cloth diapers

  1. K

    My Cloth Journey After 6 Months

    I want to make notes for myself about what I've discovered along the way. I did hours of research beforehand and despite that have still been surprised by how my opinions have differed from others. Favorites GMD birdseye unbleached cotton wipes GMD cotton muslin (dry baby's butt after...
  2. E

    New to cloth diapers

    Hello all! I'm a ftm due in a month or less and I recently got tubs full of secondhand cloth diapers and I had a couple of questions. What's the best way to wash/store all of them? I have a bunch of kissaluv size 0 and was wondering what's a good outer for them? What's the best detergent...
  3. Z

    Surveypalooza results

    Hey Clothdiaps! Forever ago we had an our annual Surveypalooza. Regrettably, my life got crazy between the pandemic, a second kid, and then going back to work. I finally took the time to organize the results . It's not the beautiful Google site I've created in years past, but you can view the...
  4. J


    me again. i’m curious about the green mountain clotheez workhorses - i know people have commented on my posts before and ive seen them mentioned around the sub - and im possibly looking into getting some to try and see if ill like them more than my pockets and AIOs. couple q’s: how many of each...
  5. C

    Diaper rash is inevitable

    Pediatrician says that diaper rash is unavoidable with cloth as moisture is held to the skin. Please help me get some perspective. Is there not bound to be some light redness with either cloth or disposable? How much redness is acceptable? Six months. GroVia hybrids user. ETA Thank you all...
  6. K

    My new washing machine just got delivered!! 😍

    I'm currently 36 weeks pregnant and planning on cloth diapering. Our washing machine was 18 years old and died in grace. She was washing fine up until the end and had to be repaired only once. But ultimately the on-switch completely broke off. I called the repair company and they said this part...
  7. R

    Clotheez workhorse inserts w snaps, any luck finding used ones?

    Ive been on the hunt for used ones mainly through marketplace but man the selection is slim. Are they scooped up fast or just not as popular? Have yall had better luck looking anywhere outside of marketplace?
  8. M

    Kawaii Diapers are currently on sale on for Canada 150

    Just thought I would share for the Canada moms. According to my wishlist: This set is about 10% off And this newborn set is about 14% off I don't know how long they will be this price, but hopefully it lasts a bit.
  9. J

    Non-plastic cloth diaper brands?

    I am a first time Mom looking to cloth diaper my baby. It is important to me to minimize plastic in our babies life, especially plastic touching the skin. I am hoping to use pocket cloth diapers. I got a huge lot of free cloth diapers (about 75 diapers), and I am super bummed to see the Bum...
  10. A

    Help pls

    I’m losing my mind over these diapers. I didn’t have an issue for months, then we moved. We have SOFT water here. At 25ppm. I did not know considering we have a well but no softener so I assumed it would be harder. This led to build up. I stripped once. Reevaluated my wash routine for the soft...
  11. B

    All Things Rashy

    I’m a resident physician in primary care, and I have a great relationship with our pediatrician so not looking for medical rashy advice, more just experienced Mommy input and CD advice - I’m a newbie to CD. :) My LO is 5wks and we are dealing with a really stubborn diaper rash. It’s been as bad...
  12. B

    Check my first purchase please

    Ok, I need help CD. I am placing an order for Alva diapers through a co-op and to save on shipping etc, I want to be sure I get everything right. Please let me know if I am purchasing the right amount. Also I am expecting an over average size baby, my last two were 10 lbs 3 oz and 8 lbs 11 oz...
  13. S

    Clothdiapers for sale - GroVia and prefolds

    I have some diapers for sale! Most of them were purchased 3 years ago, and this is all I used (plus some flats) to cloth diaper our daughter from birth to 2 years. GroVia was by far my favorite system! It actually hurts to sell them, but I need some cash :) Airplane cover here - this one was...
  14. D

    I’m torn abt whether or not to cloth full time

    Kind of a rant, kind of a “what would you do?” I did cloth with my older child from 7 months old when I discovered it until almost 3 when she grew out of them. She’s autistic and has been in pull ups since, turning 6 in a couple weeks. I’ve been back and forth on that one bc buying big...
  15. M

    Cloth diapering newborn

    Hello cloth diaper fam! I have a few questions on the logistics of cloth diapering a newborn. I am still pregnant and have lots of time to figure out and learn more but I am very excited to begin. I am open to advice please!! I am hoping to cloth diapering from birth. I was thinking of getting...
  16. S

    Change frequency

    I’ve got a 6 week 5.4 kg boy whom I’m assuming is a heavy wetter. I’ve got a bunch of used pocket diapers that leak sometimes but my question is about changing frequency. With the newborn schedule of 30mins-1.5 hours of awake time between naps (some can be 2.5 hours), what are people doing for...
  17. H

    6 week old HEAVY wetter

    My 6 week old boy is a super heavy wetter. He can and will piss through anything you throw at him. Unsure if he's flooding or just has the bladder of a full grown man but he wets through literally everything we put on him. The entire nappy and insert(s) are always absolutely soaked through when...
  18. K

    Where to start???

    Hi! Third time mom here, but hopeful first time cloth diaper user. My LO is 7 weeks old but a chunker, 14lbs already wearing 3-6 month clothes. Where do I start? Adjustable cloth diapers? Inserts? Brands? How many? Wet bags? Tips? HELP!! I’m so intimidated but I feel like cloth diapering will...
  19. W

    Advice to newbie on water temperature

    Hi, hope this Q is OK. Our top loader washing machine hot cycle will fill at whatever our whole house hot water system is set to. Waiting for baby #1 to arrive sometime in next 10 days. We measured the temp today and it's coming out of the tap at 47 degrees C. I've heard you need to run hot wash...
  20. A

    Best place to resell?

    I just started using my stash on my now 3 month old and I’ve figured out what works and doesn’t work for us. I have it listed on FB market place but not much luck so far. Has anyone had luck selling in other groups? What I want to sell is literally brand new. I prefer the snap diapers so most...