cloth diapers

  1. H

    Mama Koala 2.0 vs Texas Tushies AIO

    I have MK 1.0 and they’re good. I want to switch to AWJ with my 3rd baby. I just want to know if anyone has used either or with their babies and how well it worked. Thank you in advance!
  2. E

    Nora’s Nursery PUL going after 1.5 years - probably my fault but I’m SO frustrated! How long should a PUL cover last?

    My son’s diaper leaked from the middle of the butt at nap time today, and I tested a few other diapers and discovered that a bunch have PUL deterioration at the legs and the butt. Frustrated AF - I just checked and realized my hot wash is WAY too hot for PUL. I’m sure I did this to myself and...
  3. S

    Prefolds for newborns

    Hi! What brand of newborn prefolds do you recommend to go under a newborn cover? I bought some used (unsure of brand) and they don’t fit our baby. They are 10.5 x 9 prepped and the 9 is way too small to fit around her waist. The small sizes I got are way too big and long. She is 3 weeks and...
  4. R

    OMG P-O-O-P!

    I am switching my 7 month old daughter from breastmilk to formula and solids and (as the title says) OMG poop! I used to just throw the bm poop in the washer and it magically disappeared. So far no problems getting diaps clean, but i am not satisfied with my current method (spatula the mess...
  5. Y

    Still mourning Tide free & gentle powder

    I haven’t seen a post on this for awhile so I thought I’d ask. Now that’s it’s been a couple months since the powder was discontinued what have people been using with success? I’ve been using Tide liquid sensitive and free and it was doing ok until my washer started smelling today. I’d really...
  6. M

    Running a clean washer cycle with just bleach and my washer is full of suds 😅 am I using too much detergent?

    I just posted my wash routine in another post earlier but I’ll post it here again. My wash routine is as follows: Wash 1: “whitest whites” mode, warm, heavy soil, normal spin, tide F&G powder line 1 Wash 2: “heavy duty” mode, hot, heavy soil, high spin, tide F&G powder line 3 My water...
  7. D

    What's your wash routine? Also, anyone use Arm and Hammer Free and Clear Detergent or Shout spot spray with pocket diapers or inserts?

    In case it matters, I just bought [these LBB pocket diapers](LBB Baby Reusable Cloth Diapers with adjustable snapps fit Girls/Boys,6pcs Pack£¬White Chrysanthemum They came with these [Alva Baby bamboo inserts](Alva Baby...
  8. J


    These are amazing. I ordered three and am so impressed. Just had to share with a community that understands. I told my husband and he didn’t get it 😆
  9. D

    Lanolizing wool

    I just got a set of wool covers for my baby and am excited to try them out! I lanolized using modified lanolin (I think this process removes smells and changes the color- not sure if it makes a difference when lanolizing). The covers have dried out and they feel, well, lanolin-y. It feels...
  10. M

    Leaks started suddenly with Esembly?

    Hello all. I am a FTM to 4 month old (3 months adjusted) identical twin girls. We have been using esembly exclusively since they got home from the NICU 3 months ago and we have absolutely loved them. However, suddenly about a week ago, our slightly bigger baby “P” started springing a leak...
  11. M

    U.K. translations

    So I’ve been on this sub a while and I enjoy it. But sometimes people will say stuff I feel like there speaking another language. Not sure if it’s my lack of cloth nappy knowledge or the majority of this sun being from the US so they have completely different products. Some of the things I’m...
  12. Z

    Help me identify this used stash

    here’s the stash! Reposted as I posted late at night a few days ago and got no traction. Trying again! Warning - long post asking for a lot of help! I bought a pretty large stash of mostly prefolds and some random inserts for $40… couldn’t pass up the deal! This isn’t even what the original...
  13. T

    Nesting hard. House gutted. Now for nappies!

    Completely new to cloth diapering, though as soon as I knew it was a thing I was in. Not very common here in Ireland, no one I know does it (although my own mum did try back when I was a babe), so no luck with getting a second hand stash, so I had to go all new, plus it cost a bit extra with all...
  14. V

    Is this a good deal?

    Hi everyone, I’d love some advice. FTM expecting in January and trying to pick up a variety of used cloth diapers to try so I can figure out what brands/fit work for us. I’m considering a used cloth diaper lot that contains the following for $50 CDN. Is this a good deal or should I pass? 16...
  15. R

    Don’t know what I’m doing

    I just started using our cloth diapers on my five week old. I’m using the pocket diapers with the absorber pad thing they came with (microfiber? I think?) sorry, I don’t know all of the abbreviations that everyone uses on this page! She wakes up completely soaked. Like through the diaper...
  16. B

    Diaper cream WELEDA

    Hello there - sorry to bother with so many questions … I finally found the wiki page (I think) and went to the diaper cream section. Now I understand that some aren’t okay to use. But WELEDA should be one which should be okay - unless I am not seeing all ingredients. Maybe someone else can have...
  17. D

    Alva baby diapers question.

    I’m new to cloth diapers so I don’t know all the lingo. I’m using Alva baby diapers they are the kind that you insert a pad into a pocket so they pee on the cover and it has to be washed every diaper change. Each diaper came with two inserts each. My babies (twins) are 7 weeks old am I supposed...
  18. K

    Destash Q?

    Hi all, I have a LOT of diapers that I have been gifted. I like some, but some of them I would like to sell for other people to enjoy. I have posted on FB cloth pages and I never get any bites. I feel like most of those buyers want specific prints/brands, whereas mine are more solid colors and...
  19. A

    Poo smell? Grovia O.N.E

    Hello! I recently purchased 2 Grovia O.N.E’s for nighttime use. They are working well so far, but after just one poo I can’t seem to get the smell out from the large soaker that you attach with a snap. It does say it has Polyester Microfiber. I’m pretty sure my wash routine works well because I...
  20. L

    Switching to fitteds (Esembly) at 8 months old?

    Baby is 8 months old/18 lbs, and we are just now getting back into cloth diapers after a short break due to our childcare situation. We started out using Thirsties Duowrap covers with a mix of prefolds, a few flats, and preflats, and that worked great for the early days. We also have some...