
  1. H

    Due Date List & link to birth stories for the months Nov-Jan

    Hey everyone! Just wanted to know if anyone would like to be added to the Due Date List . And if you are on there and want to have your baby's gender updated, let me know as well =) I am going to start removing months as they become out of date, but we would love to see your birth story and...
  2. T

    Miscarriage or not? Advice needed

    Hi y’all. I had an 8 week loss in February (triploidy) and after my beta went to zero my dr cleared me to try again. We got pregnant again before my period even came back. I’ve been getting positive tests for 8 days now, with the strongest yet today, but I have had bleeding, (brown, dark red...
  3. J

    Nervous about this pregnancy :(

    Hi all, I am currently pregnant with my 7th pregnancy. I have had an abortion, 3 losses, and I have two living LO’s (4 and 6) I found out I was pregnant on Feb 27th. I tested early and to my surprise, there was a line! I have taken about 50 tests since then LOL. Due to my history of loss, I am...
  4. G

    help me make it make sense. TW// mention of possible BFP/ D&C

    help me make it make sense. i had a D&C for a MMC on 3/9/24. i tested negative on Easy@Home tests around 3/29-4/01 from my MC. we BDd 3/24& 3/27, 4/2, 4/4, and 4/5. i got 2 positives on FRER, negative on CB early digital and E@H today (4/9). what could be happening..? am i actually...
  5. T

    Agony & Pain of Molar Pregnancies and Missed Pregnancy - What to do???

    I am super nervous. 5 years into marriage, by the Grace of Allah S.W.T, I got a daughter within first 8 months (pre-mature). We took a gap of 2 years and started again...First attempt and I was pregnant within first month but at 6 weeks came to know that its a 'Complete Molar Pregnancy' very...
  6. I

    Experience stopping progesterone suppositories?

    I’m on pregnancy 5, 1 living child. Currently 8w1d. Had brown watery discharge at 6w4d. Saw baby with a HB of 153 at 7w1d. Some background: I had a miscarriage at 9w4d on 12/1. Conceived first cycle after period returned, positive test 1/16 and we had a consult with an RE scheduled to discuss...
  7. C

    Negative Blood Test Positive FRER And Digital

    Has anyone experienced this before or can someone please give any advice? Please read until the end as it’s a long story. Pictures are included. I had multiple positive FRER’s on March 10th and on March 14th I tested again where the line was barley there, but FRER digital read YES ( pictures...
  8. L

    15dpo VFL, could it be viable?

    I typically only test on days 10 and 11 and if those are negative I just wait for AF (2 miscarriages and 1 LC and I always have a positive by 10dpo). Both my 10 and 11dpo were negative but AF was due yesterday so I tested this morning when she didnt arrive. I saw the faintest line on 2 E@H tests...
  9. R

    Your honesty please! FRER progression and stalling tests?

    Hi! I’d love your thoughts on my line progression please. I’ve posted it here and would be super grateful if you could take a look. I’ve noticed my tests look to have somewhat stalled, and on some tests even look a little lighter. Seeing others get their dye stealers around 15/16/17 DPO...
  10. G

    Large yolk sac at 7.4 anyone?

    I’ve been uneventfully spotting for 10 days now; had a sono today and HB and CRL are in range but yolk sac diameter was 5.5 - which is enlarged. Mix of studies say chromosomal defects or impending loss but obviously you never know until and if mc happens. HB is right on track at 148 with 7 weeks...
  11. T

    UPDATE prenatal Down syndrome dx and in utero surgery (x posted)

    Hello all, you might remember my posts from some months ago. The first was that they found some abnormalities on her ultrasound and there was a possibility she wouldn't survive. She was diagnosed with Down syndrome and there was never a chance that we wouldn't keep her and raise her like any...
  12. G

    [X-Post from r/BabyBumps] Advice-How to tell SIL who has been struggling to conceive?

    Hello all, I figured this might be a better place to get some advice. I hope everyone is having a happy Friday, thus far! My husband and I are expecting baby #2 in mid August 2016 (we're only about 4 weeks along). We are going to make a holiday trip the weekend after Christmas to see his...
  13. H

    Due Date List

    Hey everyone! Just wanted to know if anyone would like to be added to the Due Date List . And if you are on there and want to have your baby's gender updated, let me know as well =) I am going to start removing months as they become out of date, but we would love to see your birth story and...
  14. L

    Went for an early scan due to some sharp abdo pain

    Title pretty much explains it all! I spoke to the out of hours GP service who wanted to rule out an ectopic pregnancy as I believed I was only 7+5. I was having quite sharp stabby pain in my lower right abdomen. Went for the scan and they said everything’s looking good! Baby has a heartbeat...
  15. Y

    How important is progesterone?

    Hi Cautious friends, Had some spotting (5w6d) and went in for an ultrasound. Asked the team to test progesterone too because my mom had low progesterone and lost 3 pregnancies. Well, most everything came back pretty ok. HR is low but not badly (101, vs my 6w0d loss at 81), hCG is 22k (10x...
  16. A

    Our simple public announcement. :)

    On Saturday at 15+2, we finally put out a Facebook announcement! I had been stressing for weeks about how to do it, and finally just had to figure out something because people who knew were starting to ask how much longer they had to keep their traps shut. We kept it basic, and actually the...
  17. J

    Terrified about my 13w scan on wed

    I had a MMC seen at the 12 weeks @spiritualtranscendence 2 years back, so I’m panicking. I can’t stop myself from imagining the horror scene when I’m at the ultrasound and I take a look at the screen and know that everything is not good (I had enough fetal ultrasounds in my life to know what’s...
  18. S

    Please help me figure out this NT scan because I OB office can not. :(

    So I originally had the scan scheduled for 11 weeks 2 days ( may be more like 11, 3 for me because baby is a day ahead on the 7 week and the 6 week scans I have had). Well I got a call this morning that I need to reschedule because I have to be between 11-13w6d. I tried explaining I was 11w2d...
  19. M

    Slowing betas... should I be worried?

    Grateful for any opinions on the below betas and doubling times, and whether I need to begin preparing for the worst... I'm 4W6D/20DPO (hCG trigger used so this is pretty certain). We're flying out on vacation tmrw and I won't have access to a lab for additional betas for at least seven days...
  20. V

    2 MC's in one year. On pregnancy 3 of 2023. HCG went from 15 (at 10DPO) to 40 (at 12DPO) does that sound okay?

    Hi all! After two losses this year I'm on my third pregnancy of 2023. I got my first HCG beta draw at 10DPO and it came back at 15. OB said it was "on the low side" and wanted to see the repeat draw (that I did at 12DPO) first before booking a placement scan. Well I got my results back today...