cloth diapers

  1. Z

    Help me identify this used stash

    here’s the stash! Reposted as I posted late at night a few days ago and got no traction. Trying again! Warning - long post asking for a lot of help! I bought a pretty large stash of mostly prefolds and some random inserts for $40… couldn’t pass up the deal! This isn’t even what the original...
  2. T

    Nesting hard. House gutted. Now for nappies!

    Completely new to cloth diapering, though as soon as I knew it was a thing I was in. Not very common here in Ireland, no one I know does it (although my own mum did try back when I was a babe), so no luck with getting a second hand stash, so I had to go all new, plus it cost a bit extra with all...
  3. V

    Is this a good deal?

    Hi everyone, I’d love some advice. FTM expecting in January and trying to pick up a variety of used cloth diapers to try so I can figure out what brands/fit work for us. I’m considering a used cloth diaper lot that contains the following for $50 CDN. Is this a good deal or should I pass? 16...
  4. R

    Don’t know what I’m doing

    I just started using our cloth diapers on my five week old. I’m using the pocket diapers with the absorber pad thing they came with (microfiber? I think?) sorry, I don’t know all of the abbreviations that everyone uses on this page! She wakes up completely soaked. Like through the diaper...
  5. B

    Diaper cream WELEDA

    Hello there - sorry to bother with so many questions … I finally found the wiki page (I think) and went to the diaper cream section. Now I understand that some aren’t okay to use. But WELEDA should be one which should be okay - unless I am not seeing all ingredients. Maybe someone else can have...
  6. D

    Alva baby diapers question.

    I’m new to cloth diapers so I don’t know all the lingo. I’m using Alva baby diapers they are the kind that you insert a pad into a pocket so they pee on the cover and it has to be washed every diaper change. Each diaper came with two inserts each. My babies (twins) are 7 weeks old am I supposed...
  7. K

    Destash Q?

    Hi all, I have a LOT of diapers that I have been gifted. I like some, but some of them I would like to sell for other people to enjoy. I have posted on FB cloth pages and I never get any bites. I feel like most of those buyers want specific prints/brands, whereas mine are more solid colors and...
  8. A

    Poo smell? Grovia O.N.E

    Hello! I recently purchased 2 Grovia O.N.E’s for nighttime use. They are working well so far, but after just one poo I can’t seem to get the smell out from the large soaker that you attach with a snap. It does say it has Polyester Microfiber. I’m pretty sure my wash routine works well because I...
  9. L

    Switching to fitteds (Esembly) at 8 months old?

    Baby is 8 months old/18 lbs, and we are just now getting back into cloth diapers after a short break due to our childcare situation. We started out using Thirsties Duowrap covers with a mix of prefolds, a few flats, and preflats, and that worked great for the early days. We also have some...
  10. F


    My daughter is currently 7.5 months old and has been in Kangacare Rumparooz since she was 2 weeks old with absolutely no issues. In the last month she's been getting deep red indents and now a rash. I feel like my fit is good and in her thigh creases. I have stripped and sanitized all of my...
  11. E

    When to throw away prefolds

    I bought some second hand stuff last week. Im still new at this and did exactly know what to look for. She didn’t mention they went through 2 kids, and were about 4 years old. It was late and dark, so I briefly looked in the bag, paid the lady and left. The point of this purchase was to get...
  12. W

    Am I supposed to run 3 whole washer cycles every 1-2 days for 3-8 tiny rectangles?

    Sorry for all the questions, trying to and slowly figuring this out. I have prefolds and flats on their way over in the mail, along with wipes. We might also add “paper towel” or “bidet” wipes in ourselves. However, this still leaves only 1-3 soiled diapers a day. I don’t want to let things sit...
  13. D

    “No DoNt Do ThAt YoU’LL HaVe To cLeAn ThE DiApErS!!!!!!!” - half our family/friends reactions when I said we’re doing cloth

    Like shoot, I never thought of that?!?!?!?! Thank you for enlightening me Susan my goodness what would I do without you 😵‍💫
  14. D

    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    I tested our filtered drinking water today and it was 350+ ppm. I’ll be testing our washing water tomorrow but for this convo let’s just say our water is hard as rocks. I’m beginning the cloth diaper journey with our 6 month old boy, and I am realizing that I am probably not using a strong...
  15. K

    Leaks just starting, 7.5 months, advice?

    Hey all! Been CD since about 3 months— we use AIOs, mostly LPOs and grovia. With grovia, we get the occasional leak and use boosters, with LPO, we’ve never gotten leaks— until now! The past couple days, we’ve gotten a couple really big leaks, often down the inside or outside of the leg. Are...
  16. E

    Where to begin?

    21 weeks pregnant, FTM 37 y.o. already mostly living a low-waste/low-plastic lifestyle and intending to cloth diaper. I've been following the sub for a while now but really haven't absorbed (ha) too much as there's so much terminology and so many brands I'm unfamiliar with. I have a trial pack...
  17. A

    Please help with my wash routine! I feel like I've tried everything and am feeling frustrated

    I've been having consistent issues with barnyard smell for over a year. I've done a lot of troubleshooting via fluff love university and FLU groups on facebook, but nothing has worked. A few months ago, I submitted a post here about the issue and got a lot of suggestions, but unfortunately, the...
  18. J

    Experience with Thank U Mom brand?

    FTM shopping for used cloth. I came across an ad for 18 newborn AIOs that are Thank U Mom brand for $60. Seems like a good deal to me. What do you think? Anyone know of this brand who can offer guidance? Thanks in advance!!
  19. M

    Preflat Material

    Hey, y’all! I recently started trying out preflats after being too apprehensive to try them and found out I actually dig them quite a bit! They’re so soft and trim. I was wondering, are they easy to make? Can I make them with a regular sewing machine or do I need a special machine? Where can...
  20. S

    Favorite flat folds for a 15lb 4.5 month old?

    I’ve been doing mini kite but it’s getting a bit too small and kite seems a bit too big. I’ve also done origami but the extra jelly rolling and folding of the long sides annoy me. Bonus imaginary karma if you can link a video. Thanks!!