cloth diapers

  1. B

    Diaper cream WELEDA

    Hello there - sorry to bother with so many questions … I finally found the wiki page (I think) and went to the diaper cream section. Now I understand that some aren’t okay to use. But WELEDA should be one which should be okay - unless I am not seeing all ingredients. Maybe someone else can have...
  2. D

    Alva baby diapers question.

    I’m new to cloth diapers so I don’t know all the lingo. I’m using Alva baby diapers they are the kind that you insert a pad into a pocket so they pee on the cover and it has to be washed every diaper change. Each diaper came with two inserts each. My babies (twins) are 7 weeks old am I supposed...
  3. K

    Destash Q?

    Hi all, I have a LOT of diapers that I have been gifted. I like some, but some of them I would like to sell for other people to enjoy. I have posted on FB cloth pages and I never get any bites. I feel like most of those buyers want specific prints/brands, whereas mine are more solid colors and...
  4. A

    Poo smell? Grovia O.N.E

    Hello! I recently purchased 2 Grovia O.N.E’s for nighttime use. They are working well so far, but after just one poo I can’t seem to get the smell out from the large soaker that you attach with a snap. It does say it has Polyester Microfiber. I’m pretty sure my wash routine works well because I...
  5. L

    Switching to fitteds (Esembly) at 8 months old?

    Baby is 8 months old/18 lbs, and we are just now getting back into cloth diapers after a short break due to our childcare situation. We started out using Thirsties Duowrap covers with a mix of prefolds, a few flats, and preflats, and that worked great for the early days. We also have some...
  6. F


    My daughter is currently 7.5 months old and has been in Kangacare Rumparooz since she was 2 weeks old with absolutely no issues. In the last month she's been getting deep red indents and now a rash. I feel like my fit is good and in her thigh creases. I have stripped and sanitized all of my...
  7. E

    When to throw away prefolds

    I bought some second hand stuff last week. Im still new at this and did exactly know what to look for. She didn’t mention they went through 2 kids, and were about 4 years old. It was late and dark, so I briefly looked in the bag, paid the lady and left. The point of this purchase was to get...
  8. W

    Am I supposed to run 3 whole washer cycles every 1-2 days for 3-8 tiny rectangles?

    Sorry for all the questions, trying to and slowly figuring this out. I have prefolds and flats on their way over in the mail, along with wipes. We might also add “paper towel” or “bidet” wipes in ourselves. However, this still leaves only 1-3 soiled diapers a day. I don’t want to let things sit...
  9. D

    “No DoNt Do ThAt YoU’LL HaVe To cLeAn ThE DiApErS!!!!!!!” - half our family/friends reactions when I said we’re doing cloth

    Like shoot, I never thought of that?!?!?!?! Thank you for enlightening me Susan my goodness what would I do without you 😵‍💫
  10. D

    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    I tested our filtered drinking water today and it was 350+ ppm. I’ll be testing our washing water tomorrow but for this convo let’s just say our water is hard as rocks. I’m beginning the cloth diaper journey with our 6 month old boy, and I am realizing that I am probably not using a strong...
  11. K

    Leaks just starting, 7.5 months, advice?

    Hey all! Been CD since about 3 months— we use AIOs, mostly LPOs and grovia. With grovia, we get the occasional leak and use boosters, with LPO, we’ve never gotten leaks— until now! The past couple days, we’ve gotten a couple really big leaks, often down the inside or outside of the leg. Are...
  12. E

    Where to begin?

    21 weeks pregnant, FTM 37 y.o. already mostly living a low-waste/low-plastic lifestyle and intending to cloth diaper. I've been following the sub for a while now but really haven't absorbed (ha) too much as there's so much terminology and so many brands I'm unfamiliar with. I have a trial pack...
  13. A

    Please help with my wash routine! I feel like I've tried everything and am feeling frustrated

    I've been having consistent issues with barnyard smell for over a year. I've done a lot of troubleshooting via fluff love university and FLU groups on facebook, but nothing has worked. A few months ago, I submitted a post here about the issue and got a lot of suggestions, but unfortunately, the...
  14. J

    Experience with Thank U Mom brand?

    FTM shopping for used cloth. I came across an ad for 18 newborn AIOs that are Thank U Mom brand for $60. Seems like a good deal to me. What do you think? Anyone know of this brand who can offer guidance? Thanks in advance!!
  15. M

    Preflat Material

    Hey, y’all! I recently started trying out preflats after being too apprehensive to try them and found out I actually dig them quite a bit! They’re so soft and trim. I was wondering, are they easy to make? Can I make them with a regular sewing machine or do I need a special machine? Where can...
  16. S

    Favorite flat folds for a 15lb 4.5 month old?

    I’ve been doing mini kite but it’s getting a bit too small and kite seems a bit too big. I’ve also done origami but the extra jelly rolling and folding of the long sides annoy me. Bonus imaginary karma if you can link a video. Thanks!!
  17. K

    My Cloth Journey After 6 Months

    I want to make notes for myself about what I've discovered along the way. I did hours of research beforehand and despite that have still been surprised by how my opinions have differed from others. Favorites GMD birdseye unbleached cotton wipes GMD cotton muslin (dry baby's butt after...
  18. E

    New to cloth diapers

    Hello all! I'm a ftm due in a month or less and I recently got tubs full of secondhand cloth diapers and I had a couple of questions. What's the best way to wash/store all of them? I have a bunch of kissaluv size 0 and was wondering what's a good outer for them? What's the best detergent...
  19. Z

    Surveypalooza results

    Hey Clothdiaps! Forever ago we had an our annual Surveypalooza. Regrettably, my life got crazy between the pandemic, a second kid, and then going back to work. I finally took the time to organize the results . It's not the beautiful Google site I've created in years past, but you can view the...
  20. J


    me again. i’m curious about the green mountain clotheez workhorses - i know people have commented on my posts before and ive seen them mentioned around the sub - and im possibly looking into getting some to try and see if ill like them more than my pockets and AIOs. couple q’s: how many of each...