
  1. S

    TDaP vaccination and troubles

    I honestly don't understand what is so hard about waiting minutes at a health clinic to get a free vaccination in order to protect your future grand baby, great grand baby and niece/nephew from possible diseases. The responses I have gotten so far: "Pretty sure I have mine." - Okay, fine. Can...
  2. D

    Flu or common colds?

    9 weeks 2 days. I feel feverish but my highest temp is 37.3 c or 99 f. I have stuffy nose and dry cough. No body aches just head ache. I am nott also feeling extremely cold. Not taking anything. Just water and fruits. Is this a cold or flu? I’m very scared right now.
  3. U

    Intro - Newly pregnant w/ #1!

    Hi all! I JUST found out I was pregnant (officially, blood test) yesterday, so figured I'd put in my 2 cents! The doc's office didn't let me know how far along I was (or if the blood test even showed that), but based on my LMP/date(s) of BD, I estimate that I'm about 2 weeks along so far (in my...
  4. S

    I feel like such a dolt (5w 5d)

    Got BFP 2 weeks ago, was surprised/confused because I'd just had what thought was AF, and all BFN before that. Went to Dr, who had me poas BFN. Sent me home. Went home confused, poas, BFP, the most obvious one of the lot. Sigh. So I've been sitting here at home getting both BFP, BFN, and...
  5. L

    35 hours hCG doubling time - is it normal?

    This is my first pregnancy and even though I’m reading everything I find on the internet, I still feel confused about beta hCG rising times. There’s so much emphasis put on how it shouldn’t be too slow, but what about too fast? I just got results from my second blood test after 3 days (70,5...
  6. J

    Baby Luke's birth story (x-posted to CBTB2)

    Birth Story tl;dr version: ** Lucas Alexander was born at 7:25 a.m. on March 31st. I caved at 4 cm after 13 hours of back labor and got the epidural. Best decision I ever made, though I really beat myself up about it at the time. Tips are below, **but here's the pictures, because...well, let's...
  7. T

    Endo pregnancy concerns

    I am 28(f) and just found out I’m pregnant today. I had always been told that getting pregnant would be difficult because I was diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis when I was 20. So needless to say I am completely unprepared and shocked. Tomorrow I’ll be 5 weeks (according to my Flo app), I...
  8. L

    My intro post... O_o

    Hi guys! Never thought I would be here that's for sure!! And I have NO idea what to do next as I never thought I'd get here! (In the UK here btw). This was our 12th cycle of trying. Next month we were going to go back to the doctors. But holy shitballs batman... THIS HAPPENED...
  9. L

    [Birth Update] Miles is here!

    Quick update while he is out like a light (over an hour now!) and I am still on my post delivery high. ;) Miles Alexander is here and perfect as of 1:53 MST. 😊 7 lbs even, 21 inches long. No epidural, didn't make a sound till 8 cm, pushed 2 min. They told me not to push, I told them good luck...
  10. L

    Baby V is a healthy... [18+3 Anatomy Scan!]

    Boy! Ladies, I think my gut knew, I really do. I kept trying to prepare myself that it might not be a girl for a reason. Baby is super perfect otherwise, anatomy scan looked 100% - as the MFM doc said "for now we can say things are as good as we are able to tell they are." Dude is very into...
  11. 5

    Babies heart skipping a beat

    Hey y’all I’m 19 weeks today , I had an appointment at obgyn yesterday and babies heartbeat was fine . I also check it af home often and am very good with a Doppler and the sounds to look for . My babies heart is skipping a beat today . I woke up with the tiniest amount of spotting and now this...
  12. H

    I always ovulate late (CD 19-20) but ultrasound said baby is measuring right at 7 w? Shouldn’t it be behind since I ovulated late?

    Had my 7 w 1 day ultrasound, HR of 130 and everything measured right at 7 w 1 day. The nurse practitioner said maybe I did ovulate closer to CD 14. However, I have been using opks for a year and never get a peak until at least CD 18. Not sure what to make of this. Could baby technically be...
  13. S

    TW: D&C

    Would be 5+4 today. Ultrasound done on 5/2 with absolutely nothing to show. Midwife is concerned for ectopic so I am going in for a D&C today where they will scrape whatever tissue is in my uterus and test it to determine if it was preparing for pregnancy, if not it is assumed to be in my tubes...
  14. D

    High hCG at 4 weeks

    My beta came back today at 1,175.4. I am roughly 4 weeks. First day of my last period was 11/26. I had really high levels around 6-7 weeks in my last pregnancy (190,000 range) and I lost that baby and had to have a D&C about 9 months ago. Starting to panic I'm going to find myself in the same...
  15. J

    Wife’s blood test results. Should we expect the worst?

    We had our ultrasound on Friday for our 7w0d embryo. It was a FET. They said the baby measured in around 6w0d so a week behind but we did see a heart beat. They said this could mean it’s just a slow grower and they expect it to be caught up next week or that this is a sign the pregnancy will...
  16. T

    8 Week U/S Question!!

    Hey everyone!! I’m a first time mom and I just had my 8 week scan done! Baby’s heart rate was in the 140’s and strong, yolk sac looks great, and baby is measuring right on time. But, My OB said its head is tucked in and she didn’t say it’s something to worry about right now, she just said...
  17. D

    Hcg levels didn’t double, not even close - measuring 5 weeks at 6 weeks U/S

    I got my hcg tested on 3/20, it was 1,233. I got my hcg tested again on 3/22, it was 1,263. Anyone have any similar stories and had a successful pregnancy? I am preparing for the worst but also read that anything over 1,200 can take up to 96hrs to double. Should I stay positive? I haven’t talked...
  18. L

    MFM Consult, Level 2 Ultrasound, Fibroids Fine, MTHFR is a nonissue?

    Heyya all. Trigger warning for stillbirth, as usual. Well, I am a big ball of emotions. Baby is flailing it's little stubs in there. Heart rate is 180! (Please, please be a girl!) An inch long today. My due date was tweaked a day forward, so I'm 8+4 today, and I'm now due the 24th. My husband...
  19. J

    Has anyone taken two rounds of Misoprostol and it work the second time?

    Update: for anyone who sees this in the future, the second round of miso did not get everything out. So I ended up needing to get a D&C. In hindsight, I wish I would’ve just gotten the D&C done in the first place rather than waiting and hoping the medication worked the second time but don’t...
  20. A

    I can’t stop drinking soda

    I had pretty much eliminated soda from my diet when I got pregnant. I drank mostly sparkling water. Water now sounds disgusting and makes me gag and I crave coke and Dr Pepper every day. I really worry about feeding my baby only junk and sugar but I am having such a hard time getting in any...