
  1. P

    Gush of blood at 7 weeks 3 days

    I just had an incredible ultrasound yesterday and a great heartbeat. Baby is measuring 4 days ahead. I have been spotting with a tiny bleeding on and off for 2.5 weeks, doctor didn’t find a sch. The last time I had a little bleeding was 2 days after an ultrasound. I just woke up at 3am with...
  2. A

    Ridiculously late intro, but I'm tired of lurking! :)

    Hi everyone, I'm almost 37yo, and almost 31 weeks with di/di b/g twins conceived via IVF #1 (male factor). I have been lurking here for months, because it is such a great community but I was so afraid of losing these little beans. I had major unexplained hemorrhaging weeks 10-20, scary liver...
  3. A

    Any experience with cyclogest?

    My ob/gyn has prescribed me cyclogest and I’m not sure whether to take it as my progesterone levels are actually pretty good (I think!). I am 32 and have a history of infertility and miscarriage, most recently with a ruptured ectopic and subsequent salpingectomy at Christmas 2023. I am in the...
  4. U

    Had my anatomy scan yesterday & *officially* joined a team!

    (Also x-posted to r/BabyBumps & r/Septemberbumpers2017, just FYI) I had my anatomy scan yesterday at 18w2d! Longer story short: the little one cooperated, everything looks good & healthy, and we found out with 100% certainty that we are definitely having a boy! (We were pretty sure we were...
  5. L

    6weeks 0 days

    My wife started spotting last night. Very very light, but bright red/pink. It continued a little into today, to even less extent. We called our clinic and they are moving up our ultra sound from this coming Monday, to tomorrow morning. They said spotting is common but we are freaked out...
  6. S

    Baby J has arrived! Birth Story to Follow

    Well, induction on Monday just went out the window. Baby J (name TBD) arrived at 7:02 pm EST, weighing in at 6 lbs, 14 oz. She is happy and healthy and has a beautiful head of brown hair, just like her big sister. My water broke at 4:45 PM, and I literally just made it to the hospital in time...
  7. S

    High PAPP-A *AND* low beta-hCG

    Hi everyone, I just received my blood test results and I wonder what does such combination of PAPP-A and beta-hCG indicate, I googled a bit but I couldn't find anything but I'm pretty sure it's not typical. beta-hCG 38,3 iu/l, 0.675 MoM PAPP-A 4,71 iu/l, 2.197 MoM Hope anyone has some info...
  8. B

    HCG took 1 week to double between 6w4 and 7w4

    A bit freaked out by today's HCG draw (39DPO / 7w4 and my fifth overall - I've been going weekly since I got my positive pregnancy test since I'm working with an RE.) While the overall number is in range for 7 weeks at 58,364, my doubling time was a full week (172.8 hours). The pregnancy is...
  9. N

    James Anthony - birth story and background

    Ok, so a bit of background for our newer members: I'm 30, mother to a six year old girl, and suffered one early miscarriage before James entered the picture. I really had a huge scare at 8 weeks with loss of symptoms and gushes of red blood. They couldn't find a reason, things went back to...
  10. E

    Final update to: Help understanding low hcg levels

    Hi all, my time here with you has been short, fast, and filled with emotions. Some of you may have read my previous posts, but in short sum: Very faint BFP Thursday 11/12 (estimates 11 dpo) Beta HCG Friday 11/13 came back at 11 Beta HCG Monday 11/16 came back at 24. I was already feeling in my...
  11. P

    4mm NT at 12W. Feel like I can’t breathe

    We received our 12W ultrasound yesterday, to screen for NT. before handing in the bloodwork paperwork I saw the markers- it was 55CTR with 4MM of fluid, we should have been 12W3D but we measured at 12W1D. I saw when googling this puts us in the 99th percentile. I don’t know how long we have to...
  12. X

    Let’s see how long I’m here this time!!

    I POAS last night, even though I was only 9dpo and I generally don’t get positive tests till 11dpo. Lo and behold, there was the faintest shadow of a line! I tested again this morning, and it was much more definite. BUT.... I had a CP last month and three MC before that (my daughter, born in...
  13. M

    Anyone have slow rising HCG and the pregnancy still ended up being viable?

    I’ve had 1 miscarriage at 7 weeks, 1 confirmed chemical at 5 weeks, and 2 suspected chemicals (a couple of days of faint lines with period a day late with large clots) within the past 8 months. I’m currently 11 DPO and have had a very faint positive the past 2 days. It is quite worrying as...
  14. A

    What would you feel about these betas and tests? Early pregnancy

    12DPO 10am: 49 14dpo 8am: 89. 17dpo 5pm: 183 I am 19dpo today I’m so nervous. Not great doubling time between the draws, 55 and 76 hours, I think. Overall from 12 to 17dpo, 72 hours doubling. Pics of tests below. Had menstrual-like cramping on 12DPO. Same day had two tinges of blood...