
  16. C

    Pregnant with twins and devastated

    I thought I was having a very much wanted second baby after a miscarriage last year. I have a 2.5 year old who is my world. We went for a reassurance scan at 7+4 which showed two fetal poles with heartbeats measuring 9.2mm and 9.8mm and 7+0 days. Two separate sacs and yolk sacs. I’m completely...
  17. M

    5 months pregnant, just found out 3 car seats will not fit in my CUV. Can’t afford a bigger car. Freaking out

    Ugh. I have a forward facing toddler and I just realized that my small suv doesn’t fit 3 car seats. We have convertible seats but I don’t even think the infant seats will fit. What are you all doing!? People that have twins and triplets?
  18. Z

    IUI Gonal-F Letrozole 4 mature follicles

    I had 5 follicles 2 days before my IUI appt 18.8, 18.5, 18.8, 16.7, 14.1 with taking fertility medication and a trigger shot 36 hours before today. Just wanted advice if anybody else went through the same process and if so what was there follicle count? What are your thoughts? Update: 7w appt...
  19. A

    S.I.T.B.A.C.K. with twins

    Have any twin parents had success with Taking Cara Babies' SITBACK sleep training method? Our boys are getting closer to ready for sleep training. One already puts himself to sleep well after a calming routine, but the other gets anxious any time he's put down not fully asleep. When he cries...
  20. M

    Di/Di Identical twins born with TTTS

    Hello, just wanted to share this for other parents who are/will be in the same situation. Just to be clear, although it is very rare (0.05% chance), it is possible for Di/Di twins to get TTTS, as the placentas that are in close proximity may fuse together, leading to TTTS in some cases. You...